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Wronged Jun 06, 2006
I am a regular member, I have chosen to register with a new name for this topic as I don't want the issue to interfere with my regular chats - now please don't start a guess poll on me!

To cut a long story short - my services at my work place were terminated. This due to me informing someone in the board of directors about wrongful treatment - UPON BEING ASKED. This director is not based in Dubai and does not know about this dismissal.

I cannot get into too many details right now, but its a reputed company and if I may say so I am a sought after employee - I have two offers received just in the past two weeks which I did not look at even as I was committed.

Do I:

1. Simply collect my dues and move on.
2. Let the person in the Board of Directors know about this
3. Revenge - Inform the person in the Board of Directors of all the major management flaws

Really, I don't have any personal problems with the people involved in the decision....then again...

Please guys your input

Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Jun 06, 2006
Firstly, we don't need a poll. One of the DFMs will be able to see your IP addy and tell right away who you are. In any case I can take a stab that you were not valued for your grammer :)

Moving on...
1) If you have done nothing wrong then this is the coward's way out - fight the power!
2) The person you orginally informed and consequently lost your job was a member of the board of directors so go straight to the head of the board - don't tiger foot around with other members
3) That's not really revenge now is it? You gotta remember that a board of directors is typically "an old boy's club" - if you are not on there its hard to sling much credibility against an existing member.

Just remember to remain diplomatic and not to burn any bridges from your actions. Goodluck.
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Jun 06, 2006
I'm so sorry to hear about this news :(

These are my thoughts...

- You will need a letter from your company that releases you to work at another company, so you don't want to jeopardise that.

- Are you sure the Director doesn't know about your dimissal? If you tell the Director about your dismissal, will he/she be able to help you keep your job? It might be worth saying something in that case.

- If you do write a letter detailing all of the management flaws and people find out, will they badmouth you around to others and make it more difficult for you to find work or work references for obtaining new work?

- Try to stay classy, whatever you do. If you leave gracefully it reflects well on you. If you leave with the desks overturned it leaves a bad impression. :)

The politics of the workplace are so complicated, and there was probably no way for you to know that you'd be dismissed after speaking up when asked. Just feel good that you were honest, and if you must leave the company, it is truly their loss.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jun 06, 2006
PPK - always the diplomat :)
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Jun 06, 2006
Sound advice above. Take it.
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Jun 06, 2006
Grammar - you think I am in the mood to even read what I have typed.

I am not on their visa, so no transfer issues.

The management is shocking for a company of that repute - bucket shops operate better. Probably the Director had a hint and that's why he asked me what he did.

It is highly improbable that the director knows what happened. He comes to Dubai a few days a year.

Here's some additional info:

1. I have absolutely no issues with finding a new job - I even have an offer letter from someone last week. To add to it my hubby's expanded his business and wants me to join. Also, I have an investor for a business plan of mine - again he has been asking me to resign and start this up for sometime. I need to take a deep breath and look at my options - but this is just to give you an idea that employment is NOT an issue.

2. I worked here for a very short while - my previous long-term employers are my real reference.

I can just forget about it and move on - esp as I was in the job for only weeks, but I thought a note to the Director that I am no longer in the company without stating reasons even is fair to what happened, because there was not a speck of gray area in what I informed him. Then again, I wonder what good it will do....
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Jun 06, 2006
SD - chill.

If you were only with the company for a matter of weeks and have all the options available to you then what are you getting so worked up about?

What you need to do now is detach yourself from emotions and act in a professional manner - whether it be to inform what ever director you need to of the events that have transpired or to simply walk away.
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Jun 06, 2006
Reframe situation:

If this happened to a colleague - I would have at least made sure the Director is made aware of what happened. Now that its me who is the victim should I let Karma play its role(!) or do what I would have if it was someone else in my place.
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Jun 06, 2006
SD - everyone is different and as such we all handle situations differently. Ask yourself what end result you would like to see? If you really want another Director to know what has happened then don't wait for something to happen or somone else to say something. Take life into your own hands and make it happen yourself.
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Jun 06, 2006
Thanks to all, esp XR.

You know with the EGO hurt a little, I didn't want to rely only on my opinion and hence put it on the forum.

Maybe, it looks more like I will collect my dues which I can't ignore as its a month's pay and after a waiting period of a month write a little note to the Director if I feel its worth a bother then.

However, if they create any issues with the dues (which I am beginning to suspect) then I am gonna write a book on what I think about management style and policies and general running of the office. :twisted:
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Jun 06, 2006
and yes XR I will send it to you for grammar and spell check.... :)
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Jun 06, 2006
Funny how they always teach you to seperate your emotions from your work but ego is at the forefront of business. Top CEOs, directors, presidents and alike are all ego driven individuals - such a contradiction to the theory.

In any case, I think its a smart idea to write something now but file it away and look over it after a short period of time has passed - just to let your ego calm down a little.

And in light of your recent occurances, my grammer and spell check service is complimentary :wink:
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Jun 06, 2006

Please pm Dxbsoul, he will be able to offer you good advice on the emp front. He is sound and will respect any confidence.

I have respected your wish to be anon, and as such i wont go hunting theough your Ip's.

You deserve better summer. You obviously have a conscience, and you care. Hold your head high, shaft them and move on.
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Jun 06, 2006
SD, If you have no issues finding another position which obviously you don't, and if they kick up a stink about unpaid wages and if they act THAT unprofessionally, the inform the Director and screw them, screw them, screw them!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jun 06, 2006
Sorry I didn't get what you trying to say Chocs, what should she do? :lol:
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Jun 06, 2006
Chocs was a little more to the point than me - theres a first.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Jun 06, 2006
arniegang wrote:Summer

Please pm Dxbsoul, he will be able to offer you good advice on the emp front. He is sound and will respect any confidence.

