I just returned afer a week in Dubai and what a trip. My mom has taken up a job in Dubai as a regional director for an advertising firm and moved there on a whim (I think she is planning to move back soon...TOO HOT!!). Nice shopping malls and stuff, but the place lacks the feel of a real city. I hail from Chicago, and there were no Art Museums and the whole 'academic' atmosphere was well....not really there to begin with. It is interesting to see a city that has so much wealth yet feels more like a shopping mall with it's own National Anthem!!! I was also told that you cannot be a citizen of this country unless you are a 'national'. I find this rather peculiar as well....especially even if you happen to be born over there?? Also only 'nationals' (who are these nationals???) can own propterty and businesses....!!!!! I hope the 'residents' of Dubai can answer if the above really are true??!! *unbelievable!!