Spare A Small Thought For...

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Spare a small thought for... Jul 30, 2006
The victims of the Qana bombing... More than 50 killed...22 children... Murdered while they were sleeping.

Can't add anything to this...

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Re: Spare a small thought for... Jul 30, 2006
Nick81 wrote:The victims of the Qana bombing... More than 50 killed...22 children... Murdered while they were sleeping.

Can't add anything to this...

its easier to kill smbody without looking in the eyes... :?
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Jul 30, 2006
When is this madness going to stop :cry:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jul 30, 2006
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Jul 30, 2006
Just saw the scene on the news... 3-5 yrs old kids pulled from the rubble... Where is God in all this if there is such a being out there? Let the animals kill themselves as much as they want... But at least spare the innocent children...
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Jul 30, 2006
you know what angers me more than the atrocities of the terrorist israeli military ?

the "islamic world's" reaction that put the world on fire because of a few silly cartoons, yet i dont see 10% of this reaction towards this crisis. pathetic.
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Jul 30, 2006
from Hotel Rwanda:

Jack: [after Paul thanks him for shooting footage of the genocide] I think if people see this footage, they'll say Oh, my God, that's horrible. And then they'll go on eating their dinners.
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Jul 30, 2006
i continue to believe that when countries "help", they never do it out of compassion, sense of duty or because its right to do so, but out of selfish political, economical interests. still, its amazing this non-reactive reaction of other arab countries towards whats going on in lebanon. all these rich countries in the gulf just sit back and watch how the petit land of lebanon is being destroyed...

on the other hand, would they get involved military, with israel and the US on the other side, most probably we'd be facing world war.
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Jul 31, 2006
MaaaD wrote:you know what angers me more than the atrocities of the terrorist israeli military ?

the "islamic world's" reaction that put the world on fire because of a few silly cartoons, yet i dont see 10% of this reaction towards this crisis. pathetic.

Muslims have become soo ignorant that they are more concerned about what some Kafir in Denmark draws than the lifes of innocent muslims being lost in Lebanon, Palastine, Darfur, Kashmire, Cheynia, Somalia, Iraq, etc. Human life is more sacred and worthy of our more than cartoon/opinion drawn by kafir that we could have chosen to ignore, but we can't ignore the killing of infants and children who have done no wrong...If prophet Mohammed(pbuh) was to see the state of the ummah today he would have been disguisted...if Sahaba( may allah be pleased with them) would have been able to see the state of the ummah they would have been disguisted..
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Jul 31, 2006
MaaaD wrote:you know what angers me more than the atrocities of the terrorist israeli military ?

the "islamic world's" reaction that put the world on fire because of a few silly cartoons, yet i dont see 10% of this reaction towards this crisis. pathetic.

Agree 100%
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Jul 31, 2006
did u all see the front page of al bayan today. the kid still has the pacifier on him.
damn i lost my appetite after lookig at that pic
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Jul 31, 2006
ppl , kids, women dies in the name of war on terror.
Shame on what's called New ME
Shame on all of u bustard who u call ur self democrats and to tell ppl if u not with us u are against us.. Hello they are died now
Shame on all of u who could stop this but waited for it to happen
Shame on all the traders of those poor nations who soled themselves to the Israelis
Shame on all of those who see these pic's and keep silent
Shame on u
Shame on u
Shame on u
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Jul 31, 2006
If Hezbollah does the same - if it kills a bunch of Israeli kids and their mothers in retaliation for the Qana massacre - it's going to be called a terrorist attack. And it's going to get condemned by the international community.

But Israel's state terrorism goes unpunished... The double standard and hypocrisy of some people and countries is truly nauseating.
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Jul 31, 2006
It was horrible, and the most ridiculous thing? Oh so they go and do an investigation into it, well it's a bit bloody late now it's done and all thoswe people died isn't it.

BY the way LH, it's not just Muslims dying in Lebanon, there are people of other religions who're victims there too. Also I don't think you should use the term Kafir either, it's very offensive in a multi-cultural place such as this.

'People' are dying 'Human Beings' are dying, it makes no difference what religion or culture they're from, no-one should be dying fully stop!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jul 31, 2006
Just watched an interesting report on Sky news about the Qana bombing. The Israeli security forces released a video of Hezbollah rockets being fired from a building there, then being moved away by truck.

However....... when they targetted the building they hit the wrong one - killing all thoe civilians.

How utterly ridiculous is all of that. I just can't make sense of any of it.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jul 31, 2006
MaaaD wrote:you know what angers me more than the atrocities of the terrorist israeli military ?

the "islamic world's" reaction that put the world on fire because of a few silly cartoons, yet i dont see 10% of this reaction towards this crisis. pathetic.

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Jul 31, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:It was horrible, and the most ridiculous thing? Oh so they go and do an investigation into it, well it's a bit bloody late now it's done and all thoswe people died isn't it.

BY the way LH, it's not just Muslims dying in Lebanon, there are people of other religions who're victims there too. Also I don't think you should use the term Kafir either, it's very offensive in a multi-cultural place such as this.

'People' are dying 'Human Beings' are dying, it makes no difference what religion or culture they're from, no-one should be dying fully stop!

