Israel And Lebanon

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Jul 18, 2006

I mean no disrespect but all you seem to do is paste quote after quote after quote.

I have deleted 2 posts of yours that were prime examples of this. If you have nothing to say of your own, then please just post the links for us all to read.



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Jul 18, 2006
Good work daddy :P
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Jul 18, 2006
arniegang wrote:Lionheart

I mean no disrespect but all you seem to do is paste quote after quote after quote.

I have deleted 2 posts of yours that were prime examples of this. If you have nothing to say of your own, then please just post the links for us all to read.



Arniega do Zoinist also control dubai forum, if not than why did you delete the quates that I have posted.If you wanted to know the reason I posted them you could have asked me before the deleting them. Arniega you don't ask others I have seen cut and paste to post their link but you seem to ask me all the time to past the link instead of cutting and pasting, know why is that. I mean if you don't want to read the quotes you don't have to, I'm not forcing you to read, but you have been disrespectful by deleting my quates and denied others who might want to read the quates opportunity to read. Arniega I'm afraid you are turning this discussion board into dictatorship or the Zoinist media in the West that seems to terminate any criticism of the Zoinist state and its blood hungary citizens.

Anyway this is the reason why I posted the quotes..

By; mraph33 wrote

Give me a break!!!! So you found a racist quote from some Rabbi!!! What's your point???? You think that there was never a Mufti who said something like that....or even worse? Don't spread hate.
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Jul 18, 2006
Arniega why did you delete what I have posted?

And please don't tell me it was cut&paste, because I know for fact that there allot threads that have information that have been cu&pasted and you certainly haven't bothered to delete them, but you have bothered to delete important qoute of Zoinist Rascism and terrorism.

Are you are Zoinist Arniega?
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Jul 18, 2006

You strike me as a passionate person but perhaps a bit too bias. Repeating the same mantra will not help your "cause". It comes as no surprise,I imagine,to many in this forum that there are both good and decent people as well as bad people in Lebanon, Israel, Europe, USA, etc. Likewise, there are radicals (on both extremes) in those countries as well. Regarless of what you think of the the people of USA, Israel, Europe, etc. not every single citizen thinks alike (for example over 150 million people in the USA - many times the population of Lebanon and Israel combined - did not vote for Bush and 2/3 of the population (200 Million) disagree with him at the moment - but that is democracy).

The best way for things to be worked out is through dialogue and understanding (from personal relatioships to warfare) so spouting views and not listening to the other views won't help. Having said that, thank god for the "democratic" dubaiforums where you are free to express your views but so are others. So you know, freedom of expression carries consequences (the concept of "freedom of expression" relates to govermental intervention or retribution and not private citizens).

Calling someone or group "Zionists"doesn't make them so any more than calling someone else or group "terrorists" doesn't make them so...

Anyway, I trust the situation will get better shortly and that everyone exerts their respective influences (including forum members - in whatever form) in a positive way towards lasting peace. Perhaps you need a bit more exposure to people of different races and religions to understand that mostly everyone wants peace.
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Jul 18, 2006
Concord wrote:Lionheart,

You strike me as a passionate person but perhaps a bit too bias. Repeating the same mantra will not help your "cause". It comes as no surprise,I imagine,to many in this forum that there are both good and decent people as well as bad people in Lebanon, Israel, Europe, USA, etc. Likewise, there are radicals (on both extremes) in those countries as well. Regarless of what you think of the the people of USA, Israel, Europe, etc. not every single citizen thinks alike (for example over 150 million people in the US did not vote for Bush and 2/3 of the population disagree with him at the moment - but that is democracy).

The best way for things to be worked out is through dialogue and understanding (from personal relatioships to warfare) so spouting views and not listening to the other views won't help. Having said that thank god for the "democratic" dubaiforums where you are free to express your views but so are others. So you know, freedom of expression carries consequences (the concept of "freedom of expression" relates to govermental intervention or retribution and not private citizens).

Calling someone or group "Zionists"doesn't make them so any more than calling someone else or group "terrorists" doesn't make them so...

Anyway, I trust the situation will get better shortly and that everyone exerts their respective influences (including forum members - in whatever form) in a positive way towards lasting peace. Perhaps you need a bit more exposure to people of different races and religions to understand that mostly everyone wants peace.

