Ladies and Gentlemen of the DFM...and others...this is indeed news of earth shattering proportions! That the UK arm of the family will be here to attend a major gathering of the clans is an event not to be missed!
As the venue will be of a non alcoholic nature, perhaps we can liven up the proceedings with a giant cake, from which Alex or Raidah can emerge in full belly dancing garb!? Or alternatively, can we arrange one of those magicians who makes crap animals out of balloons and does really, really bad card tricks? Will there be jelly and ice cream? I like trifle! Do we get balloons with string?
Your trusty DK has been away lurking...(its a long story and one that needs to be regaled over an apple shisha and glass of fresh faludah) but hoping to be back up and running here on DF in the forthcoming few days!
Keeping my head down below the parapet!