Hi everyone,
Some DF members may be doing well in Dubai and I thought of an opportunity to also do some good.
Here are the details of the opportunity: As you may know there is an organization called K-9 Friends which cares for abandoned dogs from the UAE (not just Dubai). Many of these pets are abandoned by expats who get a dog while here and then simply abandon them when its time to go home!
I visited their facility a few months back to see if I could help. They can use help (in many ways) and I have been helping a small bit. I am impressed by the care that these volunteers provide and by the facilities they have – many, if not all, of these dogs would die but for K9 Friends (a not-for-profit organization run wholly by volunteers).
As you know, and some of us are about to find out, July and August are extremely hot months in Dubai. The dogs at K9 Friends reside in properly cooled and ventilated areas. It is however necessary for them to go outside to exercise, be feed, and take care of physiological needs. These activities are done outdoors in their play pens which although “shaded” get hot.
I had an idea that K9 Friends should get an Ice Machine so that ice cubes can be given to the dogs (they love them); ice can be put in their water dishes, and in cooling pools which they use for “refreshment”.
I called a couple of places and obtained a quotation for an Ice Machine and got a quote for it: Balrine Ice Machine, model B40-AS, capacity 16 Kg. Price: 5,320 Dirhams. I know nothing about Ice Machines!
The price is a bit steep for a single person so I thought there might be other members of the forum willing and able to contribute to the donation of an Ice Machine to K9 Friends. They will secure a plaque to the machine stating “Gracious Donation of DubaiForums.Com Members”.
In any event, I am pledging one thousand (1,000.00) Dirhams towards the purchase if anyone else is willing and able to contribute please let me know. You need not state in public how much you are able to contribute. On the forum just indicate your ability to contribute (you can let me know how much via pm). I will run a list of Donors on the forum without any amount associated with a name. Once enough funds are made available (hopefully soon as July begins tomorrow!) then the purchase can be made. Any and all funds in excess of the above amount (as I am optimistic of your generosity) will be donated to K9 Friends as they sure can use the funds, etc. All monies will be handed directly to K9 Friends no me (we'll work out the logistics).
I know you are feeling good about the meet last night and as I sit in my office this morning I thought of appealing to your generosity and seizing the moment.
Thank you in advance.
P.S. If you are able to foster a dog, adopt a dog, sponsor a dog or sponsor a kennel, please give K9 Friends a call (4) 347-4611 (K9friends.com). Regrettably I am unable to foster or adopt a dog myself do to limitations in space and busy work schedule (not enough time at home).
P.S.P. If anyone knows of a better price for an Ice Machine or has an Ice Machine available then even better. Let me know.
P.S.P II. I recognize that there are dog lovers and heaters in the forum. For my part I will not respond to sophomoric comments regarding pets (at least in this thread) so please save the keystrokes.
PSP III. As a prize to the most generous donor I will give that person the prestigious award I received at last night's meet. These are the very first PSP's ever awarded in Dubai to anyone in the world! (I will also include the certificate of authenticiy - also bestowed last night).