I am moving to Dubai and plan on bringing my significant CD and DVD collection, without their respective jewel cases/covers. They are in a 400 disc CD/DVD player. None of the DVD's or CD are X-rated, but some of the DVD's and CDS are NC-17 (sorry for the US classifications). No suggestive titles and no religious titles remain in the collection. Should I cull the collection some more or will I be ok? Any worries about the NC-17 music and movies on my pc? Thanks!
I don't think it would me a problem. It would be sort of going 60 on a 55 mph zone - Will you get a speed ticket? not likely. You would really be unlucky if you are picked out of the line and then made to show every movie and cd. I've been thru customs many times and not once stopped. At worse they will confiscate the "offensive" cd (whatever that means).