A64Venice wrote:sniper420 wrote:A64Venice wrote:arniegang wrote:Once they pass "the tit test n arse test", then the "test drive" its time to do the research and revision before the final exam
A perfect example of a A grade arse.
who is this woman venice .......i have seen her many times.........is she spanish or italiano? I have seen better b0*ties........
Dude, its a just a random b**** shaking her bootie I found on the net. Of-course I've seen better bootie! Lemme see if I can find Jlo's a#s..shouldnt be too hard to find...
oh my GOd I have seen better b**ties than JLO. recently a friend sent me booty collection gifs to cheer me up!!!! I will post in Fight Club...sorry pals who cant get into FC they will miss da show.......