Letter From 40 Israeli Directors To Their Arab Colleagues

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Letter from 40 Israeli directors to their Arab colleagues Jul 23, 2006
Letter sent by 40 Israeli movie directors to their Arab colleagues who will be brought together in Paris, the IMA, at the time of the Biennial of Arab cinema which opens Saturday July 22.

“Us, Israeli movie directors greet all the Arab directors at this meeting in Paris for the Biennial of the Arab cinema.

Through you, we want to send a message of friendship and solidarity to our Lebanese colleagues and Palestinians who are currently besieged and bombarded by the army of our country. We oppose categorically the brutality and the cruelty of the Israeli policy, which reached new tops during the last weeks. Nothing can justify the continuation of the occupation, and repression in Palestine. Nothing can justify the bombardment of civil populations and the destruction of infrastuctures in Lebanon and in the Gaza Strip.

Allow us to say to you that your films, that we try hard to see and circulate around us, are very important in our eyes. They help us to know you and understand you. Thanks to these films, the men, the women and the children who suffer in Gaza, in Beirut, and everywhere where our army deploys its violence, have for us names and faces. We want to thank you, and to encourage you to continue to film, despite all the difficulties you are facing. As for us, we commit ourselves to continue to express, by our films, our speeches and our personal actions, our categorical opposition to the occupation and our desire of freedom, justice and equality for all the people of the area. "

Nurith Aviv / Ilil Alexander / Adi Arbel / Yael Bartana / Philippe Bellaiche / Simone Bitton / Michale Boganim / Amit Breuer / Shai Carmeli-Pollack / Sami S. Chetrit / Danae Elon / Anat Even / Jack Faber / Avner Fainguelernt / Ari Folman / Gali Gold / BZ Goldberg / Sharon Hamou / Amir Harel / Avraham Heffner / Rachel Leah Jones / Dalia Karpel / Avi Kleinberger / Elonor Kowarsky / Edna Kowarsky / Philippa Kowarsky / Ram Loevi / Avi Mograbi / Jud Neeman / David Ofek / Iris Rubin / Abraham Segal / Nurith Shareth / Julie Shlez / Eyal Sivan / Yael Shavit / Eran Torbiner / Osnat Trabelsi / Daniel Waxman / Keren Yedaya

Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Jul 23, 2006
This letter might seem insignificant to most people here. You might even question my motivation in posting it here.

I just thought I'd share my faith in humanity here as I've been witnessing some questionable outbursts of hatred. Questionable because hatred only begets more hatred. Questionable because hatred has NEVER solved any conflicts. Questionable because I see generalization everywhere.

I have faith in humanity because I want to believe, I NEED to believe that humanity is still independent of religion, nationality and race.

Yes we have a problem with Israel. But hatred towards the entire Israeli population will not solve anything. Violence will not solve anything. Yes we are paying a very big price, but if we even have a slight chance at peace after this is over, if we have a chance of reaching out towards all those who are dreaming this in Israel, I am afraid all this hatred is going to blind us and keep us blocked into an endless cycle of violence.

This letter might not ease the sufferings of my Lebanese brothers and sisters but it's a sign that some people dream of a better tomorrow in the "enemy" side. Just like us. They are just dealing with a barbaric government, the same way we have been toyed with and manipulated by Syria and Iran for decades.
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Jul 24, 2006
These film industry people are not the only one. There was a demonstration in Tel Aviv on Saturday night against the war.
Dubai Expat Helper
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Jul 25, 2006
Just goes to reinforce my point that you cannot blame an entire nation for the actions of a few.

It's a good post Nick, and as you say, it does somewhat reinforce the faith that the majority of people strive for peace and unity. Sadly at the moment the forces that would strive to upset and divide are winning. We need more stuff like this.

Nice one matey.
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