After 10 years ?? I don't think you can find him that easy.
But I am sure people can help me with this:
My boyfriend just left me last month to Dubai. I am sure he loves me and didn't mean to took all my money and leave. I am sure that he isn't like that.... just used me for over 3 years. He asked me to come with him and said will make me happy. Then I quited my job and got a ticket waiting for him to call me.......
He said he loves me at the airport the day he left, he said he will contact me once he arrived. He said he loves my personality not my out look, he said tho I am not pretty, no long legs and a bit over weigth he will still love me. I need help!!!!!
He is a very nice guy tho we went out for 3 years he's never touched me. He said he didn't want my parents get angry because we 're not allow to sleep together before we get marry. He said he will marry me first before he try to do anything to me. He is a very honest guy... so I gave him all my money to settle in Dubai. Now I have no money, no job ... only one ticket to fly over there.
Anyone can help me to find him????