Israel And Lebanon

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Israel and Lebanon Jul 13, 2006
Now beirut is underfire... Israel bombed the airport i cant go home :cry: my family is there and i am worried... i have to be there... Israel is killing my people and palestinians...they are destroying lebanon and Palestine and its about time someone stands in ISRAEl face... i woke up and cried today... happy tears :cry: and sad ones..... ISRAEL GO TO HELL :evil: :evil: lebanon and Palestine HOLD ON WE WILL WIN

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Jul 13, 2006
Yes Israel is freaking out, they have one corporal caputred in the south.. and now two in the north. They have two fronts open with a prime minister and defense minister that have very little military expeirence and those acts they are taking are out of deserpation. It is very low blow to hit the airport especially during the summer when most of the people are coming back for summer holidays.

I hope the world can see how Israel for the paste weeks is ready to distruct the whole middle east for 3 of its soldiers killing many innocent civilians for 3 military men !!!

On the positive side this is huge for the resistance against the occupied forces and I hope that it will mean lots of women, children and other innocent people in Israel prisons might see freedom soon.
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Jul 13, 2006
You forgot the essential:

Hezbollah go to hell

They are a plague. With them around we will NEVER know peace in Lebanon.
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Jul 13, 2006
Nick i love how you are blaming Hezbollah for this !!!!

They are practicing there legal right to armed resistance against an occupying force and have captured two soldiers. How is hezbollah responsible for the actions of the war machine (i.e the state of Israel) ?

YOu should be proud of Hezbollah and the achievments they have made, if it wasnt for them and there protection of the south Israel would have still been there bombing Lebanon's infrastructure almost weekly as was the case when they were controlling the south !!!
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Jul 13, 2006
Nick81 wrote:They are a plague. With them around we will NEVER know peace in Lebanon.

Also, one more comment on this part. How do you want to acheive peace ? Throw away Hezbollah's weapons and then become a sheep like Egypt and Jordan and get peace ? Well here is a news flash for you this wont bring peace to lebanon but rather make it weaker against a war hungry neighbor.
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Jul 13, 2006
The news reports say that the Israeli soldiers were captured in a cross-border raid. Who was going across the border? Were the Israelis captured on Lebanese soil, or did Hezbollah capture Israelis across the border?
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jul 13, 2006
here was the story is according to Israeli Haaretz:

The fighting began at about 9:00 A.M., when a group of reserve soldiers in two armored jeeps was conducting a routine patrol of the border. As the jeeps passed between Moshav Zarit and Moshav Shtula, Hezbollah attacked.

An initial inquiry revealed that the Hezbollah operatives had crossed the border earlier via a "dead zone" in the border fence not visible from any of the IDF lookout posts. There are dozens of similar "dead zones" along the northern border, though the IDF said that lookout cameras to cover this particular spot were due to be installed next week. The assailants may have used a wheeled ladder to climb over the fence.

The operatives hid themselves in an overgrown wadi about 200 meters on the Israeli side of the fence and waited until the IDF troops arrived, whereupon they attacked, apparently with a combination of explosives and antitank missiles.

Three soldiers were killed during the initial assault, while one soldier was seriously wounded, another lightly wounded and a third suffered a shrapnel scratch. In addition, the assailants kidnapped two soldiers, whose medical condition is unknown. According to the IDF, Hezbollah probably had an escape vehicle waiting on the other side of the fence. The entire incident took no more than 10 minutes, and the Israeli soldiers apparently never fired a shot.
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Jul 13, 2006
Well, if Hezbollah did come across the border to attack and kidnap Israeli soldiers, then Hezbollah should take responsibility for the retaliation attack that has killed innocent Lebanese and wreaked havoc on Beirut. Militant groups do not have the support of all the people and some of their actions that are out of line have significant repercussions on the population in general. Yes, the Israelis are out of control with their conduct - they are so heavy handed that it isn't funny - but the fact remains that Beirut would likely not have been attacked if Hezbollah militants did not cross the border and capture Israeli soldiers. I'm so sorry that everyday Lebanese have to suffer, as well as the Palestinians. They need to gain some control over the militant groups if there is ever going to be peace. Israel controlling its military is another matter - it will likely take major international pressure for that to happen, but we don't seem to see that happening do we! :evil:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jul 13, 2006
I don't need anyone lecturing me on the situation in Lebanon and who I should praise or blame for what's happening here. I was born in an underground parking lot and most of my childhood was spent in fear.

