I can't believe how vicious some people can be!!!
You lot ought to be ashamed of yourselves..HONESTLY!!! This is a self confessed newbie to Dubai and you all race in for the kill!
Maybe a colonic isn't everyones idea of a good time or something that you would EVER consider getting even if it was necessary, but that doesn't mean that you should go around people bashing the ones that do!
And for your FYI.....sometimes (and no this is not from personal experience) a health concern REQUIRES one! For all you IGNORAMUSES out there it is actually a VERY effective way of rebalancing your digestive system after a parasitic digestive problem, a good way to lose weight, and well, the list is ENDLESS as to the positives that can come from colonic irigation. So before you decide to critisise someone for a life choice I suggest you EDUCATE yourselves FIRST!
And yes...some people do just sound a little bit bitter and jealous to me!
Honestly Nathalie...ignore these people. It's funny how they can criticise you for supposedly not having a life but they've obviously got nothing better to do than pick on newbies themselves. Saaaaaaaaaad....
And unfortunately I don't know of anyone myself but I heard that there is a holistic medicine place somewhere in Umm Suqiem. They might. Try a google search! Good luck!