Israel And Lebanon

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Jul 14, 2006
kanelli wrote:
MS wrote:Lionheart, please stop. There is no need for this kind of attack.

Don't make some people on this forum (without mentioning names) sit back and laugh at us.

How do you know that anyone is sitting back and laughing at "us", and who is "us" by the way? Just remember, assuming makes an "a#s" out of "u" and "me". :roll:

Yet another thread deteriorates...

Are you sick? Did anybody mention you or step on your foot? And "Us" refers the people who where part of the discussion at that point in time. The discussion that turned out to be useless and childish and not worth participating in.

Did this calm you down?

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Jul 14, 2006
Nick81 wrote:I hope thar for once, there will a good conclusion, a justification for what happened. Let's hope we can force Hezbollah to disarm and start actually controlling South Lebanon and removing the influence of those Syria/Iran sell-outs.

Yes, it's the Lebanese people who are coming off worst out of this particular episode. But if Hezbollah do get thrown out, it then removes any excuse Israel claims to have for interfering in South Lebanon.
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Jul 14, 2006
The cowered Saudis as usual are condenming the actions of brave Hizaballoha who are the only Arabs with balls. This Saudi cowereds can't standup to US and Isreal, but they will do anything possible to send their lunatics to poor muslim countries like Afghanistan,Somali, Pakistane, Indonesia, Iraq, etc to create problems for poor people. They send their lunatics to Europe and Us to brainwash muslim youths to hate the country that welcomed them...but when it comes to clean their own backyard from corruption and standing up American influence in holy land they ignored coweredly. Know these bastereds have the nerve to condenm Hizaballoh and Hamas for standing for their people against naked aggression of Isreal.

Saudi Arabia Accuses Hizbullah of 'Uncalculated

In a significant move, Saudi Arabia, the Arab world's political heavyweight and economic powerhouse, accused Hizbullah -- without naming it -- of "uncalculated adventures" that could precipitate a new Middle East crisis.
A Saudi official quoted by the state Saudi Press Agency said Hizbullah's brazen capture of two Israeli soldiers was not legitimate.

The kingdom "clearly announces that there has to be a differentiation between legitimate resistance (to Israel) and uncalculated adventures."

Israel has intensified its attacks on Lebanon, striking bridges, airports and the main highway leading to Syria to put pressure on the government and force Hizbullah to free the two Israeli soldiers it captured Wednesday.

The Saudi official said Hizbullah's actions could lead to "an extremely serious situation which could subject all Arab nations and its achievements to destruction."

"The kingdom sees that it is time for those elements to alone shoulder the full responsibility for this irresponsible behavior and that the burden of ending the crisis falls on them alone."

Israel's attack on Lebanon is its heaviest offensive there in 24 years. Two days of Israeli bombings have killed 47 Lebanese and wounded 103. Two Israeli civilians and eight Israeli soldiers have also been killed, the military's highest death toll in four years.

Saudi Arabia's comments on the crisis came after most moderate Arab governments reacted with relative restraint to Israel's offensive in Lebanon, condemning attacks on civilians and infrastructure but also implicitly criticizing Hizbullah.

However, Iran and Syria, who back Hizbullah, voiced their support to the guerrilla on Thursday.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad also warned Israel against extending its offensive in Lebanon to neighboring Syria and said such a move would equate to an attack against the Islamic world, the official Iranian news agency reported Friday.

The Iranian leader called on Muslim countries to create a united front against Israel.

"The Islamic world, especially countries in this region, need more unity and integrity, particularly in the context of Lebanon and Palestine," Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying.

"The Islamic republic of Iran supports the case (for unity) with all its diplomatic capacity," he said.(AP)
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Jul 14, 2006
Lion heart

u r quite emotional kid . where are u from ? if u have any country?
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Jul 14, 2006
HP wrote:Lion heart

u r quite emotional kid . where are u from ? if u have any country?

