Scarcity Of Good Programmers

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Scarcity of Good Programmers Jun 26, 2006


Let me give you an example of how poorly preprared, students are when they come for programming interviews.

We had a question on databinding for the students (45 in all, with various levels of expertise). It was for a VB/SQL/ASP.Net job. Databinding by the way is a core topic and a higher level concept for entry programmers but, nevertheless an important one. You will be surprised to note that out of 45 students only 12 had ever heard of Databinding, the basic explanation. The best part was all nodded their heads when we asked them whether they had developed complete applications using VB...

Now, listen to this....out of 12, only 3 had ever touched upon Databinding or read about it. Of them only one knew that there were two types - Simple and Complex. We were pleased that we could catch atleast one guy and some work could start quickly.

And then came the shocker. This guy was smart enough to surf our company website where we have given all that there is there for developing complete database apps.

We were left to wonder. What are we talking about. Great workforce. Educated workforce !! I think what Mr. Narayana Murthy of Infosys keeps saying that we should educate our children differently is a reality which we cannot escape.


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Jun 26, 2006
What the hell are you blabbering about???
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Jun 26, 2006
he is "blaberring" about the shortage of qualified people ... while he might have gone into unneccassry detail in one instance. I still see it as a very pressing issue ...
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Jun 27, 2006
Liban wrote:What the hell are you blabbering about???

Stuff that makes your forum work :wink: (yes, I know, this one uses PHP/MySQL instead of ASP/SQL though).

But the point was what Maaad said. Timely in the light of the latest progressive idea from the Labour Ministry.
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Jun 27, 2006
I'll third that, there are alot of people here but to find a really qualified one who is willing to work is near impossible.
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Jun 27, 2006
He could have said it simply. Like you guys and not go into a story.
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I have seen this a few times. Jun 27, 2006
When I have run into this in interviews, it is usually a terminology issue. The interviewee (or myself on a couple of occasions) knew the concept and use it regularly, but called it by a different name.

I know about databinding and have used it, but I just called it "linking data into the forms." If you had asked me, I might have looked ignorant as well. I asked a couple of buddies about the types of binding and no one knew "simple" and "complex," but we all knew that we could link multiple pieces of data from a data source.

This is especially true with guys who learned technologies after leaving school. They can make the code dance, but that doesn't mean the remember the chapter title from the O'Reilly book.
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