Wafaey's Birthday Party

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Wafaey's Birthday Party Jun 09, 2006
Hope you had a great night Wafaey! Happy Birthday once again :) Something like 20 people or perhaps more turned up - not bad for a guy who has been in Dubai for about one month! I really enjoyed meeting all of you DFers, and it seems the party produced at least six new recruits. Feel free to introduce yourselves here if you wish :) A special shout out to the lurkers ;)

Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jun 09, 2006
needless to say Wafaey got a hooka for his bday courtesy of pimp daddy DK !!!! i am jealous !!!

It was nice meeting you all .. finally ..
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Jun 09, 2006
my next birthday is going to be definitely in dubai
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Jun 09, 2006
We'll have to have a party for you then Moester!

MaaaD, it was awesome to finally meet you too :)
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Jun 09, 2006
And is Maaad really mad??
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Jun 09, 2006
come out you lurkers

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Jun 09, 2006
yes it was indeed a really nice event...waf...happy birthday again...and maad/gab/x...nice ta meet ya finally... :wink:
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Jun 09, 2006
MaaaD wrote:needless to say Wafaey got a hooka for his bday courtesy of pimp daddy DK !!!! i am jealous !!!

A SUPA HOOKA I might add.

He didn't end up sharing it around though.
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Jun 09, 2006
kanelli wrote:We'll have to have a party for you then Moester!

i'm gonna remember this.
Happy birthday Waf
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Jun 09, 2006
and make sure to invite DK
he seems so generous :laughing6:
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Jun 09, 2006
come out you lurkers
You're a bit intimidating as a pervert arnie - the lurkers might just sit back and enjoy your avatar

The night was great and cross forums too - there were some expat.com people there too. It was full of adventure - after the hooka Wafaey got a ring-pull in his club sandwich
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Jun 09, 2006
Birthday party???
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Jun 09, 2006
Liban wrote:Birthday party???

Good party! Lots of alcohol and great company.
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Jun 09, 2006
Don't care much for the alcohol side of things, but party???? What party???? Why no mention of it here???
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Jun 09, 2006
Damn Damn Damn... i missed that ..

Wafaye.. dude.. happy birthday.. i couldnt make it since i had some guests who came over from Abu Dhabi and they are notr quit familiar with being around booze .. anyhow..

Wish you a very happy birthday man :)

By the Way. Fayz is out of the country also.

I will Catch u soon budy :twisted:
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Jun 09, 2006
const it was nice meeting you too buddy !!

i wonder if Wafaey is still passed out :shock: :shock: :shock:
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Jun 09, 2006
or nursing a bitter hangover with a "hooka" next to him...wondering how it got there..and who paid for it...hehe...supersize me ...DK wicked gift!!....
Ian, scarlet,kenelli,DK and spycee69 (and gang) glad we caught up... :thumbright: heres to other meets...!!
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Jun 09, 2006
I notice myself and Arnie weren't there!! Therefore it wasn't a "proper" party!! No Liban either!! Do we all smell??
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Jun 09, 2006
the DFM was indeed missed...but well represented...liban the topic was on for days... :P ...zooter still not too late...arnie might be coming
down...take a impromtu spur of the moment decision and come down!!...
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Jun 09, 2006
DK is now part of the saudi funded DFT .. Dubai Forum Terrorists ... DFM is not welcome to any of our private functions were we present each other with supa hookas and feast on fish n chips and club sandwiches
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Jun 09, 2006
Mmmmm - Fish & Chips!! Ok, you're making me hungry!!! Arrgghhh

Well its far too hot for me to take an impromptu trip to Dubai!! I'll leave that for September/October time, unless I get a job before then!
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Jun 09, 2006
There was indeed much merriment at Wafaeys celebration! As I said at the presentation, I am not sure if the Super Hookah was quite right as my hearing is fading these days...but that is what it sounded like he wanted. You all have to agree that the birthday card was quite simply the most disgusting thing ever seen in Dubai! Waf had to take the battery out in the end as it just would not shut up! I would not be surprised if it is now sleeping with the fishes!

I can confirm that he is alive and well, however other guests at the party were looking a little 'jaded' this morning!

We shall have to plan another get together when and if Arnie and Zoots are here in town and they have finished the work to the old Barasti. Last nights venue was a little like having a function in a sports hall!

Good to meet those new faces too! Hi Gab and Maaad and X...hope the ride hope was fun!!!??? :wink:

Good session!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Jun 09, 2006
Dubai Knight wrote:We shall have to plan another get together when and if Arnie and Zoots are here in town and they have finished the work to the old Barasti. Last nights venue was a little like having a function in a sports hall!

You'll definately hear well in advance of me being in town. I'm not so keen on a function in a sports hall though - I expect something a little more palatial!!
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Jun 10, 2006
First of all thank you all for coming and it was a pleasure to meet you all and finally had the Chance to meet GAB ,Maad and XRW and it was really nice to see the rest again . :D :D :D

I'm just recovering for my Super Hooka she kept me up all night :wink:
Thanks to DK for that :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Jun 10, 2006
oh, no I missed another gathering again !!
:( :(
First of all happy birthday Wafaey,
I think i was so busy last week that i didn't even have time to check what's new on DF. I know I missed a lot of fun and meeting more people like X and Maad !!
well I guess maybe sometime in the future !!
Happy birthday again W and I hope that u all had fun.
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Jun 10, 2006
Happy belated BD Waf! So what did these cheap guys give yah for ur BD? mmm Lemme guess....

XRW - Porche brochure
Killani- Date syrup in a maple syrup bottle
Dubai Knight - wasnt aware of bd and accidentally bumped into u guys
Liban- Used fake Victoria's Secret Underwear

and u tell me the rest........ :lol:
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Jun 10, 2006
sniper, your new avi looks just like my new kitty :)
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jun 10, 2006
How is ur kitten doing so Far ?!!
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Jun 10, 2006
They are making progress - a lot less hissing going on. The new kitty has a great personality - she's such a cuddle-beauty. We still have to keep them in separate rooms for now, but they are having a short visit with each other every day - from a distance of course.
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Jun 10, 2006
Hope you had a lovely birthday Wafaey!! Nice to meet some newbies!! :D
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