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my name is mohd im 17 of african descent just finished high school bored as hell i'm takin a year break b4 goin to college and im thinkin abt spending that time workin and mainly on internships over the course of the summer
the trouble is that ive sent over 20 emails to prospective companies but havent gotten any replies not even confirmations. i dont know what my next step will be i guess im gonna keep pursuin that
im interested in workin in banks insurance companies marketing and advertising companies and stuff like that. can anyone tell me what im doing wrong? all that crap they say that a student should put in all the effort really gets to me i dont know what to do i wanna prove my parents and everyone else that doubts me wrong coz i dont wanna jump to college rite now i mean all the experience i can acquire from an internship has gotta help rite it may even help in makin my choice when it comes to wat im gonna study
i just feel that its not fair that ive taken all this time and effort and am gettin no fruit outta this can sum1 pls shed sum lite into this
im generally hardworkin self motivated and promise to make the most of the experience
any help wuld be greatly appreciated
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Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Jul 11, 2006
Not sure where you are looking for intership.

At 17 there isn't much you can offer as an employee when competing with people with some experience, etc. Perhaps your high school can help you with placement in a company, etc.

What kind of job are you looking for? At a bank or insurance company you will must likely qualify to make copies. If you are in Dubai I am sure that there are many people running around with high credentials competing for the jobs you may be looking for. In must western countries you would be working in fast food places (unless you have a "connection" at a different location) or sales clerk assistance. Don't you know anyone who can get you an intership somewhere (family, friends, etc.) just as a start. It may be that you are applying for jobs you are not yet qualified to do (at your young age).

By your user name I would guess you are in an american city or just arrived from one.
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Jul 12, 2006
Try using a method other than email to make first contact .... emails are way too easy to dismiss. Try either phoning the HR departments or the head of department you wish to work for. Even better turn up in person to show them how keen you are as it will make it harder for them to dismiss without any real consideration.

Good luck
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Jul 12, 2006
Is it even allowed for you to work at the age of 17, being a "Non-Local" in the UAE?. Just a thought.
sage & onion
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There is lot of competition in market and you should not expect anything right after the high school. Make your profile better . I am not putting you down but the only place where u can find work after high school is " shoes shop " or carrefour :roll:

regards /

Dubai Forums Knight
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Jul 12, 2006
He's talking about work experience basically, not a full time job guys.

The problem is basically companies have to take people on and be their sponsors, sorting visas etc. As far as I know there are very few companies who will take people for work experience as the system is just not set up for it here.

Certainly we get loads of people asking for internships and work experience at our company, but they always refuse them point blank, as unless they're under the company sponsorship they're not covered by the company if anything happens, can't pay them etc etc etc.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jul 12, 2006
Ghetto, my company takes summer interns - we're a marketing and advertising coy.

Please PM me with more information about yourself and please watch your grammar and spelling
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Jul 13, 2006
DaveDXB wrote:
scarlet wrote:Ghetto, my company takes summer interns - we're a marketing and advertising coy.

Please PM me with more information about yourself and please watch your grammar and spelling

:idea: uuuuuuuuuuuur company? Just coz u work as the secretary in a company doesnt give ur the right to call it uuuuuuuuuuuuuuur company.....

yeah yeah and now ur gona say "really, i own it! i baught it from the 10 dirham store by karama...."

i beleive u.


Is it true that all losers white girls get the job as company's secretary :roll:
Dubai Forums Knight
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Jul 13, 2006
sorry scarlet , i am having the opinion of Dave :P
Dubai Forums Knight
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Jul 13, 2006
Secretary? Don't you read Dave - only nationals can become secreatries - besides I have one not am one.

Don't get all defensive because I earn three times what you do as a beefbrain
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Jul 13, 2006
DaveDXB wrote:
scarlet wrote:Ghetto, my company takes summer interns - we're a marketing and advertising coy.

Please PM me with more information about yourself and please watch your grammar and spelling

:idea: uuuuuuuuuuuur company? Just coz u work as the secretary in a company doesnt give ur the right to call it uuuuuuuuuuuuuuur company.....

yeah yeah and now ur gona say "really, i own it! i baught it from the 10 dirham store by karama...."

i beleive u.

You are a freak Dave. :twisted:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jul 13, 2006
HP wrote:
DaveDXB wrote:
scarlet wrote:Ghetto, my company takes summer interns - we're a marketing and advertising coy.

Please PM me with more information about yourself and please watch your grammar and spelling

:idea: uuuuuuuuuuuur company? Just coz u work as the secretary in a company doesnt give ur the right to call it uuuuuuuuuuuuuuur company.....

yeah yeah and now ur gona say "really, i own it! i baught it from the 10 dirham store by karama...."

i beleive u.


Is it true that all losers white girls get the job as company's secretary :roll:

That is a racist comment.
Dubai forums Addict
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Jul 13, 2006
XPClone wrote:That is a racist comment.

Dave is the newest freak here at DF. We think he is related to HP because he is about as tactful as HP. :lol:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jul 13, 2006
kanelli wrote:
XPClone wrote:That is a racist comment.

Dave is the newest freak here at DF. We think he is related to HP because he is about as tactful as HP. :lol:

HP makes more sense than Dave.
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Jul 13, 2006
scarlet knows that i did not mean what i wrote :wink:

Dubai Knight works as sec and instead of working, he writes the CV of HP at office :)
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