Hezbollah do NOT represent the Lebanese. They have their OWN interests, interests that go AGAINST anything that could be considered good for our country. But of course this is something thy don't give a crap about.

Poor Palestinians? Yeah. Israel is to blame for everything? Maybe. But why do we have to pay the price EVERY SINGLE time. Give your nice theory to all the businesses that are going to suffer from this in Lebanon, tell this to all the people who had started dreaming about a better future and tell how taking this in consideration will make me feel better knowing that my family and loved ones are there. Pay the price? **** that! Let Syria and Iran pay the price if they're so excited about playing heros.
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Jul 13, 2006
Kanelli what you are saying is true if you want to treat Gaza and South Lebanon as two different entities which would server perfectly in the "divide and conquer" mentality that israel is employing in the region. However if you view Hezbollah's attack as a retaliation to the ongoing offensive in Gaza then you will see things from a different prespective. Last thing Israel wants is to see Hezbollah retaliate for something that happened in Gaza .. because look at the bad situation its put in right now and is acting like an out of control raging bull.

Also keep in mind Israel is still occupying part of south lebanon (albeit a small part) and Hezbollah has a legitimate reason to still be armed and fight for that part back.

I do agree with you about the part of controlling the militant groups, they have to be used strategically to show israel that the other side does have power but at the same time never add to the toll of killed innocent civilians. But in the past few weeks what we have seen has been an offensive by the militant groups on Israeli military and then a brutal offensive back on innocent civilians by the Israel, showing the world its true colors. But does the world care ?
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Jul 13, 2006
MaaaD wrote:
Nick81 wrote:They are a plague. With them around we will NEVER know peace in Lebanon.

Also, one more comment on this part. How do you want to acheive peace ? Throw away Hezbollah's weapons and then become a sheep like Egypt and Jordan and get peace ? Well here is a news flash for you this wont bring peace to lebanon but rather make it weaker against a war hungry neighbor.

Why are Egypt and Jordan sheep for trying to use diplomacy rather than arms to look after their people and their interests?
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jul 13, 2006
MaaaD wrote:Kanelli what you are saying is true if you want to treat Gaza and South Lebanon as two different entities which would server perfectly in the "divide and conquer" mentality that israel is employing in the region. However if you view Hezbollah's attack as a retaliation to the ongoing offensive in Gaza then you will see things from a different prespective. Last thing Israel wants is to see Hezbollah retaliate for something that happened in Gaza .. because look at the bad situation its put in right now and is acting like an out of control raging bull.

Also keep in mind Israel is still occupying part of south lebanon (albeit a small part) and Hezbollah has a legitimate reason to still be armed and fight for that part back.

I do agree with you about the part of controlling the militant groups, they have to be used strategically to show israel that the other side does have power but at the same time never add to the toll of killed innocent civilians. But in the past few weeks what we have seen has been an offensive by the militant groups on Israeli military and then a brutal offensive back on innocent civilians by the Israel, showing the world its true colors. But does the world care ?

Israelis/Jews are trying to carve out a homeland so that they won't have to face the kind of genocide that happened to them ever again. I believe that they will fight very hard for this and it makes them a formidable force. Their will is great and they cannot be underestimated. When they don't feel threatened they are likely to calm down and talk peace. The militant groups are threatening, and the international community is not doing enough to help solve this situation for both parties.

Hezbollah may sympathise with what is going on in Gaza, but all they have done with their retaliation raid and kidnap is indirectly murder innocent Lebanese. Let the Palestinians handle the Gaza issue - Hezbollah should not be dragging Lebanon into the fray by making a very unwise attack at the border. I'm sure there are bunch of men in Hezbollah with not much to do who are itching for some Iraeli ass-kicking, but look what their actions caused to the Lebanese people and the stability in the region!

Israel's recent heavy handed tactics aren't doing anything for stability in the region either - they are angering many people and are instigating retaliation attacks. If they were smart they would calm down. Everyone needs to calm down :!:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jul 13, 2006
kanelli wrote:
MaaaD wrote:
Nick81 wrote:They are a plague. With them around we will NEVER know peace in Lebanon.

Also, one more comment on this part. How do you want to acheive peace ? Throw away Hezbollah's weapons and then become a sheep like Egypt and Jordan and get peace ? Well here is a news flash for you this wont bring peace to lebanon but rather make it weaker against a war hungry neighbor.

Why are Egypt and Jordan sheep for trying to use diplomacy rather than arms to look after their people and their interests?

