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BREAKING NEWS: DFM Exposed May 29, 2006
The highly secretive and exclusive society known as the DFM has finally been exposed by the dogged investigative work of your Favourite #1 Reporter, mr. terranova

We shall run a special series of articles that delve into the reclusive and decadent lifestyles of the members of the DFM. Join us as we go on a journey of wild sheesha nights at Chandelier and steamy evenings at the Jumeirah Beach Club.

Known Activities of the DFM Gang:

1) Extortion of respect from all new DF members
2) Exclusive rights to hit on female DF members
3) Ability to mysteriously delete posts that don't follow their rules.

From our investigations, it seems the only criteria to join is old age and a British passport. Of course, minions and enforcers are outsourced to India. The DFM is a smart organization.

Known Members:
1) ArnieGang - the vicious slightly balding founder of DFM is deceptively funny and has a large social network. Don't be fooled as he runs his crime empire with an iron fist and a steel will.
2) Dubai Knight - His Number 2.

3) Liban - currently in initiation phase. He is the first north american member and is bringing down barriers in the organization.

My dear readers, I would like to felicitate our leadership in dubai and their vision for helping make this investigation a complete success. Without their guidance and support your Favourite #1 Reporter would not have managed to expose this wily crime syndicate in our midst.

PS : I didnt really mean all this, actually i think Arnie, DK and Liban are really nice blokes. Liban and AG are brilliant moderators and DK is a really cool and as nice a bloke as you could ever wish to meet.

Really, i hope they will accept me into the DFM so that i can help them deal with snitchers like Kanelli and that cad Maaad.

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May 29, 2006
I plead the fifth.
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Re: BREAKING NEWS: DFM Exposed May 29, 2006
terranova wrote:The highly secretive and exclusive society known as the DFM has finally been exposed by the dogged investigative work of your Favourite #1 Reporter, mr. terranova

We shall run a special series of articles that delve into the reclusive and decadent lifestyles of the members of the DFM. Join us as we go on a journey of wild sheesha nights at Chandelier and steamy evenings at the Jumeirah Beach Club.

Known Activities of the DFM Gang:

1) Extortion of respect from all new DF members
2) Exclusive rights to hit on female DF members
3) Ability to mysteriously delete posts that don't follow their rules.

From our investigations, it seems the only criteria to join is old age and a British passport. Of course, minions and enforcers are outsourced to India. The DFM is a smart organization.

Known Members:
1) ArnieGang - the vicious slightly balding founder of DFM is deceptively funny and has a large social network. Don't be fooled as he runs his crime empire with an iron fist and a steel will.
2) Dubai Knight - His Number 2.

3) Liban - currently in initiation phase. He is the first north american member and is bringing down barriers in the organization.

My dear readers, I would like to felicitate our leadership in dubai and their vision for helping make this investigation a complete success. Without their guidance and support your Favourite #1 Reporter would not have managed to expose this wily crime syndicate in our midst.

now that's the best post of the day :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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May 29, 2006
From the offices of Messrs. Sue, Grabbit and Runne, Counsel for an anonymous client who shall remain'a nameless but a' can be a'referred to for the a' purposes of this document as 'DF Cosa Nostra'...

Dear Mr. Terranova,

Your post of the first instance has been passed to us for comment and the contents have been noted.

Our client has instructed us (via Blackberry from his multi million Zimbabwean $ refuge in the Bahamas) to inform you that all allegations of the same in reference to the decadent lifestyles of certain members of the alleged DFM are refuted and hereby officially denied with all due vehemence.

We request that you 'cease and desist' from all attempts at 'exposure' in said manner as there is no truth in your allegations. Any further posturing upon these matters will be met with a short swim off Deira whilst trying out a new set of matching concrete have been warned!

With all due diligence,

Messrs. Sue, Grabbit and Runne, Solicitors

PS. You may like to note that the insertion of a laptop computer into certain orifices of the human body, may result in tears at bedtime...

8) 8) 8)

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May 29, 2006
Fuggetabouit! Diz place clean.
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May 29, 2006
terranova, I offer my help - it seems that our CSIS training can come in handy when investigating the Dubai Forums Mafia (DMF). I currently have a mole planted in Arniegang's network and I receive frequent reports on his conduct. I'll be sure to pass on any important info that comes my way.

Kanelli 8)
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May 29, 2006
You all think you are so smart using CSIS or Scotland Yard or Mossad to hack into the mighty and glorious DFM.... You have no clue what you are dealing with you little and pathetic miscreants!!! :twisted:
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May 29, 2006
kanelli wrote:terranova, I offer my help - it seems that our CSIS training can come in handy when investigating the Dubai Forums Mafia (DMF). I currently have a mole planted in Arniegang's network and I receive frequent reports on his conduct. I'll be sure to pass on any important info that comes my way.

Kanelli 8)

Don't make me do it K!

Arnie has recently had the mole removed...surgically!