I have respected your wish to be anon, and as such i wont go hunting theough your Ip's.

You deserve better summer. You obviously have a conscience, and you care. Hold your head high, shaft them and move on.

Dxbsoul - yes he is such help to everybody with legal & other issues. However, I appreciate the legal system - and everytime I want to help a DFer he beats me to it!

Thanks for you advise Arnie - you really are the DF daddy. :bigsmurf:
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Jun 06, 2006
its a she ? :wink: you know something we dont know ?

oh and Chocs i like your attitude to life too
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Jun 06, 2006
For the right amount of money, the DFM could order a hit.... :twisted:
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Re: Wronged Jun 06, 2006
Summerdream wrote:To cut a long story short - my services at my work place were terminated. This due to me informing someone in the board of directors about wrongful treatment - UPON BEING ASKED. This director is not based in Dubai and does not know about this dismissal.

But, er, what do you want to do? Sorry if I missed that, it wasn't clear to me when I read this topic.

Summerdream wrote:However, if they create any issues with the dues (which I am beginning to suspect) then I am gonna write a book on what I think about management style and policies and general running of the office. :twisted:

There could be a lot of authors ready to write a book like that here :mrgreen:
Dubai Expat Helper
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Jun 06, 2006
Sharewadi - read the first post completely my questions are towards the end

P.S - with the the book statement, I think you may have taken me out of context - What I meant is I have a lot (not good) things to say about how the Dubai office is being managed and the head office is not aware of so many issues - resultingly loosing potential millions each year.
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Jun 06, 2006
Anyway I guess the topic is done with.
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Jun 06, 2006
Good luck SD - hope everything works out well for you.
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Jun 06, 2006
Summerdream wrote:Sharewadi - read the first post completely my questions are towards the end

You mean this?
Summerdream wrote:Do I:

1. Simply collect my dues and move on.
2. Let the person in the Board of Directors know about this
3. Revenge - Inform the person in the Board of Directors of all the major management flaws

I understand the questions. The reason for asking you what you want is because I think it's more important to work that out first before wanting to know what other people think you should do.
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Jun 07, 2006
Probably a bit late - but just walk away.

Telling somebody there is something wrong with their organisation is a lesson they never want to hear, it is one that can only be taught through experience.

If they don't know its up the clacker, and they can't see it, then they won't see it through you telling them.

Walk, run if you have to, and move on. But remember to never ever cause bad blood, as tempting as it is. You don't want to be the one remembered as unprofessional.

On another note, I just got hired into a position, and I have to go through the whole learning the politics process.
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Jun 07, 2006
sorry to join the thread so late, but duty calls and pays the bills.

i must firstly say how impressed i am with the calibre of helpful information that other members have posted. actually makes me feel quiet proud that when the chips are down for someone that the DF members pull out the stops - everyone deserves a good pat on the back!!!!

well there's not much i can add. i can make two assumptions though. one you are sponsored on your husbands visa and possibly have a labour card issued by your soon to be ex-employer; or two they have not yet processed your papers but you have already started working for them (without a labour card).

well the only advise i can give you at this stage then is "tact and diplomacy", if you have no labour card/ contact with your employer you have no legal recoarse to your dues as you have been employed/ working illegally. in such a case you can only rely on the integrity of the company to make good on thier promise!

i'd agree, leave with your head up, on a good note. take good mental notes and put them to paper (for possible future use). don't expect to be paid, if you are this will be a bonus. remember you are not the first person to be in this situation in dubai and will not be the last either. learn from the experience.

unless you have been in, or are in personal contact with the director don't bother initiating anything, they will only put it down to "sour grapes". if you have been in contact with him before - wait until you have your dues, then in a polite/ politically correct letter explain to him your reasons for leaving, don't make any accusations, simply pose leading questions and allow him to draw his own conclusions - that way you are not defaming anyone.

unfortunately working in dubai requires a lot of careful footwork on the odd occasion
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Jun 07, 2006
Ian, congrats on the new job! :)

dbxsoul, thanks - deep down we do have a nice community here, despite the odd fray ;)
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jun 07, 2006
Dubai soul - you have put so much thought into your reply - Thank you.

Kanelli, Ian and everybody else - Thanks - So nice to see all the support and help.

I managed to do the handover gracefully, call it Karma, call it the power of God but I saw it happen today (yet once again)

There was a project related issue that I had stood up for, I had tried to explain to seniors that something unethical was happening - I was immediately on my face told that I was either lying or hallucinating. The issue had been used as an excuse for ending the employment contract. Out of nowhere full written and other proof was brought in be someone almost unrelated and almost accidentaly, that too when i was in the office. The seniors were red in the face and now I was the one :) .

So I think I could not have had a better last day. :D
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Jun 08, 2006
Way too late I know, but good luck Summer!!
I couldn't have given any Dubai specific advice anyway, but what I can say is that I tend to be hot headed myself and just want to quit my job and tell them exactly what I think of them and their management styles! I often go home and have a good sleep on it and come to the conclusion that just being polite (well, anything but rude!) works much better and don't bring yourself down to their level. Hold your head up high and say to yourself:
"I'm better than them"
Always works for me!!
Dubai forums GURU
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Jun 08, 2006
i hope you better luck with your next job SD
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