I wanted to express my concerns about your Bayt.com - I saw a position on their site and the employer was Al Ghurair which is a very well know family and a good company to work for in Dubai. After I applied for the Finance Managers position I had to go through the registration process, I guess like every one does. But this process did it take 2 months before I got any kind of feed back, I was also asked to pay $239.00 in order to Get a "WoW CV" because the representative at Bayt.com told me that if I needed that job faster, this would be the price to pay, WoW indeed... I just believe this is as good as charging someone for a job, its more like, you dish out 880AED and we can get you this job. Especially because the resume that I got from Bayt.com was something I could have done with some Google search copy / paste and produced in 10 minutes. That was not my resume, and those were not my skills.
I never got any kind of feed back from Bayt.com, even though I repeatedly emailed and called them. Now I have a resume that I paid 880AED for and the representative is not responding to my emails. I wish there were some organization I could go to and report this kind of treatment very unethical and misleading to what their website claims are. I am a U.K. citizen and I believe one should not pay for anything especially when we are looking out for a job, just like how it is back home.
I am wondering if this is happening to any other individuals out there who are looking for work. I do understand some online company's do charge some sort of a fee to provide some sort of a service that only makes my chances of getting a job better. I also believe this fee is paid at our own free will because we choose to register with them. But I do not believe an organization like Bayt.com should black mail a candidate and lure them to purchase their CV builder to get for a job. Just so you know, I am not the only one, I have gone through forums on Bayt.com being a scam, I have my friends who faced similar problems. I need advice, I need legal advice.
Kevin Brown.