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Dubai Knight
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May 29, 2006
Be careful DK, I am trained in the Jedi art of Chae-Fu Tae-Do to Master level, and I am an expert in light sabre rattling. :violent3:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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May 29, 2006
guys guys! this is too civilised :roll:
we wanna see some blood :twisted:
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May 29, 2006
kanelli wrote:Be careful DK, I am trained in the Jedi art of Chae-Fu Tae-Do to Master level, and I am an expert in light sabre rattling. :violent3:

Fear not my dear lightsabre skills are on a par with Yoda and I am an expert in the Jedi arts of Soh-Lah-Tae-Doh and Macrame...I would get that rattle in your lightsabre fixed sweetie, tou wouldn't want it to overheat!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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May 29, 2006
Maybe DK is too busy reading to mess with me. :read:

Miss DubaiForums 2006
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May 29, 2006
Well I will just fire my quantum phasers and quantum photon torpoedos and use anti-matter particule bombardment on your a$$ and see how you feel after that :twisted:

Oh no!!! The Star Trek side of me is trying to emerge.... NOOOO.... KHAAAAAN! KHAAAAAN! KHAAAAAN!
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May 29, 2006
this sounds very much like mine is bigger than urs... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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May 29, 2006
Liban wrote:Well I will just fire my quantum phasers and quantum photon torpoedos and use anti-matter particule bombardment on your a$$ and see how you feel after that :twisted:

Oh no!!! The Star Trek side of me is trying to emerge.... NOOOO.... KHAAAAAN! KHAAAAAN! KHAAAAAN!

AHA!!! Liban=Closet Trekkie!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Live long and prosper!

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May 29, 2006
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May 29, 2006
"Klingons on the starboard bow!"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Dubai Knight
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May 29, 2006
I'd be more worried about Romulans trying to break into the Neutral Zone :)
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May 29, 2006
Kanelli whips out her pulse rifle and smiles...
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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May 29, 2006
Did you forget? I quantum torpeodo'd your a$$ :twisted:
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May 29, 2006
I think the biggest expose is not regarding the DF Mafia, but that Liban is a Trekkie!!!

So Liban.........which was the best captain??
Dubai forums GURU
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May 29, 2006
Not Kirk because he had a speech deficiency and all he thought about was getting laid (though in itself is not a bad thing)...

Not Picard because he was bald and liked to talk his way out of trouble too much...

Sisko was a Captain.... Though he was commander of a Space Station, so please... They gave him a small little ship that he managed to destroy once, so he is out... Plus he didn't destroy the wormhole and was controlled by aliens... LOSER!

Janeway? Her voice was annoying, though she did manage to keep moral up! Also she was a weak commander and was prone to "emotional crap"...

Archer!!!! You DA MAN!!!! This guy was amazing, he could talk, he could fight, he kept moral high, he was smart, and above all he was the correct Captain type (ie not fat like Kirk, bald like Picard, quivry like Sisko, and sorry to say but weak like Janeway)...
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May 29, 2006
Oh! Also, we prefer to be called TREKKERS and not trekkies... :oops:
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May 29, 2006
terranova is on my payroll now, welcome !
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May 29, 2006
I had a force field on at maximum power - there was no scorching of my a$$. Now feel the sting of my pulse rifle. I'm gonna make you dance sucker!!!!!

( And Jean Luc Picard was the best captain. Very handsome and classy, but tough and efficient. "Tea. Earl Grey. Hot" :love7: )
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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May 29, 2006
All physical and psychological threats have been noted and duly dismissed.

Do not forget that your Favourite #1 Reporter has the backing of his exalted highness without whom no plants shall grow and no trees shall prosper.
Dubai Forums Frequenter
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May 29, 2006
Liban wrote:Not Kirk because he had a speech deficiency and all he thought about was getting laid (though in itself is not a bad thing)...

Not Picard because he was bald and liked to talk his way out of trouble too much...

Sisko was a Captain.... Though he was commander of a Space Station, so please... They gave him a small little ship that he managed to destroy once, so he is out... Plus he didn't destroy the wormhole and was controlled by aliens... LOSER!

Janeway? Her voice was annoying, though she did manage to keep moral up! Also she was a weak commander and was prone to "emotional crap"...

Archer!!!! You DA MAN!!!! This guy was amazing, he could talk, he could fight, he kept moral high, he was smart, and above all he was the correct Captain type (ie not fat like Kirk, bald like Picard, quivry like Sisko, and sorry to say but weak like Janeway)...

Have you got a problem with bald people?!?!
Archer? Is that the Quantum Leap guy??
Dubai forums GURU
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May 29, 2006
terranova wrote:All physical and psychological threats have been noted and duly dismissed.

Do not forget that your Favourite #1 Reporter has the backing of his exalted highness without whom no plants shall grow and no trees shall prosper.

Thanks you terranova for your kind words. You will get a pay raise.
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May 29, 2006
the_zooter wrote:
Liban wrote:Not Kirk because he had a speech deficiency and all he thought about was getting laid (though in itself is not a bad thing)...

Not Picard because he was bald and liked to talk his way out of trouble too much...

Sisko was a Captain.... Though he was commander of a Space Station, so please... They gave him a small little ship that he managed to destroy once, so he is out... Plus he didn't destroy the wormhole and was controlled by aliens... LOSER!

Janeway? Her voice was annoying, though she did manage to keep moral up! Also she was a weak commander and was prone to "emotional crap"...

Archer!!!! You DA MAN!!!! This guy was amazing, he could talk, he could fight, he kept moral high, he was smart, and above all he was the correct Captain type (ie not fat like Kirk, bald like Picard, quivry like Sisko, and sorry to say but weak like Janeway)...

Have you got a problem with bald people?!?!
Archer? Is that the Quantum Leap guy??

Scott Bakula!


8) 8) 8)

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May 29, 2006
the_zooter wrote:
Have you got a problem with bald people?!?!
Archer? Is that the Quantum Leap guy??

No problems with bald people. I mean I liked Charles Xavier (X-Men)... I think that Patrick Stewart is a great actor... But the character of William T. Riker in TNG was more to my liking for a captain even though he was only a Commander.

Archer is the Quantum Leap dude... SCOTT BAKULA!
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