Dubai Summer Singles(DSS)

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Dubai Summer Singles(DSS) Jun 03, 2006
Summers in Dubai bring out another facet of our characters when room/flat mates leave for summer vacations, wives want to visit parents, and families go to their home countries before the "dad" joins in to take them elsewhere.
For some its a reprieve from the faces they see daily, for others its an avoidable and unfortunate break in daily meetings, some look forward to this "gap" and claim it improves the love life etc etc.
What do you think it the "dubai summer' bring to you as you turn single? Will you go out looking for a partner to "cut the rental costs" or bachelor parties will become realities, or will you finish that project catching dust in your garage, or may be finish that book!

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Jun 04, 2006
cyclone buisness is better than ever !!!!!!
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Jun 04, 2006
I am curious as to what it has brought you Makhan? You sound slightly bitter.

BTW Maaad, I have heard that the York is better than cyclone.
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Jun 04, 2006
i aint being bitter at all
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Jun 04, 2006
so Maaad are we partying in Cyclone this summer then?
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Jun 04, 2006
that is a pick up point. not a party place
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Jun 04, 2006
makhan wrote:that is a pick up point. not a party place

you wish it was a pick up place is the biggest S*E*X Drive Through in the world
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Jun 04, 2006
so what u plan to do wafaey
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Durrrrrr Jun 04, 2006
I made a huge boo boo when I arrived, and this was day 2 of me being in Dubai! Me and a mate were a wee bit tipsey at around 1.38am & a 1/2 precisely!

We asked our taxi driver to take us somewhere we can dance, get drinks late and a bar that will have some girls in....

Innocently, we did not realise Dubai is full of hookers, we thought its a strict Muslim country and that will not exist here! DOH

So the taxi took us to Cyclone (yes you saw that coming) and we had to pay 80AED each to enter. Then we went inside, got a drink from hte bar and looked around.... It was just full of sweaty Indian men (say about 200?) and about 10 girls, who were ridiculously ugly, guessing that is what they call "last orders" or "scrapping teh bottom of the barrell" Tee Hee Hee.

So we downed our drinks quicker than ever before and sacked it off.... Never to return, but gave us a giggle the next day!!!
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Re: Durrrrrr Jun 04, 2006
The Big Picture wrote:I made a huge boo boo when I arrived, and this was day 2 of me being in Dubai! Me and a mate were a wee bit tipsey at around 1.38am & a 1/2 precisely!

We asked our taxi driver to take us somewhere we can dance, get drinks late and a bar that will have some girls in....

Innocently, we did not realise Dubai is full of hookers, we thought its a strict Muslim country and that will not exist here! DOH

So the taxi took us to Cyclone (yes you saw that coming) and we had to pay 80AED each to enter. Then we went inside, got a drink from hte bar and looked around.... It was just full of sweaty Indian men (say about 200?) and about 10 girls, who were ridiculously ugly, guessing that is what they call "last orders" or "scrapping teh bottom of the barrell" Tee Hee Hee.

So we downed our drinks quicker than ever before and sacked it off.... Never to return, but gave us a giggle the next day!!!

yeah man there's loads of hookers, they look like shit
lol, go to the creek side hhhehee :P :P
omg guys don't start it now, I'll go to the creek
to hunt for the DF guys :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Creek Side? Jun 04, 2006

What and where is Creek Side? or should I not ask?
The Big Picture
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Re: Creek Side? Jun 04, 2006
The Big Picture wrote:Hiya,

What and where is Creek Side? or should I not ask?

Oi bud, you don't know the Greek yet
ask anyone, they'll guide you to it :wink:
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Jun 04, 2006
Reminds me of a night club I went to in Spain last year!!
Innocent me, just thought it was a nightclub - Club Skala, very nice. Walked in with my friends. Alarm bells should have rung when the guy on the door with the russian accent shouted out "10 Euro's" (imagine me saying that in a russian accent!).
We walked in the club entrance and down the stairs and all I could see was about 70 women and 4 guys. I immediately thought "Gees, we're in here!! Can't fail to pull!"
I was right in a way, was pawed over by loads of women who very quickly told us their price list! I couldn't wait to get out then!! Creepy!! But funny to look back on it now!!
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Jun 05, 2006
to tell the truth cyclone kinda sucks, i usually go to Mix if i had company :laughing6:
but if i'm alone then it's that one club in Diera Sheraton Hotel (crap i forgot the name), it's pretty nice.
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Jun 05, 2006
so its all about night clubs or clubbing i guess. anything at a higher plateau would hurt too much our brains i guess.... :?
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