Israel And Lebanon

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Jul 16, 2006
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Jul 16, 2006
If you look at history you will see the hezbollah has been able to win over and over again against Israel. So lets not be to defeatist.

p.s Tony is sending two war ships to help :D
Mr & Mrs Inquirer
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Jul 16, 2006
Mr & Mrs Inquirer wrote:If you look at history you will see the hezbollah has been able to win over and over again against Israel. So lets not be to defeatist.

p.s Tony is sending two war ships to help :D

we will see who will laugh at the end ... :D :D
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Jul 16, 2006
Corcovado wrote:Please sign the petition and vote on cnn ... index.html

Good idea vote.
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Jul 16, 2006
So now Hamas and Hezbollah are again feeling Israel's muscles, to see if we have mellowed. It has long been the idea of Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, that Israel has become weak, like a cobweb that can be easily torn apart, or better, destroyed from within. These people, who mistake democratic life for weakness, just can't grasp the fact that a democracy, if attacked, will always have the upper hand because free and proud people who fight in self defense will not be defeated. :twisted:
Mr & Mrs Inquirer
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Jul 16, 2006
Israel's reaction to the current situation are indeed a sign of weakness rather than strength. I dont see in anyway how this agression is going to help return the soldiers home. Oh wait, this isnt about the soldiers anymore.
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Jul 16, 2006
At this point, I'm not sure what its about either. Unfortunately though the consequence is the civilians on both sides are the ones bearing the brunt of it all.
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Jul 16, 2006
in 89, during the time of romanian revolution, a group of ppl showed up as if from the nowhere, started creating panic and talked about a state of emergency due to possible foreign threat. they profited of the fact that the whole country was in a big mess and ppl blinded by the euphoria that communism was over, and created "the front of national salvation". they took advantage of the confusion in the country and posed as saviors, when actually they were taking over the power.

the situation in lebanon is different from the romanian in more ways that i would care to count. but in some aspects i see similarities. Hezbollah brought the country in a situation that at this point needs to be saved and defended from Israel. whether is being supported by Iran or/and Syria, or Hezbollah is working on its own, the fact remains, that if they manage to "save" Lebanon from Israel, the will automatically take over the control of the country, thanx to all the ppl who will support them. and if this theory has any truth in it, it will take years for ppl to realize how they have been fooled and manipulated.
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Jul 16, 2006
sorry for double post
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Jul 16, 2006
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Jul 16, 2006
raidah wrote:the situation in lebanon is different from the romanian in more ways that i would care to count. but in some aspects i see similarities. Hezbollah brought the country in a situation that at this point needs to be saved and defended from Israel. whether is being supported by Iran or/and Syria, or Hezbollah is working on its own, the fact remains, that if they manage to "save" Lebanon from Israel, the will automatically take over the control of the country, thanx to all the ppl who will support them. and if this theory has any truth in it, it will take years for ppl to realize how they have been fooled and manipulated.

Your theory has no truth since its based on facts that are incorrect. Hezbollah did not bring the country to a "situation that at this point needs to be saved and defended from Israel" .. since 1982 Lebanon has needed to saved and defended from Israel. Although Israel did withdraw in 2000 it was not complete The Shebaa Valleys are still under occupation. So lets not start conspiracy theories about Hezbollah trying to dominate Lebanon, because they dont need any of this to do that.. they are the strongest power in Lebanon and if interested in dominating lebanon they could have staged a "Islamic" revolution or what not.
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Jul 16, 2006

I second that!

Also it's sad that it's always the innocent by-standers that come off worse and bear the brunt of conflict.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jul 16, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:

I second that!

