Your Caption Is Kindly Required

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Jul 26, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:
freza wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:I used to work with UK marines - hotty totty.

Sadly the stuff they've seen you really don't want to know. These guys are very tough on the outside, but still they're very human on the inside.

So are the Iraqi occupation fighters. They're human too. They have feelings too. They've seen a lot worse that the UK marines, that's for sure.

I seriously doubt that, as the UK marines would have been deployed to handle situations all over the globe. They don't just work in Iraq you know. Iraqi resistance fighters do not just work, they live in their war torn country. There's a HUGE difference between marines that are deployed for a period of time in another country and/or that "see" human catastrophes around the globe as opposed to people that are LIVING the human crisis. Many Iraqi people have seen their entire families wiped out; can you compare that to what a marine has been through?? Many Iraqis are living in chaos, suffering and fear; many lives have been completely shattered. There is no comparison between what they LIVE and see every day and what the invading and occupying forces go through. I wouldn't even dare to compare them, that's just taking things too far. Of course everyone is human underneath. As I-No-Jack says you're a bit too easy to wind up. I-Know-Crap is a troll, do you let trolls get to you? So why would you think that a troll would get to me?

Oi INJ, Shouldn't that be I-KNOW-Jack?

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Jul 26, 2006
chocoholic wrote:Oi INJ, Shouldn't that be I-KNOW-Jack?[/i]

Very perceptive!
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Jul 26, 2006
Interestingly the two pictures I posted received "no comments" other than Freza questioning whether I knew when the pictures were taken, etc. Which was not a question asked of Intimacy on the original picture posted. :roll:

I now as much of the context of the 2 pictures I found at the click of a button than the context/source of the original pictures - which was precisely my point. Simply a photo (if that).

Choco and Kanelli you are right on.
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Jul 26, 2006
freza wrote:I-Know-Crap

ha ha!!!
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Jul 27, 2006
Sorry Intimacy, I didn't adress the last part of your post. It isn't true that abusive families have only existed in Iraq in the past 5 - 6 years. Abuse in families has been going on in all human families since the beginning of time. It depends on the personalities of the parents, the stresses going on their lives and their own family backgrounds and what they were exposed to. There is no way for you to know every family and what goes on in it for you to make a claim that abuse in families has only been going on for 5 - 6 years.

My hubby is definitely a nice guy and we like you too. We always enjoy meeting you and would enjoy meeting your family too. I don't expect them to be much different from a family in my country. :)
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Jul 27, 2006
the little girl is rejoicing her liberation courtesy of the americans.
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Jul 29, 2006
I think this thread is now dead.
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Jul 30, 2006
kanelli wrote:
Intimacy, I get upset because you only post pictures in the forum about Iraq. Maybe if you posted on other subjects and showed the same kind of caring and compassion for children in the same circumstances in other parts of the world I might not criticise. I get fed up of all the hate mongering on here.

To answer her question - if the soldier was a UN peacekeeper and the child was from another country the picture would not have been posted here and people would likely assume that the soldier was protecting the child. Because we were told that this was a picture from Iraq, the automatic assumption by some people is that the soldier is from the US and the child is being threatened because US soldiers are barbaric of course. :roll:


My compassion will be the same for an indian or somalian or american or from where ever... i dont see how would this change the fact by any how.

raciest are neglected by me. normally people would assume that others do act like them and feel like them.. but i feel that the world is my family as long as this world is decent.

the strange thing that i still didnt see any compassion from any other non arabs.!!! its all justifications, explanations and stories before going to sleep. the caption which i asked for is quit strange!

Some of you seem to be shrouded in emotion without tempering it with logic. Maybe you need to step back and stop over-reacting. Pictures like this are used for propaganda and this should be recognised.


I think this just tells me what really going on inside. i am sure now.
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Jul 30, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:I think this thread is now dead.

Agreed - at least getting very close to it.
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Jul 30, 2006
XRW-147 wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:I think this thread is now dead.

Agreed - at least getting very close to it.

I am on vacation guys :)
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Jul 30, 2006
I was wondering why you weren't there last weekend? enjoy and if you're in Jordan be careful man.
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Jul 30, 2006
Intimacy, your intention was to stir up anti-US in Iraq sentiment on the back of the current US supporting Israel in Lebanon threads.

You have had 4 people in this thread telling you that we don't know the context that the picture was taken in. You can get as upset as you like, but don't accuse us of having no compassion just because we use our brains too.

There are numerous threads where you post pics about Iraq, but you haven't posted anything from any other part of the world. If you can accuse us of a lack of compassion for Iraqi children, then we can accuse you of a lack of compassion for non-Arab children.

I feel for every child that lives in conflict zones, but that point has whizzed past your head. Afterall, all you wanted was everyone to jump on the picture you posted with anti-US slogans. I guess your topic didn't turn out how you expected.
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Jul 31, 2006
Intimacy wrote: ... but i feel that the world is my family as long as this world is decent.

Either your family is 100% decent (I mean each and everyone) or you don't consider them family.
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Aug 01, 2006
fayz wrote:I was wondering why you weren't there last weekend? enjoy and if you're in Jordan be careful man.

