very nice work there. care to share with us how you made it software etc.
and interested to hear comments on it. things like how long it takes?
does it require trainning or is it a learn your self thing and how long would it take to learn.
have you worked in animation before or just still graphics. if so software you used?
Mar 05, 2005
Hi Fakespike!!!
Thanks for the comment. I used 3dsmax software to create the whole thing from scratch. Start with the concept up to the final image like the one you saw. It requires training and a lot of interest and creativity to have an original 3d work. But it is not hard as long as you are really interested and you can even learn it by your self with proper guidance from the PRO to be on the right track. I've been doing 3d animation for like 6 or 8 years and things like that could take weeks or months depends on the design. I used 3dmax for 3d animation and photoshop for texture.
Here is a link to my latest 3d animation work. its not yet finish but this is what Ive done so far. It took me almost 1 1/2 months to complete this from scratch. Im an avid fan of this cartoon show thats why I decided to do it in 3d. Have Fun!!!
Thanks for the comment. I didnt know that it would be ok to attach any 3d image here coz this is not a 3d site. Anyway, Excellent job you did with your image. Nice futuristic concept. I like your water. Nice texture.
By the way, I went to your site and nice head modeling. How can I attach a 3d work here? I really dont know. God Bless!!!
Actually you cannot attach images. You can just post them here if you have them somewhere else on the web.
Just write the url, select it and press the Img button above.
Or just write [img]URL to your image[/img]