The man who insulted peophet Mohammud(pbuh) was kafir. You are right about Christians Lebanese also dying in this conflict and I feel sorry for their loved ones too.
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Jul 31, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Just watched an interesting report on Sky news about the Qana bombing. The Israeli security forces released a video of Hezbollah rockets being fired from a building there, then being moved away by truck.

However....... when they targetted the building they hit the wrong one - killing all thoe civilians.

How utterly ridiculous is all of that. I just can't make sense of any of it.

That is Isreal making up lies to justify their terrorism against innocent people, in the same manner they justified the killing of UN workers who called Isreal Soliders 10 times to warn them they are firing to close.
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Jul 31, 2006
If Hezbollah is right (and they usually are), they have just sunk a Israeli barge off the coast of lebanon with 53 Israeli soldiers. What a classy retaliation for the cowardly killing of civilians yesterday ... Hezbollah just keeps gaining more and more of my admiration.

PS I have no pity at all for the death of a soldier its part of the job.
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Jul 31, 2006
MaaaD wrote:you know what angers me more than the atrocities of the terrorist israeli military ?

the "islamic world's" reaction that put the world on fire because of a few silly cartoons, yet i dont see 10% of this reaction towards this crisis. pathetic.

Very sad isn't it! I can't understand why cartoons are more controversial than the murdering of innocent Lebanese.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jul 31, 2006
We just live in a world gone wrong. No point in trying to understand the decison of the world powers. Everyone is "deeply sorry" for what happened in Qana. Any action? Nope.

It's ok, everyone's looking for a new Middle-East. Everyone but us, Middle-Easterns. One that would be easier to exploit. I mean I find this extremely ironic. Sure I don't agree with the politics and the way society works in a country like let's say KSA. But does it affect my life? No. Could it possibly affect the life of an American redneck like Bush? What the **** gives the US the right to decide that the M-E countries should be democratic? We are not pathetic puppets driven by corrupt governments which strings are pulled by you-know-who. Are we better off now getting our country destroyed, our children slaughtered?
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Jul 31, 2006
MaaaD wrote:If Hezbollah is right (and they usually are), they have just sunk a Israeli barge off the coast of lebanon with 53 Israeli soldiers. What a classy retaliation for the cowardly killing of civilians yesterday ... Hezbollah just keeps gaining more and more of my admiration.

PS I have no pity at all for the death of a soldier its part of the job.

maaad is that supposed to be a cedar tree? why sideways?
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Jul 31, 2006
I-No-Jack wrote:
maaad is that supposed to be a cedar tree? why sideways?

Its a bloody cedar tree that is making up part of the palestinian flag.
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Jul 31, 2006
i met a lebanese once who was ofended that someone call him "arab" as he thought arabs were (derogatory term) and "he and most lebanese were phoenicians" and he "could careless about the palestinians". he made it sound like this was not just his opininon but "common opinnion"

uh :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
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Jul 31, 2006
I-No-Jack wrote:i met a lebanese once who was ofended that someone call him "arab" as he thought arabs were (derogatory term) and "he and most lebanese were phoenicians" and he "could careless about the palestinians". he made it sound like this was not just his opininon but "common opinnion"

uh :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

Lots of jackasses in Lebanon just like in any country...
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Jul 31, 2006
I-No-Jack wrote:i met a lebanese once who was ofended that someone call him "arab" as he thought arabs were (derogatory term) and "he and most lebanese were phoenicians" and he "could careless about the palestinians". he made it sound like this was not just his opininon but "common opinnion"

uh :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

i could understand being ashamed of being grouped with Arabs, i would too. .. as for the apathy toward palestinians this is just rooted in some bad history, its in the past now and i think most have moved past it ..
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Jul 31, 2006
Nick81 wrote:
I-No-Jack wrote:i met a lebanese once who was ofended that someone call him "arab" as he thought arabs were (derogatory term) and "he and most lebanese were phoenicians" and he "could careless about the palestinians". he made it sound like this was not just his opininon but "common opinnion"

uh :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

Lots of jackasses in Lebanon just like in any country...

Nick everything ur saying is so true and i just love it thank u :)
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Aug 01, 2006
In a country with different ethnic backgrounds and religious backgrounds there is definitely going to be differences in opinion.

The US doesn't want democracy to create a better life for people in the Middle East, he wants governments that are more liberal and will appease the US's desires when it comes to oil. If the population is happier under democracy, that is a side benefit. Of course, it is marketed as the main benefit by the US. Anyone can see that.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Aug 01, 2006
Nick81 wrote:We just live in a world gone wrong.

Best quote for the day
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Aug 01, 2006
kanelli wrote:The US doesn't want democracy to create a better life for people in the Middle East, he wants governments that are more liberal and will appease the US's desires when it comes to oil. If the population is happier under democracy, that is a side benefit. Of course, it is marketed as the main benefit by the US. Anyone can see that.

Actually if you look at it its not about the oil, its about being anti israel. Do you consider Saudi, Qatar or even the UAE a "democracy" by the US standards ? No. But they are not threatning israel so they are left alone. the goverment systems in Lebanon and Iran are the most democratic states in the region but they are targetted because they are a "threat" to Israel.

So i disagree, the number one priority is not oil, its protecting Israel.
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