Corcovado wrote:yes my dear ... Nefertiti and cleopatra in ancient egypt... old ages god was a woman ... the world was much better... now men...they want war.."boys and their toys" and weapons of mass destruction ...Alot of men rape women all over the world .. and the woman must iron her chest and wear a veil to cover her body and face so men dont follow their animal instinct and rape her...

Men Need decpline
I am not so sure about that... It's just too easy of an answer. What is happening in the world today, the situation of women is just a result of centuries of Masculinity being a synonym of power and domination. Whether it's in the government, in the work place, in the household. This is just the way it has been for a long, long time.
It's just too easy to say that if we inverted roles right away, the world would be a better place. Sure RIGHT NOW, women are generally considered to be pacifists, their "weakness" gives the idea that all type of violence is only associated to men. But it's Power that should be analyzed. It is Power that corrupts. It is Power that make so many women live in the shadows of men. Invert the roles and we would end up with the opposite. We'd still have wars with just a different chain of command. Women giving the orders and men on the battleground.
The one thing we CAN do, is just put an end to all the ignorance and barbaric practices that are still found in the world. And introduce in society, ways of reducing and hopefully end someday the image of the woman as an inferior being.