Thanks to the kindness of Dubai Forum members the ice machine has been purchased, delivered, installed and is being used by K9 Friends to provide some relief from the summer heat.
Thanks to the following DF Members for their generosity (in the order they posted their ability to danate):
1. Concord
2. Naruto
3. Lloydy
4. XRW-47
5. PrettyPenny
6. Arniegang
7. Kanelli
8. Constantine
9. AJB
10. Geraldine
11. Chocoholic
12. Zoots
13. Geraintaindbx
14. Janet67
15. Cargirl
16. ShinyD
17. Annonimous
Well Done!!
Special thanks to Lloydy who was of great help with the purchase.
Again Thanks - you should be proud.
P.S. I still have only collected 35% of the amound pledged. Nevertheless I am confident that everyone who pledge her/his support will come through or...