Also it's sad that it's always the innocent by-standers that come off worse and bear the brunt of conflict.

did you guys see the pictures of the dead children (in lebanon) in today's gulf news. breaks my heart.
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Jul 16, 2006
Maaad, i did not say this conflict/war started a few days ago. but i do think that whatever the reasons behind the attacks (on both sides for that matter), they have very little to do with the well-being of the population.

surely this is just an opinion that has equal chances to be erroneous since im not from there, nor directly affected in any way, which may mean lack of sufficient information on my part. or it can have some truth, because being away, allows me to be objective.

the thing is, no matter who has more rights, more reasons, more logical explanations, people are loosing their lives, their houses, their economies on both sides.
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Jul 16, 2006
MaaaD wrote:Nick81 .. shit is hitting the fan regardless .. as a true patriot to your country i would think you would be in solidarity together to protect the country against this agression rather than jump and use this to create internal tensions. Its "open war" right now, and no time to blame hezbollah .. now its time to defend lebanon .... If you look at history you will see the hezbollah has been able to win over and over again against Israel. So lets not be defeatist.

As a true patriot I want Nasrallah's head on a pike and the end of Hezbollah. I want the end of clowns leading parties, dividing us LEBANESE. I want the end of religion being a part of politics.

And stop turning this into an epic battle. Hezbollah are NOTHING to be proud of. They're a disease, a plague. EVERYONE knows what Israel is capable of, what those barbarians are ready to do.
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Jul 16, 2006
Nick81 wrote:As a true patriot I want Nasrallah's head on a pike and the end of Hezbollah.

I guess you share a common enemy with Israel, are you ready to join hands with them against Nasarallah and his men ?

Nick81 wrote:I want the end of clowns leading parties, dividing us LEBANESE. I want the end of religion being a part of politics.

You have everyright to want that, and a very sensible thing to ask for. But right now is not time to discuss that. Now is time for national solidarity against an external occupying force.

Nick81 wrote:And stop turning this into an epic battle. Hezbollah are NOTHING to be proud of. They're a disease, a plague.

A chunk of your country would have been still under occupation if it wasnt for hezbollah, show a bit of gratitude.
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Jul 16, 2006
MaaaD wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:

I second that!

Also it's sad that it's always the innocent by-standers that come off worse and bear the brunt of conflict.

did you guys see the pictures of the dead children (in lebanon) in today's gulf news. breaks my heart.

You will see that in Gulf news, but not on CNN or BBC. Therefore, the rest of the world thinks Israel is the only one suffering not Lebanon or Palestine.
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Jul 16, 2006
Ok this is my last post here because having my patriotism and my love for Lebanon questioned after each one of my posts is getting irritating.

You're telling ME to forget about political clowns and think about national unity? There has NEVER been a national unity in Lebanon. NEVER. People are too busy bathing in colors: orange, green, yellow etc... Students are too busy fighting in universities to "defend" the name of their beloved clowns. Lebanon has been turned into a rotten apple. It's all about who's gonna get more power than the other.

And Hezbollah are HAS BEEN. We DON'T need them anymore. Like it or not they have NO REASON whatsoever to exist in Lebanon. If we hadn't been exploited by Syria for so long, if we had a REAL government who would've sent the army to the South, Hezbollah would had NEVER have the popularity they have today. NEVER. But what's done is done and no need to have any regrets. They FEKED us, they FEKED my country, OUR country and I am supposed to be grateful? BECAUSE of what they did years ago? FEK that.
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Jul 16, 2006
Nick, i am not questioning your patriotism if you are referring to me. You just have a differnet point of view which is very healthy to the discussion (and representative of what a sizable chunk of the lebanese population is thinking right now) and i am just picking your mind. I really hope you continue to post on this topic rather than just accept defeat (which is what you want to do with Israel too haha :P)

No hard feelings okay ?
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Jul 16, 2006
MaaaD wrote:Nick, i am not questioning your patriotism if you are referring to me. You just have a differnet point of view which is very healthy to the discussion (and representative of what a sizable chunk of the lebanese population is thinking right now) and i am just picking your mind. I really hope you continue to post on this topic rather than just accept defeat (which is what you want to do with Israel too haha :P)

No hard feelings okay ?

