As taken by the Wilshire Constabulary

My new avatar is on here for 24 hours only

the message board for Dubai English speaking community
arniegang wrote:I was doing 77 in a 60 limit, and the passenger was my son. The police by law, have to blank out the passenger.
arniegang wrote:i am 28 Raidah
(may i be stuck by a bolt of lightening for my sin)
arniegang wrote:I blushed because it was not true, the smiley is meant to show embarassment i am 48
Concord wrote:Dude! Now everyone knows not only your age but where you live!
Liban wrote:You have a 7 series and all you managed to do was 70 mph... Hand me over your keys, I'll get that car into the 120mph range it deserves to be in
Liban wrote:I know you use MPH dude, my initial reply to this thread even said that
I also said that the BMW should not be tortured doing 70mph on that curve but that it should be allowed to "breath" doing the 120mph it was built for
GAB wrote:See, if you were driving yer tracteeeerrrrr this would NEVER have happened!!
arniegang wrote:Liban wrote:I know you use MPH dude, my initial reply to this thread even said that
I also said that the BMW should not be tortured doing 70mph on that curve but that it should be allowed to "breath" doing the 120mph it was built for
ooops my mistake you did indeed put mph.
You gotta be joking buddy, ma motor is limited to 155 mph, if i had it chipped it would do 185