Haditha Massacre

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The U.S. Military/ Coalition takes pleasure in murdering civilians

Yes, its true
No, they accidently kill women and children at point blank range
No votes
Maybe in Very Isolated Cases
No, its not true
Total votes : 11

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Jun 07, 2006
My favourite is still:

Stachidiamu - with the hand gesture.

Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jun 07, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:My favourite is still:

Stachidiamu - with the hand gesture.

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Jun 07, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Thanks Liban and Lionheart (shocks falls over faint), but I think you're right. Having Peacekeepers from other Muslim countries would command alot more respect and certainly ease the situtation. But still I don't understand why these countries are unwilling to get involved, it's very sad.

MS, with all due respect I appreciate what you're saying but even when I do agree with you, and I have on previous occassions, you still disregard my comments and always highlight the things you don't like to hear. For one why the heck do you think I'm living in Dubai and left the UK with zero intention to go back? Because it's awful and I can't stand the place!!! I loved growing up in Saudi, the place was very good to my family and I have fond memories of it, so please don't try to use the excuse I was brought up thinking differently - far from it!

Also Liban and I have an understanding, when we get stuck into each other 99% of the time we're just taking the p*** it's hardly serious. Plus I'm really impressed with Liban's attitude these days, he's certainly a changed man - maybe you and Acebravo should learn from him and instead of also fanning the flames, view things objectively.

No-one is questioning your anger over the situation and certainly no-one is dumbing down the situation as it was horrific and certainly you can't disagree that we don't all agree on that!

I have never at any point ever supported the invasion of Iraq and was utterly appalled at Blair becoming Bush's lapdog. Our troops are put in danger for no reason than pathetic policy, they shouldn't be there, they have no right to be there and I guarantee you all my American friends think exactly the same thing. The whole thing is a disaster. I don't think Saddam's regime was better, but the excuses used to go in were fabricated. But the rest of the ME needs to stand up and show it's disagreement, but of course they won't as American policy and keeping the yanks happy means more to them, so why aren't you guys angry at that? You never mention these things, which is a shame as I'd like to hear your opinion on it.

Fair enough Chocoholic. Actually, it takes very little for me to say fair enough. I have also agreed with you previously on several issues. In fact, you don't need to agree with me on everything for me to respect you. All it takes is to understand our concerns, and to understand that we have our own interests. It is arrogance that I can't let people get away with!

Also, I don't think Liban has changed in terms of his opinions/values. Obviously, you got to know each other more, and even see each other. If people know each other more, they can be more tolerant. Politics is only a small facet of our lives - it's only the title of this forum.

At the end of the day, we are all normal people. We are good husbands/wives, we worry about our carreers and our kids' future, we enjoy taking our kids to the park or beach, and enjoy having a good time with our friends.
Dubai Forums Frequenter
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Jun 07, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Mafi arabi habibi.

This suggests a Gulf accent :)

The Egyptians would say "mafeesh arabi ya habibi"

As you can see, habibi is universal, and, I agree, you're pretty much set by knowing it :lol:
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Jun 07, 2006
I really wish coalition troops could leave. The longer they are there, stressed 24hrs a day, the more likely it will be that soldiers snap and murder innocent people. To those of you who think that coalition soldiers enjoy killing innocent civilians - I think you too would enjoy killing innocent Iraqi civilians. You are a human being too aren't you? :roll:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jun 07, 2006
MS wrote:Also, I don't think Liban has changed in terms of his opinions/values. Obviously, you got to know each other more, and even see each other. If people know each other more, they can be more tolerant. Politics is only a small facet of our lives - it's only the title of this forum.

I never met Choco... Never even spoken to her on the phone.

As for my opinions/values, you don't know me so don't try and comment on them young man.
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Jun 07, 2006
Liban wrote:
MS wrote:Also, I don't think Liban has changed in terms of his opinions/values. Obviously, you got to know each other more, and even see each other. If people know each other more, they can be more tolerant. Politics is only a small facet of our lives - it's only the title of this forum.

I never met Choco... Never even spoken to her on the phone.

As for my opinions/values, you don't know me so don't try and comment on them young man.


I am surprised that you took this as something negative against you. I was speaking positively about you in light of your posts. When I say people know each other more, this could be also through the posts. In case I was politically incorrect or could cause any trouble, I only had in mind that you had a DF meeting, you commented before on somebody's dress when we talked about Islamic dress code.

In short, I wasn't assuming that you are talking to anybody on the phone, or seeing anybody in private.

And by the way, my age does not imply the attribute "young man"

Do you understand now what I meant?
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Jun 07, 2006
I'm still waiting for your reply, Lib ...... :x :x :x
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Jun 07, 2006
kanelli wrote:I really wish coalition troops could leave. The longer they are there, stressed 24hrs a day, the more likely it will be that soldiers snap and murder innocent people. To those of you who think that coalition soldiers enjoy killing innocent civilians - I think you too would enjoy killing innocent Iraqi civilians. You are a human being too aren't you? :roll:

kanelli you need to watch jarhead. not everyone is as innocent as you are.
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Jun 07, 2006
Liban wrote:
HP wrote:
Pakistani army is enough , you dont need the other jack countries :) !! we are already making fool to US and getting lot of money on the name of osama :) !!

