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Nick81 wrote:They are a plague. With them around we will NEVER know peace in Lebanon.
MaaaD wrote:Nick81 wrote:They are a plague. With them around we will NEVER know peace in Lebanon.
Also, one more comment on this part. How do you want to acheive peace ? Throw away Hezbollah's weapons and then become a sheep like Egypt and Jordan and get peace ? Well here is a news flash for you this wont bring peace to lebanon but rather make it weaker against a war hungry neighbor.
MaaaD wrote:Kanelli what you are saying is true if you want to treat Gaza and South Lebanon as two different entities which would server perfectly in the "divide and conquer" mentality that israel is employing in the region. However if you view Hezbollah's attack as a retaliation to the ongoing offensive in Gaza then you will see things from a different prespective. Last thing Israel wants is to see Hezbollah retaliate for something that happened in Gaza .. because look at the bad situation its put in right now and is acting like an out of control raging bull.
Also keep in mind Israel is still occupying part of south lebanon (albeit a small part) and Hezbollah has a legitimate reason to still be armed and fight for that part back.
I do agree with you about the part of controlling the militant groups, they have to be used strategically to show israel that the other side does have power but at the same time never add to the toll of killed innocent civilians. But in the past few weeks what we have seen has been an offensive by the militant groups on Israeli military and then a brutal offensive back on innocent civilians by the Israel, showing the world its true colors. But does the world care ?
kanelli wrote:MaaaD wrote:Nick81 wrote:They are a plague. With them around we will NEVER know peace in Lebanon.
Also, one more comment on this part. How do you want to acheive peace ? Throw away Hezbollah's weapons and then become a sheep like Egypt and Jordan and get peace ? Well here is a news flash for you this wont bring peace to lebanon but rather make it weaker against a war hungry neighbor.
Why are Egypt and Jordan sheep for trying to use diplomacy rather than arms to look after their people and their interests?
Mr & Mrs Inquirer wrote:Militant groups have attacked Israel, and Israeli military were correct in their actions and they need to be use more of a brutal offensive and stop being sissies
MaaaD wrote:i would say the whole arab world in a united front could almost pass for equals
Corcovado wrote:everyday hundered and thousands of palestinians are being killed by Israel and the world stands still doing nothing about it... but when 1 israeli freaking soldier is kidnapped ...!!! the world goes crazy!!! why?? who decides that israelis are better human beings ?? who said that arabs deserve to be killed for no reason? its about time that we stand for our honor and defend our country ... NICK STOP being selfish and look at the bigger picture .... ARABS ALL OVER THE WORLD WAKE UP .....
Corcovado wrote: who decides that israelis are better human beings ?? who said that arabs deserve to be killed for no reason?
Corcovado wrote:everyday hundered and thousands of palestinians are being killed by Israel and the world stands still doing nothing about it. .....
murphy wrote:Not following any religion per se, I do feel that living in London, we are being slowly conditioned through the media to the plight of the Israeli cause, which I think is unfair as we here don't really get to hear the side of the Muslim argument, except as the dead donkey article..
Unfortunately as Mr Blair has chosen to lie with Mr Bush, I dont see this changing any time soon.
I am watching the news at the moment and the gearing is very heavily sided to the Israeli cause. I cannot really take sides but I think the level of jewish representation is overblown (I have to whisper-type as I work in a very Jewish area)
Unfortunately the majority of main stram newspapers and news agencies are owned by a person who, I am told, has Jewish sympathies and once you control what people read............
It doesn't really help your frustrations I know but there are some of us in the Uk who have not been brainwashed yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mraph33 wrote:Corcovado wrote:everyday hundered and thousands of palestinians are being killed by Israel and the world stands still doing nothing about it. .....
Good thing you're not exaggerating a little.
If you want to talk about the world doing nothing, 2 days ago 200 people were killed in India and that is already off the news.
murphy wrote:did anybody else see that France have issued Israel with an ultimatum over its' attacks?
Unf. the big fat U.S of A have stuck their oar in and countered it already -
what 'cha gonna do?
Mind you, knowing a little about France' military history I don't know whether it is merely an empty threat......... (apologies to any Gallic readers)
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