You strike me as a passionate person but perhaps a bit too bias. Repeating the same mantra will not help your "cause". It comes as no surprise,I imagine,to many in this forum that there are both good and decent people as well as bad people in Lebanon, Israel, Europe, USA, etc. Likewise, there are radicals (on both extremes) in those countries as well. Regarless of what you think of the the people of USA, Israel, Europe, etc. not every single citizen thinks alike (for example over 150 million people in the US did not vote for Bush and 2/3 of the population disagree with him at the moment - but that is democracy).

Concord I don't think I'm less bias than you and other westerners in here, but anyway if you feel I'm bias maybe its because of what I see right know and what has taken place the last 100 years. Just take look at how most western media is justifying the bombings of civilians in Lebanon as self-defense by Isreal and condenming when Hizballah responds back by bombing Isrealis minimum damage as terrorist attack against Isreal. Bush and Blair called it as Isrealis right to defend themself. These are the same leaders who cryed about 9/11 and 7/7 as an act of terrorism, but know they justify an act of terrorism against innocent civilians. I ask you and other westerners how much is Arab/muslim life worth...if nothing than how could you ask me to stop being bias when I have been shown nothing but disregard for the life of people of Middle east by the West.

[qoute]The best way for things to be worked out is through dialogue and understanding (from personal relatioships to warfare) so spouting views and not listening to the other views won't help. Having said that thank god for the "democratic" dubaiforums where you are free to express your views but so are others. So you know, freedom of expression carries consequences (the concept of "freedom of expression" relates to govermental intervention or retribution and not private citizens).[/qoute]

Concord I have listened to others views, I have disagreed with some of them in democractic way and agreed with others. But that said others in here have not respected my right to express my views and them with particular AKA Arniege who seems to ignore the cut&past done by others, but has a problem when I do it. I understand Arnieges need to flex his muscles like the Zoinist state, but I feel he could have come to me and me nicely to remove quates instead of deleting them without consulting with me.

[qoute]Calling someone or group "Zionists"doesn't make them so any more than calling someone else or group "terrorists" doesn't make them so...[/qoute]

Concord Isreal is Zoinist state the same way Germany during World War 2 were a Nazi State. Now I know that you consider any muslim fighting for his right as terrorist, but to me a terrorist is the terror Isrealis are committing against Lebanese civilians and terror the americans/British have brought to Iraq. I don't see any difference between what Al Qeada did in Sep 11, or what Train bus bombers did in London and what Americans/British are doing in Iraq and what Isrealis are doing to Lebanon and what they have been doing to Palastinians for the last 60 years. I'm sick and tired of having to explain the conduct of nutcases like Bin Laden and his crew just cause I happen to share religion with them, but American/British citizens don't have to explain the terrorism their government has brought to citizens in Afghanistan and Iraq...Isrealis don't have to explain how their state was established and the terrorism the Zoinist state has inflicted on its neighbors the last 60 years. Concord lets condenm all form of terrorism, lets not justify one form and condenm another form.


"The same way you bleed, the people of Middle east bleed"

"The same way you want your people to determine their future without foriegn interference, People in Mid east want that right with any interference from Western Powers"

"The same way people in Europe and States did not want to give part of their land to Jews they have committed crime against, Palastinians who have not wronged Jews did not want to give away the land of their forefathers"

"The same way you want peace, people in Mid east want peace"
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Jul 18, 2006

You got problems my friend. No need for you to wait by the phone as the Nobel Peace Prize Committee won't be calling you soon.

I have a recommendation: save the keystrokes responding to me directly as I have better ways to waste my time than engaging you in any "rational" discussion.

Have a nice life.
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Jul 18, 2006
Lionheart wrote:Arniega do Zoinist also control dubai forum, if not than why did you delete the quates that I have posted.If you wanted to know the reason I posted them you could have asked me before the deleting them.

Read what he said. It made perfect sense to me. Their accuracy is questionable anyway.

Those alleged quotes are available on numerous pages to which you could have provided a link, as AG said (and there are numerous similar alleged quotes available that are attributed to leaders supporting the Palestinian plight). All they really show is the level of hatred some people have. Sad. By the way, the internet is not a voice of authority. Just because something is on a website, does not mean it is accurate.

