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Jul 15, 2006
Lionheart wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:LH, how naive of you to assume that I know nothing of football - I used to be a sports reporter!!!!

My point was that condoning a violent reaction to a verbal insult is just silly. Zidane initially walked away then came back and headbutted the guy, so it was a premeditated act, not an off the cuff reaction.

Yes I'm well aware of the Beckham 98 saga, who can forget. But I'm talking about now, in this world cup!

Zidane was a genius on the pitch and now it's marred because of one silly act, and once again my point is that the reaction he gave and to condone it just brings shame. He should have just walked away, that's what a bigger, better man would have done.

If we all went around hitting people for making nasty remarks the whole world would be one big fight club - think of it that way. A violent reaction is never the answer.

Choco like Zidane said "I would rather have taken a punch in the jaw than have heard that." Zidane reacted the way any man would have reacted if his blood was insulted, especially his mother who is ill. I don't condone what Zidane did, I congratulate him for standing up for his family and knowing there things much greater than any glory fame and money.

He wasn't standing up for anything, he acted like a thug! And who cares what his nationality is, it doesn't matter whether he is arab or not, the point is the Italians are well known for their tactics in winding people up and waiting till they blow their top and make a mistake, more fool Zidane for letting the guy get to him.

Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jul 15, 2006
Zidane played right in to Materrazi's hands. This is exactly the reaction Materazzi was hoping to provoke more than likely. Its a pity when a grown man cannot see that. Foolish Zidane.
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Jul 15, 2006
sniper420 wrote:
naruto wrote:
KeithL wrote:
naruto wrote: ..he is arabic blood will not tolarate some1 to insult his mother or his sister even if the whole world will see it .

He's actually Kabyle Algerial which part of the Berber people.

If you go back centuries, genetics may possibly trace them to East african with part roman decent

berber people

i dnt know from where did u get this info. but if u ask all the ppl here they know he is arabic .

he is a berber........and I guess u arent aware of the history of algeria who under islamist rule wanted to take out Franch language completely and even ban berber language.....and recently those guys killed a french kabylian poet which caused huge protest......most of the algerians are against zidane...and to tell u the truth he has grudge against arabs.....

Berbers arent arabs. fullstop

One thing you should know is that the people you are calling Islamist who represent 99% of Algerians were voted in by the people..only to be removed by the dictorship army lead government who has been controlling Algeria for the last 30 years or so. It's not the Islamic party who forcing people in Algeria into arabic identity, since they have never been given the opportunity to rule the country even though they were elected by the people, its the military dictorship supported by the west that is pushing Arab identity to every ALgerians, even the Touregs Berbers who have their own language and the Kabeyle Berbers. So before you accuse the Islamic party in Algeria, please investigate the matters little bit deeper. Please look into why the West supported a military take over in Algeria when Algerian overwhelmingly elected Islamic government...Why were countries like France and US guilty of destroying democracy in Algeria.

The other thing is Berbers and Arabs are both muslims, they both have the same customs..the same culture and to most Westerners they are both seen as Arabs. Go to France, and Holland and you will see Europeans do not distinguish immigrant from Morrocans, Algerians, Maurtainians, and Tunisians as Berbers or arabs...they all see them as Arabs. The only time they are distinguished are when one achieves something in the case of Zidane...or when they want to conquer them...in the case in Algeria where the French divided the citizens into Berbers and Arabs.

BS; Berber is negative name for North Africans...a proper name is Imazing for the native speakers...
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Jul 15, 2006
Oi, this is suppost to be about football and unprofessional conduct, not the ins and outs of history and culture. Don't over complicate what is a very simply scenario of sportmen acting unprofessionally.
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