Chocoholic wrote:Dude, take a chill pill, I;m not having a go at you - doh! But obviously because of the reasons I've stated, that's why people are taking the p*** because they're tired of answering the same question for the 15 millionth time, so when they get bored of being asked the same thing for the 15 millionth time, they just take the p***. K
I must be tired because I can't seem to guess what the hell this is supposed to be...
And my post wasn't directed at you in particular Choc. It's just that the poor chick asked 3 times for someone to help her and no1 would. Unlike some other morons who post, she never got pissed, never flamed any1.
A better thing to do rather than point her at the usual Search function would be to just post a link to another topic. Like I said, only takes a few secs.
P.S: No offense, but having read a few of your posts since I registered here, I am DEFINITELY not the one who needs to take a chill pill