17 Alleged Terrorists Arrested In Ontario

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Jun 05, 2006
Chavez is accused of destabilizing the South America by the Bush Administration who have not only destabilized Mid East, but destroyed a whole country on the bases of lie. This is pure comedy and hyprocrisy...

Russian arms arrive in Venezuela
By Greg Morsbach
BBC News, Caracas

Venezuela has received its first delivery of tens of thousands of Russian assault rifles.
It is the first batch out of a total of 100,000 Kalashnikov rifles which Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has ordered from Moscow.

Venezuela's military is undergoing a profound transformation, with a major recruitment drive and new technology.

The move is likely to worry the US, which regards Mr Chavez as a destabilising influence in the region.

Most defence experts agree that President Chavez needs to overhaul his outdated military hardware.

But the United States and Venezuela's neighbour Colombia regard the arrival of 33,000 Kalashnikov rifles as further proof that Mr Chavez is seeking to throw his weight around in the region.

The Russian-built AK103 rifles come complete with more than half a million rounds of ammunition, state-of-the-art night vision scopes and bayonets.

Another 70,000 rifles are expected to arrive before the end of the year.

But what worries Washington more are Venezuela's plans to build a factory here to assemble and export these Kalashnikov rifles along with bullets.

Mr Chavez's administration is now in talks with the Russian manufacturer which holds the licence to make the guns.

The US, which recently ordered a complete ban on arms sales to Venezuela, has accused of President Chavez of trying to destabilise Latin America.

But Venezuela insists it has a right to buy arms for defensive purposes.

President Chavez has repeatedly warned that the Bush administration was planning to invade Venezuela to get its hands on the country's oil resources.

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Jun 06, 2006
I just wanted to say something about this... If it turns out to be true that those guys were actually plotting an attack. I think the US needs to learn a thing or two from there neighbors up north. Canada has caught the plotters without a patriot act, Guantanamo, or searching phone records of all its citizens !!!
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Jun 06, 2006
MaaaD wrote:I just wanted to say something about this... If it turns out to be true that those guys were actually plotting an attack. I think the US needs to learn a thing or two from there neighbors up north. Canada has caught the plotters without a patriot act, Guantanamo, or searching phone records of all its citizens !!!

Indeed! you are absolutely right! well said!
Dubai Forums Enthusiast
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Jun 06, 2006
Lionheart, let's see if your family and friends or even you would make so many excuses for terrorism if you or they were standing next to a bomb set off by homegrown disgruntled brainwashed Islamic fundamentalist terrorists. You think the West deserves the terrorism it gets, and I think that terrorism turns more Westerners against Muslims.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jun 06, 2006
MaaaD wrote:I just wanted to say something about this... If it turns out to be true that those guys were actually plotting an attack. I think the US needs to learn a thing or two from there neighbors up north. Canada has caught the plotters without a patriot act, Guantanamo, or searching phone records of all its citizens !!!

So true MaaaD :)
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jun 06, 2006
kanelli wrote:Lionheart, let's see if your family and friends or even you would make so many excuses for terrorism if you or they were standing next to a bomb set off by homegrown disgruntled brainwashed Islamic fundamentalist terrorists. You think the West deserves the terrorism it gets, and I think that terrorism turns more Westerners against Muslims.

Kanelli when have I said west deserved terrorized or made excuse for any terrorists? Don't confuse disagreing with Western Policies in Mid east and rest of the Muslim world as support for lunatics who do more harm for the cause of muslims than good.

Look if you find these man guilty do as you wish with...I could care less for them.

If you think terrorism turns more western against Islam...what do you think the invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq..the interfering muslim affairs in Middle east and other parts of the world...the supporting of dictators in Muslim world..and many other things done by Western governments in the Muslims...do you think these actions betray the West, especially US in a good image in the muslim world.
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Jun 06, 2006
I never said these guys were guilty - I have explained that twice. Your choosing to ignore that fact is your problem. It is not my business to investigate and charge those men - it is for the police, CSIS and courts in Canada. Discussing the case is within my rights, and the newspapers provide lots of information for discussion.

As I said before, I completely disagree with the invasion of Iraq. Please find a post anywhere on this site where I said that the coaltion should have invaded and ousted Hussein. What I did say was that Afghanistan deserved invasion because they harboured a major terrorist group.

I don't care for any of your conspiracy theories, and I doubt you even have a grasp on why the US did or did not arrest people or act sooner etc. There is more to the story than what any of us hears, and I certainly don't look to you to provide expert evidence.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jun 06, 2006
kanelli wrote:I never said these guys were guilty - I have explained that twice. Your choosing to ignore that fact is your problem. It is not my business to investigate and charge those men - it is for the police, CSIS and courts in Canada. Discussing the case is within my rights, and the newspapers provide lots of information for discussion.

As I said before, I completely disagree with the invasion of Iraq. Please find a post anywhere on this site where I said that the coaltion should have invaded and ousted Hussein. What I did say was that Afghanistan deserved invasion because they harboured a major terrorist group.

I don't care for any of your conspiracy theories, and I doubt you even have a grasp on why the US did or did not arrest people or act sooner etc. There is more to the story than what any of us hears, and I certainly don't look to you to provide expert evidence.

