Walking Buddy

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walking buddy Jul 23, 2006
hey everyone,

m looking for a female walking buddy/ friend living in the gardens. i want to take up power walking and would be more encouraged if i had someone to walk with me. i will be walking at battuta mall til the weather gets better. not that it matters to me but if u need to know, m lebanese.


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Re: walking buddy Jul 23, 2006
jija wrote:hey everyone,

m looking for a female walking buddy/ friend living in the gardens. i want to take up power walking and would be more encouraged if i had someone to walk with me. i will be walking at battuta mall til the weather gets better. not that it matters to me but if u need to know, m lebanese.


get a dog :P
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Jul 23, 2006
Yeah, like she can take a dog into the shopping mall to walk...

No worries, I'm sure there might be a DF member who lives in the Gardens contacting you at some point. Just bring this thread up once in a while to catch attention.
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Jul 23, 2006
I actually just started jogging ... i am planning on running the marathon in january ... so if anyone is interested in forming a group to train for the marathon let me know. (i will probably put up a seperate thread about it when i come back from Jerusalem)

I have never done it before ... and i am not even a runner hehe, but when there is will there is way :D
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Jul 23, 2006
MaaaD, you have to talk with my husband. Maybe you two can train together.
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Jul 23, 2006
kanelli wrote:MaaaD, you have to talk with my husband. Maybe you two can train together.

cool, are you guys coming tonight ?
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Re: walking buddy Jul 25, 2006
jija wrote:hey everyone,

m looking for a female walking buddy/ friend living in the gardens. i want to take up power walking and would be more encouraged if i had someone to walk with me. i will be walking at battuta mall til the weather gets better. not that it matters to me but if u need to know, m lebanese.



im actually staying in Gardens and also looking for walikng buddies every evening as my friend is a real lazy ass who does not want to walk with me. I've put on weight from the time i arrived Dubai because of lack of exercise. If you want we can walk together.. But im not sure what time you normally go for walk as im working till 6:00 and can only come back to my apartment around 6:30. Im Filipino anyway..if its ok with you
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Jul 25, 2006
Well if u look anythin like ur avtaar i'll jog from the springs to walk at the gardens.!!!!

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Jul 25, 2006
If you look anything like yours you should probably just try and find a b!tch in the springs.
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Jul 26, 2006
I can see experience talkin there..Anyways thanks for the insight mraph33.
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Jul 26, 2006
mraph33 wrote:If you look anything like yours you should probably just try and find a b!tch in the springs.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Jul 26, 2006
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jul 27, 2006
Also need gym or walking buddy in the greens or surrounds

I'm so lazy and gained weight since arrived, so hope i find some encouragments.

Anyway, good luck gurls.

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Jul 28, 2006
I don't know how much weight you've gained, but walking for 40 min 3 nights a week isn't going to make you lose anything. Join a gym.
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Jul 28, 2006
mraph, yes it will, as long as you change your diet as well. You can't achieve any weight loss unless you also consider your diet.
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Jul 28, 2006
kanelli wrote:mraph, yes it will, as long as you change your diet as well. You can't achieve any weight loss unless you also consider your diet.

i hate diets .. i love chocolate and cream and bread hmmm... i will never lose weight
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Jul 28, 2006
kanelli wrote:mraph, yes it will, as long as you change your diet as well. You can't achieve any weight loss unless you also consider your diet.

Changing your diet is already something in addition to just walking. On a 40 minute walk you can burn about 200-250 calories (depending on your weight and the speed amongst other things). To burn 1 kilo of fat you need to burn 7500 calories. And since this exercise is also accompanied by an increased appetite, people tend to eat more when they start exercising. So I'll stick to what I said : just walking 40 min 3 days a week isn't going to make you lose anything.

And Corc, dieting is unneccesary. Exercising is. And if you're willing just to cut back a little on the Reeses Peanutbutter cup baguettes, you can also lose weight.
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Jul 28, 2006
Reeses Peanutbutter cup baguettes

mmmmmmmmm can you get those here !! ???
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Jul 29, 2006
mraph33 wrote:
kanelli wrote:mraph, yes it will, as long as you change your diet as well. You can't achieve any weight loss unless you also consider your diet.

Changing your diet is already something in addition to just walking. On a 40 minute walk you can burn about 200-250 calories (depending on your weight and the speed amongst other things). To burn 1 kilo of fat you need to burn 7500 calories. And since this exercise is also accompanied by an increased appetite, people tend to eat more when they start exercising. So I'll stick to what I said : just walking 40 min 3 days a week isn't going to make you lose anything.

And Corc, dieting is unneccesary. Exercising is. And if you're willing just to cut back a little on the Reeses Peanutbutter cup baguettes, you can also lose weight.

