So sad, but expected. A local mosque had its windows broken by some ignorant people who now blame the Muslim community for the extremists. ... lized.html
I agree that the roots of extremism need to be identified and rectified. It does seem though that some are using any excuse to give meaning to their lives - even if that means blowing themselves up. Did you notice that 5 of the youth arrested are under 17 so cannot be named? This wreaks of corrupting adult influence to me. Canada is not oppressing Muslim countries and Canadian foreign policy has been conservative compared to many other countries. I just can't understand why some Canadians would want to kill other Canadians. I doubt these guys even penned a letter to the government about pulling troops out of Afghanistan (if that was their beef) - they would rather just secretly plan attacks to kill people, become a martyr and become famous for their murderous actions. Sad and pathetic people!
You don't see me sitting here saying that Timothy McVeigh must have had a good reason to bomb a building. I don't justify sick acts by terrorists and I find it insulting when other people do.
Do any of us know what it is like to be afraid every day and watch people get killed all around us? Your body is full of adrenaline because every place you walk, eat, sleep and try to relax in is a hazard. I think the murdering of civilians in Iraq is a disgrace, and I don't rule out the fact that some of these soldier snap and would not kill innocent civilians under more normal circumstances. It has been documented in other wars as well, and it isn't only Americans who snap. Please don't compare soldiers in a war setting to a bunch of Canadian extremist Muslim youth and adults who have a cushy life (in comparison) - going to school and work by day, and allegedly hatching bomb plots on their own country by night. It is interesting that some of you only mention coalition soldiers as being "terrorisors" in Iraq (in other previous threads), but you don't call the insurgents from outside of Iraq "terrorisors" when they blow up marketplaces and police stations, and assassinate government officials - all of which result in the death of innocent people.
Lionheart, if you read anything on the arrests you will see that those men were not planning to do any farming. They found bomb making equipment and at least one bomb with a cell phone triggering device. There is also other undisclosed evidence.
Lionheart, sure let's pull all the coalition forces out of Afghanistan and Iraq - let all the warlords, fanatical groups and religious sects kill each other off without being able to blame the "West" - although they likely will anyway. Let Palestine and Israel go at it as well. It seems many groups are itching for blood and power in all of those countries - so maybe the world should stand back and let all the different groups battle it out. How does that sound?