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Jul 14, 2006
Lionheart, jacka$$es like you have no business talking politics

And Sniper, forget Wiki, check ANY other GOOD source then. I LIVED The war, I researched every bit of it that I can't remember because I was a kid at the time so trust me, I know what I am talking about. It destroyed my country, corrupted and divided my fellow countrymen and we just can't stop paying the price.

Again, you want to question my attitude here, try to actually LEARN what really happened in the war, the role of each group/party in it and the role of big evil Israel. You will realize then, that it's not a matter of pointing at people saying who's on the good side and who's on the bad side. It's not that easy. This isn't Star Wars.
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Jul 14, 2006
Hizaballoh and Hamas for standing for their people against naked aggression of Isreal.


This is even more hilarious than the "mistress" post. "THEIR" people.
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Jul 14, 2006
Nick81 wrote:Lionheart, jacka$$es like you have no business talking politics

And Sniper, forget Wiki, check ANY other GOOD source then. I LIVED The war, I researched every bit of it that I can't remember because I was a kid at the time so trust me, I know what I am talking about. It destroyed my country, corrupted and divided my fellow countrymen and we just can't stop paying the price.

Again, you want to question my attitude here, try to actually LEARN what really happened in the war, the role of each group/party in it and the role of big evil Israel. You will realize then, that it's not a matter of pointing at people saying who's on the good side and who's on the bad side. It's not that easy. This isn't Star Wars.

Nick..I always figured you to be jackass...But anyway Hizaballoh no matter how much you try to demonize them they liberated Lebenon from the Isreal occuppation back in 80's.
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Jul 14, 2006
Nick81 wrote:
Hizaballoh and Hamas for standing for their people against naked aggression of Isreal.


This is even more hilarious than the "mistress" post. "THEIR" people.

Hamas was voted in by the people, while Hizaballoh has 23 elected officials representing them in the Lebanese parliament. The Hizaballoh like hamas has better welfare system than other government representative. Again like Hamas they are less corrupt than other elected officials.
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Jul 14, 2006
Lionheart wrote:
Nick81 wrote:Lionheart, jacka$$es like you have no business talking politics

And Sniper, forget Wiki, check ANY other GOOD source then. I LIVED The war, I researched every bit of it that I can't remember because I was a kid at the time so trust me, I know what I am talking about. It destroyed my country, corrupted and divided my fellow countrymen and we just can't stop paying the price.

Again, you want to question my attitude here, try to actually LEARN what really happened in the war, the role of each group/party in it and the role of big evil Israel. You will realize then, that it's not a matter of pointing at people saying who's on the good side and who's on the bad side. It's not that easy. This isn't Star Wars.

Nick..I always figured you to be jackass...But anyway Hizaballoh no matter how much you try to demonize them they liberated Lebenon from the Isreal occuppation back in 80's.

Last time I checked the calendar it was 2006 Einstein! Hezbollah's glory days are over, and have been so for a loooong time. You want to criticize KSA? Well take a good look at it and the Saudis. Then take a look at the Lebanese, paying the FEKIN price every FEKIN day because of a bunch of bearded jacka$$ses standing in front of Israel for "THEIR" people.
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Jul 14, 2006
Lionheart wrote:
Nick81 wrote:
Hizaballoh and Hamas for standing for their people against naked aggression of Isreal.


This is even more hilarious than the "mistress" post. "THEIR" people.

Hamas was voted in by the people, while Hizaballoh has 23 elected officials representing them in the Lebanese parliament. The Hizaballoh like hamas has better welfare system than other government representative. Again like Hamas they are less corrupt than other elected officials.

Well for once you posted something that makes actually sense. But we only gave them officials representing them to try and ge them to drop their weapons and get into the system. What do we get in return? They get us in war with Israel WITHOUT consulting the government. So please if you are trying to make a point, I fail to see it.
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Jul 14, 2006
Nick81 wrote:
Lionheart wrote:
Nick81 wrote:
Hizaballoh and Hamas for standing for their people against naked aggression of Isreal.