You know, when I lived in Europe for a while, I learnt that to voice any criticism of Israel was a 'bad thing' and even just a simple question would provoke surprisingly harsh reactions from many people. I learnt to keep my mouth shut except when talking to people who could discuss and reason and listen objectively whilst keeping whatever prejudices they may have in check.

LH, your attitude reminds me of the extremist Zionists I encountered in Europe. Your passion for your beliefs overrides any objectivity you might have or have had. You become very judgemental and make irrational accusations.

You see a label a long time before you see the person and judge accordingly. Implying arniegang (and the Dubai Forums) is a Zionist, or sympathetic to the Zionist cause, is a perfect example of that. I have never seen anything in his postings that remotely indicates he has any affiliation with Zionism. Your accusations reflect far more negatively on you than they do on anyone else here.

We are all people first, some of whom may be a lost cause, but I think the majority are inherently good. We all bleed when shot, we all feel rage when our families are threatened, we all hurt when someone we care about dies. Those are human feelings and both sides in this conflict have them and react to them.

Brute force might remove a perceived problem but true understanding and a genuine desire for peace instead of annihilation is what is needed to find a tolerable solution. Until people with that attitude on both sides also have authority and look for a solution instead of blame, the region will continue to bleed.

*SW removes foot from rant pedal*
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Jul 18, 2006
Lionheart wrote:If US and Britian can't condenm the actions of Isreal against Lebanese civilians than why don't Arabs use their asset and shut down Oil pipes to UK, US and Isreal. Opec countries like Saud Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwaite should use their leverage if they are humans to help their brethrens in Lebanon who are facing naked aggression of the Zoinist State. Its time for Arabs to show one front against this bullying instead of the in fighting and disagreement they have shown so far.

Now that's actually a more worthwhile comment and an interesting question.

If they did, it would certainly make a difference. So why don't they?
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Jul 18, 2006
Mr & Mrs Inquirer wrote:France, US, Britain and a host of other nations are to evacuate their citizens from Lebanon as Israeli air strikes pounded the country for a fifth day

france sent their Prime Minister to Lebanon as a form of standing by the lebanese people go bite urself :evil: :evil: :evil:
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Re: Can't sleep :( Jul 18, 2006
cutielb wrote:I would like to share my sorrow with all the Lebanese people. I am very upset about the situation, the fact that i see my beloved country sinking bit by bit makes my heart stop. Not able to sleep for so many days seeing the things in the Media, makes my stress grow and my anger rage more and more. The inability to do anything about it is the worse part of all this. It all started in a weird unexpected way "1 day", "1 incident"= cause > " effect"= "bombing", " destuction" day by day hour by hour. Although i am here but believe me that everyday i feel as if i am down in Lebanon. The suffocation i get, being short of breath kills! I am not with any political party, i am with someone who is willing to help Lebanon into becoming a WAR-FREE country like all the other countries in Europe (as we are Pro European) this is how i see my country and this is how it will flourish. There has to be change! To make the world a better place to live in. I pray for you my Lebanon, bhibbak ya libnan! :sunny: Our sun will always shine...

oh my dear ... i am with u ..i feel the same .. our souls are there with our people .. i am not doing any work ..i cant..did u come to the lebanese gathering yesterday at 2 infront of mbc?? it was very emotional.. i was crying the whole time.. men were crying one vioce we said: WE LOVE U LEBANON ... GOD PROTECT U LEBANON :cry: :cry:
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Jul 18, 2006
Corcovado wrote:
Mr & Mrs Inquirer wrote:France, US, Britain and a host of other nations are to evacuate their citizens from Lebanon as Israeli air strikes pounded the country for a fifth day

france sent their Prime Minister to Lebanon as of form of standing by the lebanese people go bite urself :evil: :evil: :evil:

You know Mr & Mrs Inquirer are just trolls?
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Jul 18, 2006
sharewadi wrote:
Corcovado wrote:
Mr & Mrs Inquirer wrote:France, US, Britain and a host of other nations are to evacuate their citizens from Lebanon as Israeli air strikes pounded the country for a fifth day

france sent their Prime Minister to Lebanon as of form of standing by the lebanese people go bite urself :evil: :evil: :evil:

You know Mr & Mrs Inquirer are just trolls?

why dont mods bann them?
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Jul 18, 2006
Corcovado wrote:why dont mods bann them?