Hey man, of course not... You're one of the persons I enjoy "communicating" with on the forums and who I hope to meet someday. But I am just having some hard times these days with my family back in Lebanon and me being "stuck" here. And yeah, I have a different opinion regarding Hezbollah but you made it sound as if I was SUPPOSED to show respect for them whatever happens, whatever the consequences are.

Do you know where our "beloved" president is right now? He's in Fakra, one of the most "chic" mountain resorts in Lebanon, prolly sunbathing next to a swimming pool as usual. This is what we deal with every single day in Lebanon. This is why Hezbollah got all their influence in Lebanon (south Lebanon especially where they've been known to pay for schools, university studies for the youth etc...) Sure you could look at them as saviors, but in my book, it's always been brainwashing a whole population and part of an agenda.
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Jul 16, 2006
I pray for you, your family and all the other families Nick. Ping me if you want to discuss this more over lunch or a drink.
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Jul 16, 2006
MaaaD wrote:I pray for you, your family and all the other families Nick. Ping me if you want to discuss this more over lunch or a drink.

Only if we DON'T talk about this situation :P I really need to take my mind off this... Would be nice for anyone to join us too :wink: Just nice lunch/night out to chill... We don't need to organize something like that do we? :lol:

P.S: Corc I am especially expecting an answer from you :wink:
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Jul 16, 2006
Nick81 wrote:

P.S: Corc I am especially expecting an answer from you :wink:

Nick ,

i thought u were my brother but you were inviting my wife over dinner or night out :roll:
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Jul 16, 2006
HP wrote:
Nick81 wrote:

P.S: Corc I am especially expecting an answer from you :wink:

Nick ,

i thought u were my brother but you were inviting my wife over dinner or night out :roll:

hey my wife's Raidah but she's not here right now :P I've been looking forward to meeting Corc because she's Lebanese and she seems like someone who I could spend some good times with (the 1st person to comment this will get a vicious spanking!! Good times = laughs, nice discussions etc...)
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Jul 16, 2006
hey my wife's Raidah but she's not here right now :P I've been looking forward to meeting Corc because she's Lebanese and she seems like someone who I could spend some good times with (the 1st person to comment this will get a vicious spanking!! Good times = laughs, nice discussions etc...)[/quote]

am i? hmmm...cant remember...and...did we do it? :oops:
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Jul 16, 2006
raidah wrote:hey my wife's Raidah but she's not here right now :P I've been looking forward to meeting Corc because she's Lebanese and she seems like someone who I could spend some good times with (the 1st person to comment this will get a vicious spanking!! Good times = laughs, nice discussions etc...)

am i? hmmm...cant remember...and...did we do it? :oops:[/quote]

According to HP's daddy we cyber all the time. So it all depends on the way you see things :P
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Jul 16, 2006
I know you guys , first discussion and then coming little bit closer and end ....... :shock:

Please meet my pretty penny (made in Pakistan ) or xyz and discuss with them :roll: . This is the first time , i managed any arabic girl for marriage . :oops:

Do ya want me to do honour killing? :)
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Jul 17, 2006
maad and Nick and everyone i think we should do it "go out for dinner or somthin" ... i would like to meet u too Nick yalla arrange somethin and i am in... :)
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Jul 17, 2006
A64Venice wrote:
MaaaD wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:

I second that!

Also it's sad that it's always the innocent by-standers that come off worse and bear the brunt of conflict.

did you guys see the pictures of the dead children (in lebanon) in today's gulf news. breaks my heart.

You will see that in Gulf news, but not on CNN or BBC. Therefore, the rest of the world thinks Israel is the only one suffering not Lebanon or Palestine.

Actually CNN doesn't show the dead Israeli civilians either.
Dubai Expat Helper
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Jul 17, 2006
I just got this as an sms if someone can confirm this info would be great:

"Ma'ak Ya Lebnan" an initiative taken by the Lebanese Embassy and the Red Crescent Society to save our people in Lebanon. Let's hope for our captive lebanon !! for your donations : All branches of Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank - Account # 20000488. Please forward on.
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