Emirates Compared To Etihad Airways

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Jun 23, 2006
I flew with Emirate once for the 1st and last time from London . It was a HUGE disappointment , even thinking about it make me feel achy... I guess I fell in the trap of 'Oh they're the best in the world blalala' . No bloody way : it was the worst service I can remember. This is just one of them : I had an 18mts baby with me who was sick , mmm not good in the middle of the night , sitting on my lap... I asked for a blanket guess what the answer was : sorry mate but we don't have extra blankets !! live with it basically. Also it was just to messy for my standards and I know my standards are not the highest :roll: or did I catch them on a bad 'trip' :wink: any way the return flight wasn't any better. I gave them a chance ...

Dubai Forums Member
Posts: 33

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Jun 23, 2006
I usually fly to the UAE in BA premium economy as a) work is paying, and b) i'm 6'2" and long in the legs.. normal economy is really cramped for me on a long-haul flight. My top tip.. fly into/from Abu Dhabi not Dubai. The Dubai BA routes are always full up, but the Abu Dhabi one's are always half empty. As a result you get better service from the less stressed cabin crew and 8/10 trips I make (being a regular flyer with a BA card and as long as i'm dressed presentably) i'm bumped to Business Class as there's plenty of space available. I usually have business to deal with in Abu Dhabi and Dubai so I choose to start/end the trip there. The taxi ride between them doesn't take that long as long as you're not in a major hurry.

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