[qoute]I never said these guys were guilty - I have explained that twice. Your choosing to ignore that fact is your problem. It is not my business to investigate and charge those men - it is for the police, CSIS and courts in Canada. Discussing the case is within my rights, and the newspapers provide lots of information for discussion.[/qoute]

I didn't accuse of anything.. I think all I have said is if these man are found guilty do as you wish...I couldn't care less..please don't twist my words.

[qoute]As I said before, I completely disagree with the invasion of Iraq. Please find a post anywhere on this site where I said that the coaltion should have invaded and ousted Hussein. What I did say was that Afghanistan deserved invasion because they harboured a major terrorist group.[/qoute]

I know your views on Iraq and we are same page on Iraq. But on Afghanistan I have little bit disagrement with you. Yes the case for invading Afghanistan was legitimate at first... but they objective of invading the country after 5 years and thousands of civilian deaths have yet to be achieved. The objective of the mission was not to overthrow the Taliban, but rather to capture the man America says is responsible for the death of 3000 of their civilians.

[QOUTE]I don't care for any of your conspiracy theories, and I doubt you even have a grasp on why the US did or did not arrest people or act sooner etc. There is more to the story than what any of us hears, and I certainly don't look to you to provide expert evidence[/QOUTE]

Taliban willing to hand over Bin Laden if US provided them with the evidence against Bin Laden is not a conspiracy theory..but rather actual facts that have been reported in Western Media. Sudanese regime back 1996 offered to hand Bin Laden over to both US and Saudis, but both refused to except him, even though both of them accused of him being behind the bombing of Khobar Towers killing at least 100+ american citizens..this is also actual fact that both countries admitted to be fact. You right I don't know why US allowed Bin Laden to escape twice or maybe three times if you account Tora Bora...
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Jun 06, 2006
Civilians are dying in Afghanistan because the Taleban and warlord gangs are wreaking havoc. Once again, sectarian violence and internal political battles are being ignored.

Both Afghanistan and Iraq have been destabilised, yes, but NOW WHAT ARE CITIZENS OF THOSE COUNTRIES GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? They have a chance to rebuild their countries without the dictators and oppressive governments, but they don't know the meaning of unity and would rather kill each other off than cooperate.

The blame on the coalition only goes so far, and the coalition would leave those countries sooner as long as there is more stability there. Have you ever seen a revolution without instability? Whether external forces created the instability or citizens within the country instigated it - it needs to be overcome.

People can waste time and try to take revenge on the coalition, but what does that do for their country? Is the government being formed, are the roads, telecommunications, sewers, water, electricity, hospitals, schools, social institutes being rebuilt or continuously destroyed by warlords and insurgents?
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jun 06, 2006
I havent been following this thread, but Kanelli i disagree with you going to Afghanistan isnt justified either, just like Iraq. Since when did anyone give the british, canadian or the americans the title of world police. Fight terrorism on your own grounds thats fair play. Invading other countries, killing innocent civilians, and instilling puppet goverments, thats just state terrorism.

Since the US have gained control over Iraq and Afghanistan note the price of Oil it has been spiraling up. You know why ? because they dont care about the price of oil they have an unlimited tap now. The only people who might be affected are the chinese, indians, europeans and all the other growing economies.
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Jun 06, 2006
So Afghanistan should have been left alone to fester with terrorists that go abroad to kill people on their own soil?
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jun 06, 2006
Kick the terrorists from Afghanistan and they will find a new country right away. Its not the way to fight terrorism. You really think Al Qaeda has its world head quarters in Kabul sending out faxes to branches in Europe what to do ? its a very decentralized operation and i would dare say every big metropolis in the world has its small Al Qaeda in it.

fighting terrorism happens on your own soil, where the terrorism itself takes place. When you want to use it as an excuse thats when you invade other countries. But most of the time there are alternative motives.
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Jun 07, 2006
kanelli wrote:So Afghanistan should have been left alone to fester with terrorists that go abroad to kill people on their own soil?

Taliban the way they ran Afghanistan might have been brutal..but they were legitimate government that even US did business with couple of months before Sep 11. The American objective was to capture Bin Laden and top Alqeada and they could have achieved these goals if they had given the evidence against Bin Laden and his crew to Taliban as they asked for...But US chose not hand over the evidence and instead chose to invade the country.After 5 years they still have not captured their main target..Bin Laden and Anwar...
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Jul 16, 2006
I really admire this man for caring about his country and fellow Muslims. He is publicly showing his face and admitting that he was a mole in the group that was arrested. Now that takes guts! The world needs more stand up guys like Mubin Shaikh!

http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/toron ... haikh.html
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jul 16, 2006
kanelli wrote:I really admire this man for caring about his country and fellow Muslims. He is publicly showing his face and admitting that he was a mole in the group that was arrested. Now that takes guts! The world needs more stand up guys like Mubin Shaikh!

http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/toron ... haikh.html

I can see the merit of speaking out giving another side of the Muslims in north america, but i am really afraid for his life right now.
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Jul 18, 2006
I know, he is very brave. I too worry about his safety. What a shame that some fellow Muslims will likely feel that he is a traitor for stopping "fruitcakes" (his words) from murdering innocent civilians in Ottawa and Toronto. The man is a hero, not a traitor. He is protecting Islam, not betraying it.
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