This is even more hilarious than the "mistress" post. "THEIR" people.

Hamas was voted in by the people, while Hizaballoh has 23 elected officials representing them in the Lebanese parliament. The Hizaballoh like hamas has better welfare system than other government representative. Again like Hamas they are less corrupt than other elected officials.

Well for once you posted something that makes actually sense. But we only gave them officials representing them to try and ge them to drop their weapons and get into the system. What do we get in return? They get us in war with Israel WITHOUT consulting the government. So please if you are trying to make a point, I fail to see it.

Isreal is holding over 1000 Hizabollah and Hamas prisoners without putting them on trial, but they have the nerves to go to war over two of their soliders who were captured :roll: . Isreal is using this situation to further theirs and US agenda to get Iran and Syria involved in this conflict. Since the nuclear weapon excuse by US has failed, the American administration is using Isreal to push buttons to get Iran/Syria involved in conflict with Isreal.
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Jul 15, 2006
Lionheart wrote:but they have the nerves to go to war over two of their soliders who were captured :roll: .

And eight that were killed. And 100 rockets fired by Hizbullah into Israel. Anyway, why are you so surprised? It sounds like you know what Israel is like.
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Jul 15, 2006
Nick81 wrote:
Corcovado wrote:
mraph33 wrote:
Corcovado wrote:Anyone watching the news???????? r u watching/??? my country is destroyed , we have no electricity , no water, no exits :cry: :cry: and why?? for two coward , cheap, f**king Israeli soldiers who were killing arabs all their lives :evil: :evil: :evil: It hurts to see humanity so rigid and that people dont give a damn about other human beings getting killed.... WAKE UP the world is turning ugly ... :evil: :evil: :evil:

If those 2 soldiers were not kidnapped by people in your country, none of this would have happened. Despite harshness of the Israeli response, this one they didn't start.

really?? ok my dear obviously u have no idea what so ever about whats going on :evil: :evil: israel is stealing my country and its our right to defend it whenever we want :evil: :evil: :x so go and learn b4 being stupid and not knowing anything :evil: :evil: damn u

Ok Corc, I am going to try and be as clear as I can right now.

Yes Israel is a big problem for all Arab countries. Its direct neighbours actually. The rest, as much as they bark, aren't lifting a finger to do somethng about it.

It's our right to defend it? Refer to my previous post about that.

To begin with there is NO "we" in what's happening in Lebanon. Do you think the population, the government KNEW about Hezbollah's plans before we got into this mess? No. Do you think Hezbollah's plan here is limited to "defending" our country and playing heroes? Anyone who trully believes that has obviously no clue whatsoever about what's going on in Lebanon, and Hezbollah's agenda. But I guess all is fine, our hotels are now empty, tourists have fleed. Where to? Well Syria of course. All their hotels are full now, at least for a few days. Jackpot. Lebanon is still paying the price. Was that what you had in mind Corc when you mentioned it?


nick im sorry to say this , but i think u only think about money and economey..

ps:I think HEZBULLA were fighting ISREAL not for iran or syria for the freedom of lebanon ,still i think that was not the right time to kidnap 2 isreal soldiers .

and about the arab world NO COMMENT :(
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Jul 15, 2006
sharewadi wrote:
Lionheart wrote:but they have the nerves to go to war over two of their soliders who were captured :roll: .

And eight that were killed. And 100 rockets fired by Hizbullah into Israel. Anyway, why are you so surprised? It sounds like you know what Israel is like.

for 8 soliders killed and 2 abducted, Isreal goes out and kills 60 Lebanese civilians, wiping out a 2 whole families. There is no justification for what Isreal is doing right know to Lebenon and Gaza and they have been doing this for 60 years right, act as if they are above any international law. Imagine if IRan did this, if they invaded Iraq or Afghanistan because their soliders were abducted by Afghans or Iraqis...the Americans would not congrulate them the same they congrulate Isreal for bombing the shit out of weaker nation...but instead they would push for case to invade Iran because they threat to their nieghbors. But Isreal no matter many of its neighbors it kills or invades...they are immune for any guilt. When Isreal kills 60 civilians with their air raids they are excused as being provoked...but when Hizabollah or hamas retaliates against isreal aggression they are seen as terrorist :roll:.

