the message board for Dubai English speaking community
ajb wrote:So will working close to one of the royal family go a long way to keeping me out of trouble??
arniegang wrote:
What sort of message does this send out apart from "if you got friends then you can do what you like"
Cargirl wrote:arniegang wrote:
What sort of message does this send out apart from "if you got friends then you can do what you like"
Welcome to Dubai ....
arniegang wrote:does that mean i can do whatever i want
MaaaD wrote:or maybe they are afraind the US will bomb the shit out of them and take all the oil .. for "human rights violations"
the_zooter wrote:MaaaD wrote:or maybe they are afraind the US will bomb the shit out of them and take all the oil .. for "human rights violations"
You're probably not a million miles away from the truth.
Technically speaking, Dubai/UAE is one of those places that isn't a democracy and therefore should fall under the US's "Regime Change" remit!!
murphy wrote:Be careful what you wish for............
It may not be 'democracy' but what we have here in UK barely passes for that anymore.
Since when was it news that the rich control everything??
Don't waste energy stressing about things you can't change. Be proactive about the ones you can.
tdot wrote:it is a terrible decision, however it's no different then what goes on in the rest of the world. Anyone recall O.J. Simpson?
kanelli wrote:OJ Simpson had a full trial that went on for months. Skilled lawyers who twisted and manipulated facts were able to provide enough of a shadow of a doubt that OJ got off. Dallas getting a pardon directly from a judge after celebrities started pleading his case is no where close to the same situation as the OJ Simpson trial.
kanelli wrote:tdot wrote:it is a terrible decision, however it's no different then what goes on in the rest of the world. Anyone recall O.J. Simpson?
OJ Simpson had a full trial that went on for months. Skilled lawyers who twisted and manipulated facts were able to provide enough of a shadow of a doubt that OJ got off. Dallas getting a pardon directly from a judge after celebrities started pleading his case is no where close to the same situation as the OJ Simpson trial.
kanelli wrote:Well, that's the thing, we don't really know for sure whether he was guilty or not. When I followed the trial I found that the evidence strongly supported that he did it.
Concord wrote:You mean OJ was guilty?? He said he was "100% not guilty".
sharewadi wrote:Concord wrote:You mean OJ was guilty?? He said he was "100% not guilty".
Well, he would, wouldn't he?
I thought he was found not guilty in the criminal court, but liable for the deaths (and pay up please) in a civil court?
kanelli wrote:sharewadi wrote:Concord wrote:You mean OJ was guilty?? He said he was "100% not guilty".
Well, he would, wouldn't he?
I thought he was found not guilty in the criminal court, but liable for the deaths (and pay up please) in a civil court?
Actually, I don't know what happened with that civil court case. Did he even pay anything... How weird that someone could be found not guilty in the criminal court, yet liable in the civil court.
Concord wrote:kanelli wrote:sharewadi wrote:Concord wrote:You mean OJ was guilty?? He said he was "100% not guilty".
Well, he would, wouldn't he?
I thought he was found not guilty in the criminal court, but liable for the deaths (and pay up please) in a civil court?
Actually, I don't know what happened with that civil court case. Did he even pay anything... How weird that someone could be found not guilty in the criminal court, yet liable in the civil court.
He has not paid anything. His football pension is "untouchable". The reason he lives in Florida as many deadbeats do is because the law has a "homestead" exception. Meaning your "homestead" (house regarless of size and value) is inmune from collection of judgments. There is an outstanding judgement against him of $25M which is unlikely to ever be enforced.
The reason one can be found "not Guilty" (different than innocent) in criminal court and then liable in Civil Court, is the standard of proof. For a criminal case the standard of proof by the prosecution is "beyond a reasonable doubt" while in civil court the standard is "by preponderance of the evidence" (i.e. more likely than not - say 51%).