Again Kanelli, i am looking at things from the context of Arab - Israeli conflict rather than each country on its own. And thats the only way peace can be acheived, because peace should be done between equal or almost equalt parties and i think with the military and economic strength of Israel right now, i would say the whole arab world in a united front could almost pass for equals while each country on its own is much less stronger and thus more vulnerable to give in to more compromises in peace negotiations. This is why Israel has been very keen on makeing sure they negotiate with each country seperatly and it pisses them off alot that Lebanon refuses to negotiate seperate from Syria.
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Jul 13, 2006
Mr & Mrs Inquirer wrote:Militant groups have attacked Israel, and Israeli military were correct in their actions and they need to be use more of a brutal offensive and stop being sissies

That's pathetic and I presume you're just being a troll.

MaaaD wrote:i would say the whole arab world in a united front could almost pass for equals

Yes, and as a united front could probably force Israel to back off. But they haven't. Not now, not last year, not since the Intifada started, not during the civil war in Lebanon, and so on. So Hamas and Hezbollah claim they represent Arab interests? I don't think, despite their rhetoric, even they genuinely believe they do.

Egypt and Jordan have found a compromise with Israel. Not one that's acceptable to the likes of Hezbollah and Hamas, but there are millions of people in those two countries who aren't living in a state of war or a refugee camp.

Anyway, aren't Hezbollah Iranian/Syrian backed? They're hardly representative of Lebanon then?

It's not until both sides focus on finding a solution instead of justifying why they're right, that any progress towards peace will ever be made :( .
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Jul 13, 2006
Great post sharewadi 8)
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jul 13, 2006
everyday hundered and thousands of palestinians are being killed by Israel and the world stands still doing nothing about it... but when 1 israeli freaking soldier is kidnapped ...!!! the world goes crazy!!! why?? who decides that israelis are better human beings ?? who said that arabs deserve to be killed for no reason? its about time that we stand for our honor and defend our country ... NICK STOP being selfish and look at the bigger picture .... ARABS ALL OVER THE WORLD WAKE UP .....
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Jul 13, 2006
Who said that the whole world is upset over a few Israeli soldiers being kidnapped? Also, Nick isn't being selfish, he is entitled to his opinion, even if it is different than yours. Corcovado, I know you are upset and likely lashing out because of frustration at this time.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jul 13, 2006
Corcovado wrote:everyday hundered and thousands of palestinians are being killed by Israel and the world stands still doing nothing about it... but when 1 israeli freaking soldier is kidnapped ...!!! the world goes crazy!!! why?? who decides that israelis are better human beings ?? who said that arabs deserve to be killed for no reason? its about time that we stand for our honor and defend our country ... NICK STOP being selfish and look at the bigger picture .... ARABS ALL OVER THE WORLD WAKE UP .....

Defend our country? The Lebanese are supposed to stand alone against Israel while all other countries are sitting with a thumb up their a$$es?

There is NO national unity in Lebanon. The politics in the country are a complete joke. The Hezbollah just took the decision to attack Israel ON THEIR OWN (or at Syria/Iran's orders of course) and WE have to pay for their decision. Ask your family if they're enjoying what they're going through in Lebanon now. Defend our country? HOW? We're just going to lose everything we did in the last few years. Think any of our Arab "brothers" will help us after this??? It's time to live in the real world.

ISRAEL IS GOING NOWHERE. IT'S NOT GOING TO VANISH INTO THIN AIR. Let's wait for what's going to happen in the next hours. They can take Beirut in a matter of hours. That's be real fun for everyone. Let's just hope that the idea of "fighting" Israel will get food on the table for everyone and ensure their safety.
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Jul 13, 2006
Oh one more thing because that thing about "fighting" Israel just cracked me up. Who's going to fight IF we stand long enough to even have a chance to do so?

Army? No comment :lol:

Civilians? The days of the civil war are over. There's no unity in the country and as soon as they get weapons they'll fight each other instead of uniting against Israel.

So what the hell are you talking about Corc?
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Jul 13, 2006
Not following any religion per se, I do feel that living in London, we are being slowly conditioned through the media to the plight of the Israeli cause, which I think is unfair as we here don't really get to hear the side of the Muslim argument, except as the dead donkey article..

Unfortunately as Mr Blair has chosen to lie with Mr Bush, I dont see this changing any time soon.

I am watching the news at the moment and the gearing is very heavily sided to the Israeli cause. I cannot really take sides but I think the level of jewish representation is overblown (I have to whisper-type as I work in a very Jewish area)

Unfortunately the majority of main stram newspapers and news agencies are owned by a person who, I am told, has Jewish sympathies and once you control what people read............