Banning trolls can sometimes make the problem worse. Ignoring them is the best thing to do (admittedly, not the easiest sometimes).

(that's an observation, not a comment on DF moderation policy)
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Jul 18, 2006
sharewadi wrote:
Corcovado wrote:why dont mods bann them?

Banning trolls can sometimes make the problem worse. Ignoring them is the best thing to do (admittedly, not the easiest sometimes).

yeah ..thats right .. i will try :roll:
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Jul 18, 2006
Corcovado wrote:yeah ..thats right .. i will try :roll:

Good luck :) .

BTW, I sense you are in a lot of pain now. I may disagree with some of what you say because of my beliefs but I do sympathise with you and I do understand this crisis is very difficult to deal with.
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Jul 18, 2006
sharewadi wrote:
Corcovado wrote:yeah ..thats right .. i will try :roll:

Good luck :) .

BTW, I sense you are in a lot of pain now. I may disagree with some of what you say because of my beliefs but I do sympathise with you and I do understand this crisis is very difficult to deal with.

yeah .. thank you for ur sympathy ... we are strong ...and we will win
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Jul 18, 2006
Concord wrote:Lionheart,

You got problems my friend. No need for you to wait by the phone as the Nobel Peace Prize Committee won't be calling you soon.

I have a recommendation: save the keystrokes responding to me directly as I have better ways to waste my time than engaging you in any "rational" discussion.

Have a nice life.

You got problems my friend. No need for you to wait by the phone as the Nobel Peace Prize Committee won't be calling you soon.

Its not that I have problem as much as you don't want the hear the truth and that you have your eyes and ears shut from the truth. Nobel Peace Prize..I would rather prefer the blessing and reward of God than phony reward.

I have a recommendation: save the keystrokes responding to me directly as I have better ways to waste my time than engaging you in any "rational" discussion.[/Qoute]

Is this the usual way of saying that I rather stick my head in the sand than hear the truth??? :lol:

Have a nice life

Thanks, I hope you have a nice life too.
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Jul 18, 2006
Lionheart wrote:
mraph33 wrote:
Lionheart wrote:
Corcovado wrote:
Lionheart wrote:"The difference between the people of Israel and the nations of the world is an essential one. The Jew by his source and in his very essence is entirely good. The goy, by his source and in his very essence is completely evil. This is not simply a matter of religious distinction, but rather of two completely different species."

- Rabbi Saadya Grama

racist israelies :evil: :evil: :evil: show the pics let the world know

Zoinists are just extention of the Nazis who they used to establish the state of Isreal who has been nothing but a cancer to Mid east. Europe and US have dumped their garbage in Middle east.

Give me a break!!!! So you found a racist quote from some Rabbi!!! What's your point???? You think that there was never a Mufti who said something like that....or even worse? Don't spread hate.

If Iman or muslim leader said this he would have been lynche/prosecuted or called terrorist like many muslim Iman who dare to say thing about Zoinist Regime are. But Zoinist leader whether its Rabbi or Politician or general they can say whatever they want about anybody, especially the Arabs without being called rascist or things...they also green light to kill and terrorize as many arabs they without being called terrorist. If you think this is the view of one rascist Rabbi, you are mistaken my friend. This view of almost Zoinist leaders in Isreal whether they be rabbi or General or Politician..

Actaully this Rabbi was should read the news, and not just Google "Racist Rabbi Quotes."
If you are interested in reading about it:
And one other point - this guy is neither a 'zionist leader' or in Israel - he's in the US. Just a screwed up guy who uses religion as the basis of his hate, like so many others.
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Jul 18, 2006
mraph33 wrote:
Lionheart wrote:
mraph33 wrote:
Lionheart wrote:
Corcovado wrote:
Lionheart wrote:"The difference between the people of Israel and the nations of the world is an essential one. The Jew by his source and in his very essence is entirely good. The goy, by his source and in his very essence is completely evil. This is not simply a matter of religious distinction, but rather of two completely different species."

- Rabbi Saadya Grama

racist israelies :evil: :evil: :evil: show the pics let the world know

Zoinists are just extention of the Nazis who they used to establish the state of Isreal who has been nothing but a cancer to Mid east. Europe and US have dumped their garbage in Middle east.