I'm not suprised at Isreal's reaction, because they have always reacted like this. I'm suprised at the lack of coweredness shown by Arab leaders as usual and the usual double standard shown by American administration...condenming terrorism by Hizabollah and Hamas...okeying the terrorism by Isreal. I'm suprised that Western media who blasted Zidane for retaliating violently by headbutting someone who insulted him is know making excuse for Isrealis violent reaction to an incident that could be solved by negotiating..instead chose war that could lead to what I'm afraid will be World war 3. :roll:
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Jul 15, 2006
your wrong.
ISREAL is doing an excellent job and the free/normal world will praise them
when they have finished
Mr & Mrs Inquirer
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Jul 15, 2006
Lionheart wrote:
HP wrote:Lion heart

u r quite emotional kid . where are u from ? if u have any country?


ur country exist in deep shit :P
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Jul 15, 2006
Mr & Mrs Inquirer wrote:your wrong.
ISREAL is doing an excellent job and the free/normal world will praise them
when they have finished

The only thing Isreal is doing is digging its own grave, in the same manner 1000 years ago Crusaders digged their own grave.
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Jul 15, 2006
HP wrote:
Lionheart wrote:
HP wrote:Lion heart

u r quite emotional kid . where are u from ? if u have any country?


ur country exist in deep shit :P

HP get your head out of your ass...
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Jul 15, 2006
Lionheart wrote:for 8 soliders killed and 2 abducted, Isreal goes out and kills 60 Lebanese civilians, wiping out a 2 whole families. There is no justification for what Isreal is doing right know to Lebenon and Gaza and they have been doing this for 60 years right, act as if they are above any international law. Imagine if IRan did this, if they invaded Iraq or Afghanistan because their soliders were abducted by Afghans or Iraqis...the Americans would not congrulate them the same they congrulate Isreal for bombing the shit out of weaker nation...but instead they would push for case to invade Iran because they threat to their nieghbors. But Isreal no matter many of its neighbors it kills or invades...they are immune for any guilt. When Isreal kills 60 civilians with their air raids they are excused as being provoked...but when Hizabollah or hamas retaliates against isreal aggression they are seen as terrorist :roll:.

I'm not suprised at Isreal's reaction, because they have always reacted like this. I'm suprised at the lack of coweredness shown by Arab leaders as usual and the usual double standard shown by American administration...condenming terrorism by Hizabollah and Hamas...okeying the terrorism by Isreal. I'm suprised that Western media who blasted Zidane for retaliating violently by headbutting someone who insulted him is know making excuse for Isrealis violent reaction to an incident that could be solved by negotiating..instead chose war that could lead to what I'm afraid will be World war 3. :roll:

Your arguments would have more validity if
1. You stuck to the topic (Zidane is a different story).
2. Were consistent - you're saying Zidane's overreaction is acceptable but Israel's is not?
3. Made sense (Iran/Afghan comparison sounds like nonsense. You say you're surprised at "lack of coweredness" of other Arab countries - it doesn't sound like you are).
4. Did not make inaccurate generalisations...

America did not congratulate Israel.
Israel is not immune from guilt - Israel has at times punished their own soldiers for killing civilians (not that I expect it will happen with these events).

You're still focused on blaming Israel. For hundreds of years both sides have been claiming it's the other side's fault and they started it. When will the two sides ever focus on trying to find a workable solution? Hizbullah's solution involves destroying Israel and you're supporting that? It's hardly a realistic proposition, irrespective of the rightness or wrongness of it.

The Lebanese were focused on trying to get their country to work after years of turmoil, and this episode will be a major setback for them. That's why I feel so sad for them.