It doesn't really help your frustrations I know but there are some of us in the Uk who have not been brainwashed yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Jul 13, 2006
I should have added, there was an almost united front in 2002 when the Saudis proposed a peace agreement. It wasn't anything that hadn't been said already but it was significant that it came from Saudi and was supported by all (or most) Arab nations.

Of course, Hamas scuppered that one - Israel may not have accepted it anyway but Hamas made sure of it with the Netanya bombing. I can understand why some people claim that Hamas and Hezbollah are actually Israeli organisations.

I know I've gone off-topic a bit since this was about Israel and Hezbollah but I'm making a general point that the resistance/terrorist groups do not represent the rest of the Arab world, since both call for the destruction of Israel.
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Jul 13, 2006
Corcovado wrote: who decides that israelis are better human beings ?? who said that arabs deserve to be killed for no reason?

Some Israelis do.

Much like Hamas and Hezbollah decide that Israelis are less than human and deserve to be destroyed.

Arab nations tolerate Hamas/Hezbollah actions. Western nations tolerate Israeli actions. The Palestinians and now the Lebanese (again :( ) are caught between the two sides. The Palestinians by choice - they voted for Hamas. The Lebanese by tolerating Hezbollah presence.

Western nations will maintain that Israel has a right to exist. That won't change no matter how many Arab civilians are killed by Israel. So the conflict will continue until the West agrees that Israel should be destroyed (ha ha) or Hamas/Hezbollah agree that Israel has a right to exist (also ha ha).

So Israel will retaliate when their soldiers are killed or taken from what they consider to be Israeli territory, and the West will condemn their bombing of Beirut airport but tolerate it.
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Jul 13, 2006
More good posts guys. 8)
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jul 13, 2006
sorry to sound a thickie

did Hamas replace the PLO ??
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Jul 13, 2006
I hope someone will smack upside the head both Nasrallah and Olhmert, before this gets blown up into something REALLY big.
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Jul 13, 2006
Corcovado wrote:everyday hundered and thousands of palestinians are being killed by Israel and the world stands still doing nothing about it. .....

Good thing you're not exaggerating a little.
If you want to talk about the world doing nothing, 2 days ago 200 people were killed in India and that is already off the news.
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Jul 13, 2006
murphy wrote:Not following any religion per se, I do feel that living in London, we are being slowly conditioned through the media to the plight of the Israeli cause, which I think is unfair as we here don't really get to hear the side of the Muslim argument, except as the dead donkey article..

Unfortunately as Mr Blair has chosen to lie with Mr Bush, I dont see this changing any time soon.

I am watching the news at the moment and the gearing is very heavily sided to the Israeli cause. I cannot really take sides but I think the level of jewish representation is overblown (I have to whisper-type as I work in a very Jewish area)

Unfortunately the majority of main stram newspapers and news agencies are owned by a person who, I am told, has Jewish sympathies and once you control what people read............

It doesn't really help your frustrations I know but there are some of us in the Uk who have not been brainwashed yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Understandable. Every media is doing everything in their power to make it look as if every single Lebanese is supporting Hezbollah.
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Jul 13, 2006
mraph33 wrote:
Corcovado wrote:everyday hundered and thousands of palestinians are being killed by Israel and the world stands still doing nothing about it. .....

Good thing you're not exaggerating a little.
If you want to talk about the world doing nothing, 2 days ago 200 people were killed in India and that is already off the news.

Yeah, there are not hundreds and thousands of Palestinians killed every day by Israelis. It is really sad that the current story has pushed the Mumbai tragedy out of the news. Very sad that so many were killed. :cry:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jul 13, 2006
did anybody else see that France have issued Israel with an ultimatum over its' attacks?

Unf. the big fat U.S of A have stuck their oar in and countered it already -
what 'cha gonna do?

Mind you, knowing a little about France' military history I don't know whether it is merely an empty threat......... (apologies to any Gallic readers)
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Jul 13, 2006
murphy wrote:did anybody else see that France have issued Israel with an ultimatum over its' attacks?

Unf. the big fat U.S of A have stuck their oar in and countered it already -
what 'cha gonna do?

Mind you, knowing a little about France' military history I don't know whether it is merely an empty threat......... (apologies to any Gallic readers)

where'd u see that? I know Russia and France condemned the attacks but didnt' read anything about any ultimatum
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