Thanks Fayz, i will talk to u once i am back mate :)
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Aug 01, 2006
Intimacy wrote:
fayz wrote:I was wondering why you weren't there last weekend? enjoy and if you're in Jordan be careful man.

Thanks Fayz, i will talk to u once i am back mate :)

why didn't you answer kanelli? wimp
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Aug 01, 2006
kanelli wrote:Intimacy, your intention was to stir up anti-US in Iraq sentiment on the back of the current US supporting Israel in Lebanon threads.

This is ridiculously funny... Stir it up!!!!!!! i dont have to stir up anything Kan.. your Gov. has already and still stir it up by their brutal deeds every where on earth.

I am very specific and focused on what i want to say although you keep going on different directions. This just remind me of Bush... when ever he is being asked about why did NASA go to the moon... he will go like: Yes.. we fighting terrisom.. We want democracy to be there in the ME and Bla bla.. the same exact answer everytime.

You have had 4 people in this thread telling you that we don't know the context that the picture was taken in.

People who have brains would answer the request. i have asked for a caption not inputs.

If the picture which made us confused here.. then.. there are thousands of other clear unquestionable pictures.... i dont think people who have brains would thing twice to make up their minds.

You can get as upset as you like, but don't

I am not upset, you still have no idea about how i diffrenciate between a discussion and a person matter yet kan :)

accuse us of having no
compassion just because we use our brains too.

Who is us??

If you can accuse us of a lack of compassion for Iraqi children, then we can accuse you of a lack of compassion for non-Arab children.

Did i accuse anyone?!!!!!

Did i ask for a compassion?!!!!

I said.. and i am still saying that i never said that.. and all innocent people are the same for me... regardless where they are from.

My Question is: do you mean by non arabs people like:

Bosnians? Chechens? Afghanis? vitamins?!! JAPANESE?? do you mean those people?

because i cant recall any other nations which were brutally killed by a regime which is supportted by the US Gov, or the US gov them selves directly.

Do you still want to see other pictures.. because i am ready to put it online, but i am not sure if your hearts and souls will stand it... i think you are just using this as a hopeless justification or a desparate answer kan ... with all do respect. for the 1000 times i am saying innocent humans are cnsidered the same ... at least for me.

I guess your topic didn't turn out how you expected.

I didnt expect anything, and i am not expecting anything.

Expectations normally are based on something else :)

Well... the post is for the people who i believe that they have seen the truth... and the arent feeling ashamed about saying it.. yes.. thats what happened.
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Aug 01, 2006
"Us" refers to those of us that said that the picture is out of context or pointed out that children all over the world in conflict areas are suffering, not just Iraqi ones. "Us" refers to anyone who so easily recognised the underlying purpose of the thread.

My government is committing brutal deeds all over the earth? ... Please enlighten me on how the Canadian government is doing that. :D

Not all white chicks with North American accents are American. There is large country located to the north of the USA. Many people don't seem to be aware of that. :lol:
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Re: Your caption is kindly required Aug 01, 2006
Intimacy wrote:This is in Iraq...


In light of the discussion between Intimacy and Kanelli here are two captions:

1. US soldier scares little girl in Iraq.
2. Iraqi soldier creates propaganda photo using stolen US uniform.
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Aug 01, 2006
3. My brother just smacked me and stole my toy while a soldier patrols the neighbourhood.
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Aug 01, 2006
4. Playing hide and seek while a soldier patrols the neighbourhood.
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Aug 01, 2006
5. look what you can do with a good photo software program
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Aug 01, 2006
kanelli wrote:My government is committing brutal deeds all over the earth? ... Please enlighten me on how the Canadian government is doing that. :D

Sadly the government of the country I'm proud to call home is part of the problem. ... rally.html
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Aug 01, 2006

Little girl born into occupation tries to hide from her reality.

Liberating Iraqis, one kid at a time.

Even the tiniest of Iraqi girls are being instructed to hide their faces from US Marines who are on the prowl for cute girls to rape and kill.
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Aug 01, 2006
A little girl sneezes
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Aug 01, 2006
is this discussion for real ? do we need a picture to know that every iraqi child is scared shitless from what is going on there ?

and no kanelli those americans dont give two shits about protecting the children while they are playing hide and seek, they are there to protect a puppet goverment and hence the american interests in Iraq. I know you know that.
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Aug 01, 2006
Trigger-happy US soldiers make for unhappy Iraqi children.

An invader and the invaded, a portrait.
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Aug 01, 2006
MaaaD wrote:is this discussion for real ? do we need a picture to know that every iraqi child is scared shitless from what is going on there ?

and no kanelli those americans dont give two shits about protecting the children while they are playing hide and seek, they are there to protect a puppet goverment and hence the american interests in Iraq. I know you know that.

you know it too :wink:
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Aug 02, 2006
There you go Intimacy, Freza and Nick are happy to help you out with your thread.

Fayz, that is really sad if you think that Canada is terrorising the world. I don't feel that way at all.
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