Oh you've really hurt me now!! 7500!! Are you sure?!?! I shall go kick that damned treadmill now. Bloody waste of my precious time!!
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Jul 29, 2006
mraph33 wrote:
kanelli wrote:mraph, yes it will, as long as you change your diet as well. You can't achieve any weight loss unless you also consider your diet.

Changing your diet is already something in addition to just walking. On a 40 minute walk you can burn about 200-250 calories (depending on your weight and the speed amongst other things). To burn 1 kilo of fat you need to burn 7500 calories. And since this exercise is also accompanied by an increased appetite, people tend to eat more when they start exercising. So I'll stick to what I said : just walking 40 min 3 days a week isn't going to make you lose anything.

And Corc, dieting is unneccesary. Exercising is. And if you're willing just to cut back a little on the Reeses Peanutbutter cup baguettes, you can also lose weight.

7,500 calories!! I think I'm going to cry. Or kill my useless treadmill!!
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Jul 29, 2006
Actaully it can be anywhere between 7,500 - 9,000. Most people are at the lower end - and I didn't want to be too harsh.
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Jul 29, 2006
If you eat lower calorie food you are not going to put on as many kilos so then there will be fewer kilos to worry about taking off. So, a diet with water, juice, herbal tea, and fruit and veggies, whole grains, etc. is going to help aid weight loss compared to a diet of sugary soda, refined foods, and fatty foods. Drinking lots of alcohol also makes people gain too much weight. A good diet + exercise = weight loss.

For me, eating healthy is pretty easy, it is going the gym that really bores me. I feel like a hamster on a wheel. :lol: I've been gaining weight over the summer months because I hate going to the gym and can't do my usual walking and bicycling outdoors.
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Jul 29, 2006
Rather than doing 30-40 minutes on a treadmill (or however much you do) because I agree with the "rat in a lab experiment" feeling. Do circuit training on the weight machines. That means you go for 20-25 reps on a machine and then quickly change machines without a break. So you keep going around the gym from machine to machine until your 40 minutes are up. Try to stay on the machines that work big muscles (don't do biceps/triceps/calfs). It becomes a game of musical chairs because when you are sitting in one machine, you are already looking around to see when the next free machine is to go to. Plus, in the middle you can add 2-3 min segments of jogging on the treadmill, as another station.

Its a great workout!
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Jul 29, 2006
That's a good idea, I should be doing more weights. I have been going slow with those because I have a back problem. (I'm a tall girl :)) Swimming manages to keep me motivated though.
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Jul 29, 2006
Diets are not necessary?? i wouldnt agree to that. if you eat healthy food , cut down on junk food and fats definately it assisits in faster weight loss. I just change my diet a bit when i feel i am gaining weight, and in a few weeks time i am back to normal without any excercise:).

and during this i dont even cut down on my meat or fish intake i just change the way i cook it.

when i do this with excercise i loose weight even faster.:) maybe its just my body type and metabolism rate.


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Jul 29, 2006
kanelli wrote:That's a good idea, I should be doing more weights.

K, no need for you to bulk up - you can carry me easily enough as it is!
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Jul 29, 2006
Jeevan wrote:Diets are not necessary?? i wouldnt agree to that. if you eat healthy food , cut down on junk food and fats definately it assisits in faster weight loss.

When I say diet, I mean Atkins, South Beach, Weight Watchers, to name a few. This is not necessary.
Cutting down on junk food and fats, eating healthy - this isn't dieting, this is proper nutrition.
And yes - I'm a big believer in eating properly.
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Jul 29, 2006
kanelli wrote:That's a good idea, I should be doing more weights. I have been going slow with those because I have a back problem. (I'm a tall girl :)) Swimming manages to keep me motivated though.

Back problems doesn't mean you can lift weights, even if its a herniated or ruptured disc. The longer you've had the problem actaully the easier it is to exercise, because you will be more aware of things that you can and cannot do.
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Jul 29, 2006
In the begining i was intimitated by your post, but now i can see what type of sporty you are.
I thought you are one of the puffed up muscles guys that show off in the gym and run away or take a cab when it is the real time to use them

thanks for the tip of musical chairs tip, i hope i do it, but i have to succeed to go to the gym in the first place :)

you didn't see me, but i'm a Really BIG person i need to loose some weight, i might not be able to go on a diet as i'm single and not cooking :)

anyway, it really makes me sad when i see gurl like K or even Corcovado crying about getting IN shape..... as they are already THERE.

It makes me feel that i'm Willy the Whale.

cheers :)

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Jul 30, 2006
yshimy wrote:mraph33,

you didn't see me, but i'm a Really BIG person

It makes me feel that i'm Willy the Whale.

big is such a small word for u :lol: let me expain, yshimy is Massively huge :lol:
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