Seems to me like somebody is using Hizbullah to prevent Lebanon from moving forward, and perhaps try and stir up a regional conflict.
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Jul 15, 2006
Bravo sharewadi!
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Jul 15, 2006
The whole thing is totally messed up!

Israel have totally overeacted to the situation. However Hezbollah are certainly not innocent in this, many of the news reports say that they've counted on Israel's overaction to deliberately destroy Lebanon, these people are a total menace as well.

Also what the hect are the Lebanese doing to defend themselves? Nothing, as per usual!

And what are their Arab brothers doing to help them? Nothing, as per usual!

For god's sake why can't these guys get it together , it's pathetic!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jul 15, 2006
Israel's military says four servicemen are missing after one of its vessels off the Lebanese coast was struck by a missile fired by Hezbollah militants.

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Jul 15, 2006
And what about the prisoners that Israel is holding? The whole thing is whack, and Lebanon is bearing the brunt, awful - I love that place.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jul 15, 2006
And what about the prisoners that Israel is holding? The whole thing is whack, and Lebanon is bearing the brunt, awful - I love that place.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jul 15, 2006
just some quick points for those of you who want to know more about the history of the conflict...

1. Israel has occupied a number of Arab territories since 1967, pursuing an illegal colonial project thereon comprising, but not limited to, expropriating land, building settlements, and transferring its civilian population. These lands include the Palestinian West Bank, the Syrian Golan Heights, and the Lebanese Shebaa Farms.

2. Israel occupied Lebanon for 22 years (excluding the occupation of Shebaa Farms, which continues to this day). During this period, Israel massacred civilian populations, such as the 1996 bombardment of the United Nations compound in Qana; targetted Lebanon's infrastructure, including power plants and highways; and raised a proxy army, the South Lebanese Army, helping it administer the notorious Khiam prison where hundreds of Lebanese were tortured and imprisoned for years without charge.

3. During its occupation of Lebanon, Israel detained hundreds of Lebanese, often times by crossing over the border and abducting them. To this day, Israel continues to detain a number of Lebanese.

4. Israel regularly invades Lebanon by flying over its airspace, coupled with sonic boom attacks over civilian populations.

5. Though Israel departed from southern Lebanon in 2000, they left over 130,000 land mines which have killed and injured countless children. Israel refuses to disclose the location of these mines.

6. Israel hosts one of Lebanon's most wanted fugitives, the ceritified war criminal Antoine Lahad. Lahad led Israel's proxy army in southern Lebanon, the South Lebanese Army. Lahad currently resides in Tel Aviv, where he runs a restaurant and complains of poor treatment by Israel.

7. The Lebanese government has done nothing of substance to secure the release of Lebanese prisoners, the liberation of Shebaa Farms, a halt to the Israeli Air Force's frequent incursions, and a map of Israel's land mines.

8. Lebanese militias have succeeded in the past, most recently in 2004, to obtain the release of Lebanese nationals in Israeli custody through prisoner exchanges.
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Jul 15, 2006
Thanks for that .... what I dont understand yet is how did the Israeli's get there? Are they actually people from the region or did they all just move in one day put up some borders and say welcome to Israel?
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Jul 15, 2006
Go read the Bible and look into WW2 history.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jul 15, 2006
ajb wrote:Thanks for that .... what I dont understand yet is how did the Israeli's get there? Are they actually people from the region or did they all just move in one day put up some borders and say welcome to Israel?

Someone was sleeping in his history classes
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Jul 15, 2006
What is really sad is how the media, especially CNN projects Israel as defending itself. Even Bush goes on says Israel has the right to defend herself. What about Lebanon and Palestine. Don’t they have the right to defend? No, that’s terrorism?

How long can you fool people by saying this?

Its Hezbullah and Hamas that are defending themselves with whatever leverage they have left. I consider them as common people defending their freedom from Israeli aggression. They don’t have tanks, warships and planes, but they have courage and will!

You call them terrorists; I call it rebellion for freedom.

Peace be upon the 64 innocent killed in Lebanon
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