i saw one of my friend's husband in a hypermarket with a woman that it sure didn't look close to my friend. i got shoked and i did not know what to do: tell her or stay out of it?! the shit thing is that the bastard was stupid enough to come to me and say hi, he was pretty sure i saw him and i was about to tell my friend. he told me: "listen, this is not what u think, try to understand me cause i don't wanna loose M (my friend), this is just some fun and i really love M!

well funny or not my friend just gave birth 2 months ago and i did not want to ruin her joy!
still i don't know what would be the best thing to do: to pretend i don't know, but if she finds out i would feel so shit cause i covered the love story between her husband and the "LADY", and on the other side i am affraid that if i will tell her i will ruin her marriage! damn thing! i wished i was not there to witness all that crap!

this made me wonder why some men r so stupid to risc their marriage for S>E>X only???? and what is that stupid excuse: i love her but i F**K another