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Is there anyone who can tell what are the signs when a man is interested to you?

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Jun 08, 2006
if you sleep with him and the next day he calls back then that guy likes you for sure.
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Jun 08, 2006
Moester wrote:if you sleep with him and the next day he calls back then that guy likes you for sure.

That would definitely mean he likes something about u...
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Jun 08, 2006
lol u guys :lol: :lol: :lol:
but for sure u have a good point there :wink:
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Jun 08, 2006
but be careful if that call was delayed a day or two, that means that he's horny and he needs to shag.
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Jun 08, 2006
Men are funny creatures - as are women!!
For me, I think if I like a girl I go all shy and start ignorning her (crazy I know). I remember once really liking this girl and so becuase of that I got all shy and started ignoring her. A few months later we got together and she actually thought I almost hated her and had been really upset that I kept ignoring her!!

:shock: :shock: :shock:
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janet67 wrote:Is there anyone who can tell what are the signs when a man is interested to you?

well, jokes apart.. you really dont need to have some kind of sixth sense to know that...

girls are gifted with it already and can know if the guy likes her or he is just playing ... and guys in general dont hide their feelings much... they make it obvious sooner or later...

it is in fact difficult for a guy to know if the girl likes her as the females are so deceptive.. if the girl likes a guy, she would behave normally as any other friend would do and just try to get this out of his mouth first.. :)
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janet67 wrote:Is there anyone who can tell what are the signs when a man is interested to you?

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janet67 wrote:Is there anyone who can tell what are the signs when a man is interested to you?


But here is your answer, if you clean the beaver and show him the rose bud, then he will most likely be interested in you :lol:
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Jun 08, 2006
Let's let the pigs go out and have a mud bath for a while. A woman will now answer your question in a more helpful way.

Do not offer to sleep with him and hope to get him to like you that way.

Guys might try to hang out with you more, or show little signs of affection like putting their arm around you, or always leaning towards you. Having said this, guys can like you but not come out and say it. They will be doing a lot of nice things for you, which is confusing because you think he is just being a good friend. Sometimes, if you think a male friend is being too attentive or helpful, just ask him if he likes you more than a friend. This happened to my sister - she didn't know the guy liked her, but he got severely pissed off when she started dating another guy. It was only then that she knew. He told her, "Didn't you know I liked you? Why else would I have fixed your computer etc. etc." Personally I think that is rude of him to blame her and be so hostile. SPEAK UP or LOSE OUT! She's married to that other guy now, and the male friend is still single. Go figure. :)
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Liban wrote:But here is your answer, if you clean the beaver and show him the rose bud, then he will most likely be interested in you :lol:

i always like your analogies.
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Jun 08, 2006
kanelli wrote:Let's let the pigs go out and have a mud bath for a while. A woman will now answer your question in a more helpful way.

Do not offer to sleep with him and hope to get him to like you that way.

you know there is something called "Sarcasm" it's really fun, you should try it every once in a while.
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Jun 08, 2006
Yes, and you should get my humour as well :)

If you can joke that Janet should sleep with the guy and see if he calls back, then I can joke and call you a pig :) Perhaps you only give but can't receive?
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jun 08, 2006
no i can recieve sarcasm, it's just that you sounded a little bit too serious when you said:

kanelli wrote:Do not offer to sleep with him and hope to get him to like you that way.

that's all
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Jun 08, 2006
That was just in case she decided, "hey, that is an idea!". :D
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jun 08, 2006
i really hope not, i don't want to be responsible for her relationship problems in the future.
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Jun 08, 2006
I obviously totally disagree with K

Let him have his wicked way Janet.

:D :D
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Jun 08, 2006
well i said my opinion about the whole thing so it's up to janet now.
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Jun 08, 2006
Oink! oink! Arnie :P
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jun 08, 2006
stop piggin around K

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Jun 08, 2006
kanelli wrote:Let's let the pigs go out and have a mud bath for a while. A woman will now answer your question in a more helpful way.

Do not offer to sleep with him and hope to get him to like you that way.

Guys might try to hang out with you more, or show little signs of affection like putting their arm around you, or always leaning towards you. Having said this, guys can like you but not come out and say it. They will be doing a lot of nice things for you, which is confusing because you think he is just being a good friend. Sometimes, if you think a male friend is being too attentive or helpful, just ask him if he likes you more than a friend. This happened to my sister - she didn't know the guy liked her, but he got severely pissed off when she started dating another guy. It was only then that she knew. He told her, "Didn't you know I liked you? Why else would I have fixed your computer etc. etc." Personally I think that is rude of him to blame her and be so hostile. SPEAK UP or LOSE OUT! She's married to that other guy now, and the male friend is still single. Go figure. :)

hmm, many things u wrote r true.
BUT u can sleep with a guy on the very first night and give the impression of an easy bit.h, and u can also do the same and still frustrate him to hell by being the first who walks out the room instead of waiting for him to hug and kiss u until u calm down. u took what u wanted, bye bye, have a nice life.
men love to be studs who fool around with women, but cannot stand the idea of them being a one night stand for a woman and being treated just like they treat us. so even if not for more, but to regain their own self respect, they will come back to u. now from that on, its totally up to u if u give him the chance to "get even" with u, or u tease him and drive him nuts. :wink:

about the other thing, of how u know if he likes u...if he is a shy guy, provoke him. act as if u make a move on him and if he gets embarassed, u know where he comes from. if he is the se.xually aggressive type, the best is to look through him as if he wasn t even there. he will be like a 5 year old from who u just took his favourite toy :lol:

but the easiest if u just look into his eyes and listen to ur own female se.x.ual instincts. :wink:
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Jun 08, 2006
oh, and smtimes their interest is more than visible :lol: :lol:
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Jun 08, 2006
as in

"am i pleased to see you or is that a Canoe in my pocket" ??

8) 8) 8) 8)
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Jun 09, 2006
body language is important. the way he looks at you, checks out your figure, how into the conversation is he, if he is focusing on you he is most likely into you. Will he call? well that needs a whole new thread :lol:
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Jun 10, 2006
if i a guy likes u , he will do anything to be with u in the same room. notices u in a large group of people. and tries anything to get close to u or have abit of body contact. he smiles alot. looks at u most of the time and doesnt pay attention to the rest.
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Jun 10, 2006
Just general paying more attention. Guys are weird creatures at the best of times. I have this one bloke at work who insists on bringing me little treats everyday and making excuses to come to my office to see me, he's really annoying the hell out of me.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jun 10, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Just general paying more attention. Guys are weird creatures at the best of times. I have this one bloke at work who insists on bringing me little treats everyday and making excuses to come to my office to see me, he's really annoying the hell out of me.

but he not actually making any move on u right? nothing to give u the chance to say "sorry, im not interested"... :P that is what makes it annoying
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Jun 10, 2006
No chick, I'm happily attached, but the way he follows me around sometimes like a little puppy is creepy.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jun 10, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:No chick, I'm happily attached, but the way he follows me around sometimes like a little puppy is creepy.

exactly what im talking about :) regardless of u being single or attached, if he made a move, and not just follow u around, u would have the chance to tell him to back of. but if he is "only" being attentive, a rejection from u could turn out right on reverse and he could bring u in an unpleasant situation by saying u imagined it all...
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