........... ............ ............. it's been a month now.... i've come down here looking for job 3 month after ma wedding.... no luck yet!
am stayin with a MUCH older relative...... and the only thing i can do is go to the supermarket a block away!....ok enough with the drama!
i'm not askin anyone for help!...... and i don't want anyone to freak-out on me like i wanna use'm or anythin.... i'm not waitin for anyone to find me a job here! and i'm not lookin for anyone to take me out and chill!
I WANNA MEET PEOPLE !...... LOTS OF PEOPLE! .... WHEREVER HOWEVER DOESN'T MATTER AT ALL!.... OK....so we got that settled i hope ..... oh! one more thing.... i'm not gay! and i'm not a junkie.....! and i'm not trying to score!..... sooooo i'm egyptian.... 25.... am in um suqqeim now! ...... i'm into music bigtime! ... i used to be vocals in a rock band back at home....and i used to write lyrics.... i write other stuff as well... i'm into art.... but not the absurd sort of art you know ..... ! .... ma music influence is primarily anything that has a strong impact and would stay! .... pearl jam.....r.e.m. .....bush...... rhcp..... ironmaiden!!!!!!!!!!......

; 7........ i know this is all too weird ..... sooooooooooooooo what?!
....... you never know where you may find your next friend!.....
i just saw in seinfeld a couple of days ago this bit when he was sayin "the older you get ...the more you get to the point when it's just the friends you got and that's it...... eventhough when we were kids ....you didn't even need anything in common to be friends .... if he's standing outside your door he's your friend....!" it's true! ...... but maybe that can be changed .... maybe we need this childish careless behaviour sometimes .... [/img]