Currently the Pakistani Army is led by Musharref who is a tool of the US, so no, not them.

I don't blame Musharaf for being tool...he just looking out for the interest of his nation. If Musharaf goes against the US he will be invaded by US or US could just arm and use India to invade Pakistan.
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Jun 08, 2006
Mushi is not a stupid like arab leaders , the leaders , who have destroyed their countries. He knows how to handle US and Bush .

Mushi always use his brain but Arab leaders has stopped the growth of their brains by using the white cloth and rope on their head :P .

If God doesnt give money to someone then he gives the wisdom and if he gives the money then he doesnt give the wisdom :) . God gave oil to arab people :P

The best solution of Iraq is that Iraqi shuld accept US role in war against terror . Iraqi are so stupid that they kill their own people. :cry:

PS" China 1 France 1 "
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Jun 08, 2006
I agree that Musharaf is trying to play a game. Given the extra-ordinary pressure that is excercised on his shoulders, the game is very difficult, however. So he has to strike the impossible balance between staying in power, avoiding the anger of his people, and avoiding the anger of the US.

The secret solution to this would be democracy. If governments come and go, nobody could pressure on a country too hard.

The strange thing, however, I have heard that typical elected leaders in Pakistan are more corrupt than leaders coming on top of the tanks. HP, correct me if this is wrong.
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Jun 08, 2006

"If God doesnt give money to someone then he gives the wisdom and if he gives the money then he doesnt give the wisdom . God gave oil to arab people "

Why is verything about money with you? ... Oil has never benefited those whose land posses the Oil, this includes Mid East and South America...but rather Oil has benefited view people who have used it to oppress their people, destroy the earth that doesn't belong to them and enrich other countries rather than their people. Oil has brought nothing but destruction to Mid East and Africa(Nigeria,and Angola)...
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Jun 08, 2006
MS wrote:I'm still waiting for your reply, Lib ...... :x :x :x

Am I supposed to be logged on 24 hours a day just to respond to you within minutes of a question being sent to me?

In any event, I do not appreciate your angry face but I will say this, I appreciate your last post and the comments in made. Thank you.
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Jun 08, 2006
HP you just love to stir the pot with your mildly insulting yet definatly childish and baseless comments.
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Jun 08, 2006
MaaaD wrote:
kanelli wrote:I really wish coalition troops could leave. The longer they are there, stressed 24hrs a day, the more likely it will be that soldiers snap and murder innocent people. To those of you who think that coalition soldiers enjoy killing innocent civilians - I think you too would enjoy killing innocent Iraqi civilians. You are a human being too aren't you? :roll:

kanelli you need to watch jarhead. not everyone is as innocent as you are.

I don't generally look to American Hollywood movies to base my view on life and events. :) Hey, you train men to be killers and then they kill - what a surprise! What I think is really shitty is that so many are quick to condemn American soldiers as being bloodthirsty, like no soldier anywhere else in the world kills people. The US is no angel, but some of you here like to demonise it beyond all logic and reason.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jun 08, 2006
kanelli wrote:
I don't generally look to American Hollywood movies to base my view on life and events. :) Hey, you train men to be killers and then they kill - what a surprise! What I think is really shitty is that so many are quick to condemn American soldiers as being bloodthirsty, like no soldier anywhere else in the world kills people. The US is no angel, but some of you here like to demonise it beyond all logic and reason.

The American regime keeps saying that it is fighting a just war, a moral war, a righteous war, a war of good (them) vs. evil (those not with them)....

This is the reason why the US is demonized. Its hypocrisy.

All empires fall.... I feel bad for ordinary Americans when they hegemonic empire will crumble... They have too many people who don't like them because the US is the nation to have created the most wars (direct and indirect) and meddled in the affairs of nealy all countries (even friends like Canada), the list is endless... :(
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Jun 08, 2006
Liban, even if I agree with what you said - the US will reap what is sows - it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that soldiers from all countries are trained to kill and do kill. It is false to say that US soldiers are more barbaric than other soldiers of different nationalities. That was my point.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jun 08, 2006
I agree, they are not more barbaric at all....

Soldiers are trained killing machines. Even the Swiss Guard (Vatican soldiers) will rip off your head in a split second if you cross them!!! :shock:
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Jun 08, 2006
Here's a point, if soliders are such bloody thirtst guys and hungry for ward, then how come it's been report that upto 1,000 British troops have deserted and run away?

Plus although it's no justification as I've said time and time before, many of the US troops are young recruits who have been forced into the army from poor areas who don't don't any different and are ignorant to the situation.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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