Marriage Between Relatives

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marriage between relatives Jun 06, 2006
wasn t sure whether to start this thread here or in the religious forum, or right in the FC :P where it might get eventually.

marriage between cousins or even brothers and sisters is far from being a novelty. it was an everyday thing in ancient egypt, european aristocrat and royal families for centuries(it ws the most simple way to keep the money and power in the family) and is still very common in some cultures.
on the other hand it is a fact that especially if continued generation after generation, it is very unhealty and dangerous, genetically speaking.

so is this a question of traditions, religion or ignorance of the risks?

p.s:some years back, not sure which european country(i think it was norway, but i cannot tell for sure) opened its frontiers for foreign employees with the well set purpose to draw ppl in order to refresh the blood of its nation. in other words, since there wasn t much fluctuation of foreigners in the country, after some time ppl married their relatives and their immunity system weakened significantly.
also there is a trib in the andes, that will certanly die out at one point, because since they live very isolated, they married their own sisters and brothers and by this time they cannot reproduce anymore due to the genetic anomalies that all of them suffer from.

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Jun 06, 2006
Well, in Islam it's okay to marry a cousin.
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Jun 06, 2006
i just read ur thread...the word marriage is making me run and hide :(
but i do agree with u, it's not a good thing to marry a relative for a lot of reasons but the main is the genetical problems that might cause the children a lot of health problems
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Jun 06, 2006
A64Venice wrote:Well, in Islam it's okay to marry a cousin.

That is true it is okay, however there are teachings of the Prophet where he encourages people to marry from outside the family. I am not sure of the exact text but someone can help me out here.
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Jun 06, 2006
Marrying family weakens the gene pool and can create children with disorders and diseases that run in the family. If it was up to biology, family members would not pair bond and mate, but social constructs mean it happens against nature's laws.
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Jun 06, 2006
exactly about these diseases im talking about.
i mean no offense, but if ppl know about the possible consequences, why risk them?
there must me some ideology...some exposition, smthing
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Jun 06, 2006
Hello Hiya :D
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Jun 06, 2006
Liban wrote:Hello Hiya :D

don t mess with me :evil:
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Jun 06, 2006
raidah wrote:
Liban wrote:Hello Hiya :D

don t mess with me :evil:

Who me??? I would never.... :twisted:
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Jun 06, 2006
Liban wrote:
raidah wrote:
Liban wrote:Hello Hiya :D

don t mess with me :evil:

Who me??? I would never.... :twisted:

hmmm...i kinda heard that line turns me on :twisted: :twisted:
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Jun 06, 2006
raidah wrote:
hmmm...i kinda heard that line turns me on :twisted: :twisted:

So what are you wearing... :lol:
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Jun 07, 2006
Liban wrote:
raidah wrote:
hmmm...i kinda heard that line turns me on :twisted: :twisted:

So what are you wearing... :lol:

:oops: u got me....let me check...leather string and a whip for ur fat ass :evil:
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Jun 07, 2006
raidah wrote:
Liban wrote:
raidah wrote:
hmmm...i kinda heard that line turns me on :twisted: :twisted:

So what are you wearing... :lol:

:oops: u got me....let me check...leather string and a whip for ur fat a#s :evil:

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Jun 07, 2006
aaaaaahhhh petit, so u like it ha? perv :twisted:
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Jun 07, 2006
I love it :)
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Jun 07, 2006
Liban wrote:I love it :)

gooood, now u won t ever be able to say ur not into SM :twisted: :twisted:
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Jun 07, 2006
Only when I see the nick raidah associated with it do I like it... :)
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Jun 07, 2006
being soft does not become u Liban :P
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Jun 07, 2006
relatives marriage causes many health problems for kids, I read this once that it even give kids more risk of havin heart attacks.....

I know this story: "A wife left her husband for her brother"
yes I knew the poor husband, she even got pregnant from
her bro....... gross
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Jun 07, 2006
Sara1983 wrote:relatives marriage causes many health problems for kids, I read this once that it even give kids more risk of havin heart attacks.....

I know this story: "A wife left her husband for her brother"
yes I knew the poor husband, she even got pregnant from
her bro....... gross

yeah thanks for sharing
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Jun 07, 2006
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Jun 07, 2006
mraph33 wrote:I think this sums it up:

hahaha lol "I'm My Own Grandpa"
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Jun 07, 2006
Moester wrote:
Sara1983 wrote:relatives marriage causes many health problems for kids, I read this once that it even give kids more risk of havin heart attacks.....

I know this story: "A wife left her husband for her brother"
yes I knew the poor husband, she even got pregnant from
her bro....... gross

yeah thanks for sharing

no probs =)
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Jun 07, 2006
I think it's totally and utterly weird and slightly gross. As said it weakens the gene pool and passes on genetic problems to the children, I know several families with just these problems because of the fact they're interelated and the poor kids - it's a disaster.

Did you know that Queen Elizabeth II and her husband Prince Philip are first cousins? Ewwww
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jun 07, 2006
not sure who will want to read this, but its interesting

Victoria's Secret: Who was Queen Victoria's real father?
Queen Victoria, next to Queen Elizabeth I, is regarded as the greatest British monarch ever. However, her great tragedy is that she carried with her the gene for hemophilia. Hemophilia is a blood clotting disease which is caused by a defective X chromosome. Women have two chromosomes. Men have only one. For this reason, men are much more likely to have hemophilia than women, because if one X chromosome in a woman is defective and the other is OK, she will not get hemophilia. Victims of hemophilia often die at an early age, so men with this disease rarely live long enough to reproduce.
A woman has two X-chromosomes but only one of them goes to each child. This means that half of the male children of a female hemophilia carrier will have the disease and half of the female children will carry the disease but will not get it.

