Dillema - Western Man And Arabic Women...

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May 19, 2006
Douce`Amere wrote:
The topic here is a moslem woman & non moslem man that is forbidden but not the reverse /a moslem man & non muslim woman/, & it`s not about being socialized with ppl of other religions & being nice & kind to them. GoodBai, Intimacy I didn`t get where I`m wrong. Religion & the ways & levels to follow it is a personal choice, & I believe that to be a true moslem, to follow the Holy Qur`an is a blessing. Here, my reflections on this question derive from most or islamic origins, & I don`t accept anyone to tell me its wrong. From my side, I`m absolutely convinced I should marry a moslem man, & I don`t consider myself narrow-minded.

Dear DA.. :)

ok.. maybe i didnt make my words clear the other day.. so please bare with me :)

What i meant is.. there is nothing wrong of what u said.. in islam and as a muslim.. we have been to respect other people and cultures exactly at the same way we have been order to pray and fast...etc. so you are not wrong with that dear :)

i was just trying to say that as a muslim man.. you can marry only a woman who is considered to be as one of the people of the book (Muslim, chris. or a jew) but not other.. since people of the book believe in God.

as a muslim we believe in all the prophets (Jesus and Ibraham) and since the man leads normally :)... the family goes after him. so thats why a muslim woman cant marry a non muslim man because he doesnt believe in muhammad :) and subsequently the entire family and the muslim girl will lose her faith.

thats all dear :). please let me know if there is something unclear for you.

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May 19, 2006
Douce`Amere wrote:
Dacus wrote:Good people and bad people are all over in the world. But I meant to say that Arabic women have a second hand statue in Arabic world. As an example, if a family have visitors the woman goes to kitchen. There are a lot of this negative examples!

I can give you lots of negative examples about women of your country. But you know, the measure of a mental health is an ability to find good in everything, not the reverse. I`m getting annoyed to read your stupid posts about a subject you know nothing about.

Brilllient :)
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May 19, 2006
Intimacy wrote:
raidah wrote:well, lots of europeans beat their wifes to death...u don t need to be an arab for that.
so its the person not the nation that decides ones character.

Verry true.. although the nation helps ;)

yeah i guess. but than the best and most moral thing one can do is not to judge smbody without having talked with that person, regardless what nation he belongs to.

and regarding nations...its always the product of history and timeing who the bad guys r. nowadays its on fashion hating arabs, all of them, because of the terrorism. but we forget that only a small procentage has anything to do with that, and we also forget that there was a naczi germany, a communist soviet union, we forget that almost all native americans were exterminated by imigrants, that black were kept in slavery and i could go on. should we hate all those who belong to a nation that made a smaller or bigger mistake during history? of course not.
anyway, i will never understand as long as i live how can ppl hate and kill and hate each other over nothing.
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Re: Dillema - western man and arabic women... May 23, 2006
Corcovado wrote: well you are so wrong .. i am a muslim arab woman... and i date non muslims and western men ... its not the way u think arab muslims are not BEN LADEN dear ..they are open to other nationalities ...and religions i mean my aunt marriend a greek christian and they are fine ... i am dating a non muslim indian and i dont mind or my family.. its about the personality and the person full stop. :evil:
you can't be serious :? and do you consider your case the norm or an extremely rare one?
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Re: Dillema - western man and arabic women... May 23, 2006
oldhippie wrote:you can't be serious :? and do you consider your case the norm or an extremely rare one?

Rare exception in this case.
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May 23, 2006
Intimacy wrote:
Dear DA.. :)

ok.. maybe i didnt make my words clear the other day.. so please bare with me :)

What i meant is.. there is nothing wrong of what u said.. in islam and as a muslim.. we have been to respect other people and cultures exactly at the same way we have been order to pray and fast...etc. so you are not wrong with that dear :)

i was just trying to say that as a muslim man.. you can marry only a woman who is considered to be as one of the people of the book (Muslim, chris. or a jew) but not other.. since people of the book believe in God.

as a muslim we believe in all the prophets (Jesus and Ibraham) and since the man leads normally :)... the family goes after him. so thats why a muslim woman cant marry a non muslim man because he doesnt believe in muhammad :) and subsequently the entire family and the muslim girl will lose her faith.

thats all dear :). please let me know if there is something unclear for you.

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Jun 07, 2006
There're many arabs these days who're married to English & also local women's from the UAE who are married to foreigners! So it isn't always doomed to failure!!
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Jun 07, 2006
fayz wrote:What an ARAB and an INDIAN, now i've heard of everything :lol: :lol:

a good friend of mine (pakistani) got married to a lebanese girl two years back in ottawa.

lemme tell you it was the weirdest series of events ever. they literally had to elope and her family showed up at his house threatening to burn it down. the police got involved and patched things up a little

when they finally had a reception, most of the pakistani men boycotted it after the bride's sister walked her in wearing a mini-skirt and holding the quran..

i for sure thought someone's going to get shot :shock:
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Jun 07, 2006
terranova wrote:when they finally had a reception, most of the pakistani men boycotted it after the bride's sister walked her in wearing a mini-skirt and holding the quran..

Now one would have thought they would be too busy staring and drooling.
terranova wrote:i for sure thought someone's going to get shot :shock:

Doesn't sound much like a girl's dream wedding at all. Hope they're at least living the happily ever after part.
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Jun 07, 2006
well, she wasn't much to look at anyways.. frankly i was offended that she was wearing a mini... spoilt the wedding for me :?

and yes, they are very happy together and the family is all reconciled.
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Jun 07, 2006
terranova wrote:well, she wasn't much to look at anyways.. frankly i was offended that she was wearing a mini... spoilt the wedding for me :?

and yes, they are very happy together and the family is all reconciled.

It is quite offensive to hold the Quran and wear something like that. I mean if you don't respect yourself when holding something holy then respect God at least!!!
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