Give me a break!!!! So you found a racist quote from some Rabbi!!! What's your point???? You think that there was never a Mufti who said something like that....or even worse? Don't spread hate.

If Iman or muslim leader said this he would have been lynche/prosecuted or called terrorist like many muslim Iman who dare to say thing about Zoinist Regime are. But Zoinist leader whether its Rabbi or Politician or general they can say whatever they want about anybody, especially the Arabs without being called rascist or things...they also green light to kill and terrorize as many arabs they without being called terrorist. If you think this is the view of one rascist Rabbi, you are mistaken my friend. This view of almost Zoinist leaders in Isreal whether they be rabbi or General or Politician..

Actaully this Rabbi was should read the news, and not just Google "Racist Rabbi Quotes."
If you are interested in reading about it:
And one other point - this guy is neither a 'zionist leader' or in Israel - he's in the US. Just a screwed up guy who uses religion as the basis of his hate, like so many others.

Who are you kidding...
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Jul 18, 2006
Lionheart wrote:If Arniege is not an Zoinist than could he please explain to me why he deleted the qoutes with consulting with me or at least explaining to me why he deleted the qoutes instead of lying to me by using cut&paste excuse.
He did explain and they are cut and paste. I found several hundred sites with the same quotes in the same sequence.

Lionheart wrote:I provided link to site I got the qoutes from and pasted some of the qoutes, so I don't understand were you get the idea of I didn't provide link to were I got the information from.
I didn't say you didn't provide a link.

Know if you think the qoutes are fake than you hae every important to proof me wrong, but until than you cannot write of those qoutes as fake.
I didn't say they were fake, I said they were questionable. I looked at twelve sites with commentary. Ten of them were obvious Zionist sites so I ignored them. The other two, I don't know yet whether they're objective so my opinion remains the quotes are questionable, not necessarily true or false.

Anyway, I'm well aware of what some Israelis/Jews/Zionists think of Arabs. And I think their negative attitude is appalling and contributes to the escalation of the conflict, not a solution. You appear to have the same attitude towards Israelis/Jews/Zionists and so I have the same opinion of your attitude as I do of theirs. That does not make me a Zionist supporter.

You have your opinion of me and I very much doubt anything I say will change it for the better.
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Jul 18, 2006
Lionheart wrote:If I'm irrational and judgemental what does it make you and Arniege..

Rational and objective of course, IMHO (well, I can only speak for myself) :).
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Jul 18, 2006
back to topic people please .... its about Israel And lebanon..not what i said and he said ....damn it ..People are dying now ..and u are fighting over silly stuff .... Sympathy people ...Sympathy :( :(
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Jul 18, 2006
Corcovado wrote:back to topic people please .... its about Israel And lebanon..not what i said and he said ....damn it ..People are dying now ..and u are fighting over silly stuff .... Sympathy people ...Sympathy :( :(

Fair point :oops: .
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Jul 18, 2006
Lionheart has no critical thinking ability and is king of propaganda. Take what he says with a grain of salt. Corcovado, we do sympathise, it is just easy to get into battles with some posters because of what they are saying. Sorry :oops:
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Jul 18, 2006
Awww.. thank u for understanding :salute:
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Jul 18, 2006
Right i have had enough.

I posted well back that this thread was of a sensitive issue and would people understand and appreciate this.

Lionheart i am not going to debate with you the why's and wherefore's about your posts. Liban and i make the decisions in here.

I will not allow this this thread to degenerate into a propagana exercise and personal attack on anyone that has any form of alternative viewpoint.

If you have nothing constructive of your own to say, then i respectfully ask you to keep your mouth shut.

Any more Lionheart, and i will just delete your posts without futher warning like i have done this morning.


Further note to Mr & Mrs Enquirer:

Any more of your crap and i will also delete your post without further warning.

Here endeth the lesson
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Jul 18, 2006
and back to the topic a picture in NY Times that broke my heart ..


"Men wept in Tyre, Lebanon, a seaside town that has been a target of Israeli air raids, after a bomb injured children swimming in an irrigation canal."
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Jul 18, 2006
just now , the Israel bombed 2 ambulance on the road and killed everyone , :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Jul 18, 2006
This is so sad :cry:
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