The only way a woman can suffer from hemophilia is to get the defective gene from both of her parents. By far the most likely way for this to happen would be for her parents to be related to each other. For this reason, almost all societies have incest taboos that brothers and sisters cannot marry each other, because of the possibility of hemophilia and other genetic diseases.

It is also not a good idea for cousins to marry each other. However, in Middle Eastern Countries like India it is still common for cousins to marry. This is done because of the dowry system and to keep the money in the family. It was also common until recently in Europe and in Colonial America. For example, Thomas Jefferson married both of his white daughters to their cousins. This was done because it was thought to strengthen the purity of the blood.

The Royal Families of Europe at that time were almost required to marry each other. For example, if a girl was a princess, she had to marry a prince. He did not have to be a prince from her own country, however. For example, a princess of England could marry a prince of Spain, of France, of Germany or of any other place. It did not matter what he was a prince of, as long as he was a prince of something.

Disaster struck when Queen Victoria turned out to be a carrier of the defective X-chromosome which carries a gene for hemophilia. Queen Victoria had nine children and all of them married into the royal families of various countries of Europe. In this way, all of the Royal Families of Europe caught the gene for hemophilia. Among the nine children of Queen Victoria, three, Alice, Leopold and Beatrice, are known for certain to have had the gene for hemophilia.

For example, Queen Victoria had a daughter named Alice Maud Mary, Princess of SAXE-COBURG. Her daughter was Alexandre Fedorovna, Czarina of Russia. She married Czar Nicholas II of Russia and their son was Alexis Nicolaievich Romanov, who had hemophilia.

As can be seen from this example, the defective X-chromosome can be carried hidden down an unbroken line of females until a male child is born who is afflicted with the disease.

It has often been stated that hemophilia hit the Royal Families of Europe because of inbreeding. However, this was not really true. First, it was a common practice among all families of Europe, both high and low, to marry cousins. Also, the royal families of Europe were not really that inbred. The fact that a princess from Germany could marry a prince from Russia provided more diversification than perhaps could be enjoyed by common people, who usually married within their own town or village.

An often unnoticed fact about the case of Queen Victoria is that she was the first member of European Royalty to carry the gene of hemophilia. The question then arises: From where did she get that gene?

The inescapable conclusion is that, since no other member of European Royalty prior to Queen Victoria had hemophilia, this must mean that some unknown man who was not royalty popped her mother. In other words, stated differently, Queen Victoria was a bastard! More than that, since virtually the entire European royalty is descended from Queen Victoria, this means that all of the Royal Families of Europe are bastards! (Of course, we already knew that!)

Now, the question is: From where did this bastard gene originate?

While the defective X-chromosome could have come from a long way up the female line, it turns out that we do not have to look far to find a likely suspect, because something seems to be strange or irregular about Queen Victoria's father. Her supposed father was Edward Augustus, son of King George III. (You remember him. He was the one who lost the colonies.) Edward Augustus was born 2 November 1767 and died 23 January 1820. He married only once. That was to Victoria Mary Louisa of SAXE-COBURG, whom he married on 11 July 1818. She was the mother of Queen Victoria, who was born on 24 May 1819. She was the only child.

Doesn't this seem a bit strange? Edward Augustus was the son of the King of England. He presumably could have had any woman he wanted. King George I, King George II and King George III were all known to have had many mistresses and illegitimate children. Yet, Edward Augustus, who would have been the King of England had he lived longer, did not get married until age 51, and then fathered a child who was born only ten months after he got married, and then he died only eight months after Victoria, the future queen, was born.

What do I think? I think that Edward Augustus was a gay blade who got married as a cover up and that he was not Queen Victoria's real father. I think that Queen Victoria's real father was an unknown hemophiliac who died probably very soon after fathering Victoria and almost certainly was dead by the time that Queen Victoria was born.

What do you think?

Sam Sloan

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Jun 07, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:
Did you know that Queen Elizabeth II and her husband Prince Philip are first cousins? Ewwww

I guess that explains Charles' ears.
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Jun 07, 2006
when did india become a middle eastern country :scratch:
and the days of marrying into the family are long long in fact if you have a girl in the family you are considered king...bcoz believe it or not...the fact that a lot of families in india wanted a son...has lead to a shortage in eligible even the dowry system has taken a turn for the you actually GET dowry instead of GIVE dowry for having a girl in the last karma at its best...
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Jun 07, 2006
i see ur point, but ur wrong to think that those days r long gone. they r not. it hit me, when my bf started questioning me about my cousins, first degree cousins. i was like, whats going on here?
and i heard this from several ppl. so withour reducing it to one country or another, it is still very present.

u belive in karma? if u ever wanna start a thread about it, put it right in the FC and let me know. ull need backup :wink:
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Jun 07, 2006
let's not forget that it says in Quran that we can marry into our cousins. now personally i don't like it, genetically it's risky and let me be honest i don't like my uncles and aunts that much.
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Jun 07, 2006
See, this is where I have problem with religion. All of the holy books are supposed to speak for a higher power who supposedly knows what he/she is doing. If god is the all-powerful and dictated that marrying cousins was okay, why did he/she make genetic faults possible for people marrying within their families? It is a scientific fact that a varied gene pool produces stronger and healthier people than what familial breeding produces. Why is god trying to contribute to weak and disordered people populating the earth?
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