I dont think they got a punishment for adultrey in dubai
Cause Dubai is full of Prostitutes anyway so i guess they cool with wateva you do.
But to be caught doing adultrey now thats a whole other issue so dont let me start to diss you cause if they take ur ass away you know i aint gonna miss you.
Oct 13, 2003
Prostitutes with capital letter. Very original!!!
It's not about whores!
My friend is in trouble.
He had a relationship with a married woman.
And once he came to her house and met her husband...
The word jail was mentioned in their discussion.
That's why I'm asking about the punishment for adultery.
damnnn well then yeah there is a punishment if the husband does take the case to the police he will be looking at jail time i dont know how long but 100% sure there is jail time.
but i dont think ur freind will go to jail cause the husband sounds like a fag i mean he catches him freaking his wife an ur freind is still breathin i would have killed the mutha lover
nahhh man aint no law u can kill em infact u can kill dat kid named COOL who posted the reply for being freinds with such a fag too. word
and by the way if there is any women that is married an they aint being satisfied enough jst know u all gots to holla at me an not cools freind cause i aint dumb enough like that to get caught u feeeelll me