HP - A Really Nice Surprise For You

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HP - A Really Nice Surprise for You May 27, 2006
Here is a pic of me in my car

:P :P :P :P


As taken by the Wilshire Constabulary :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

My new avatar is on here for 24 hours only

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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May 27, 2006
how old r u arnie?
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May 27, 2006
how old are you ? :shock: :shock:

:wink: :wink: :wink:
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May 27, 2006
raidah asked first!! lol

Why is some of the picture blanked out?? is it to protect the innocent?!?! lol
And how fast were u going (I assume its for speeding?)
Dubai forums GURU
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May 27, 2006
I was doing 77 in a 60 limit, and the passenger was my son. The police by law, have to blank out the passenger.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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May 27, 2006
arniegang wrote:I was doing 77 in a 60 limit, and the passenger was my son. The police by law, have to blank out the passenger.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Really?? I didn't know that!!
Well thats disgraceful!! 77 in a 60 - couldn't you go any faster?!? lol
I got caught doing 85 in a 60 - well, you might as well make the most of it!!
Dubai forums GURU
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May 27, 2006
exactly, i asked u first :wink:

just curiosity. u sound a lot like a friend of mine, only that from what i gathered so far about ur aproximat age, he is much younger.
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May 27, 2006
wowwwwwwww arnie baby this was a nice surprise for sure 8)
i love the pic...& ur avatar is great also
u look so close to how i imagined u! hehe :wink:
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May 28, 2006
i am 28 Raidah

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

(may i be stuck by a bolt of lightening for my sin)

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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May 28, 2006
arniegang wrote:i am 28 Raidah

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

(may i be stuck by a bolt of lightening for my sin)

:lol: :lol: :lol:

interesting choice of age :roll:

i made u blush :wink: aaaaawwww, pls tell me u did not pee in ur pants cos all this excitement. puppies do when they r happy... :P
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May 28, 2006
I blushed because it was not true, the smiley is meant to show embarassment i am 48
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May 28, 2006
arniegang wrote:I blushed because it was not true, the smiley is meant to show embarassment i am 48

i got u :lol:
u thought i was being serious and told me ur age. now that was cute :)

anyway, i don t care about ur age as long as u make us laugh...well, when u do that :P
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May 28, 2006
He He! Now thats a good pic Arnie! You would have got away with it if you had put a book on the steering wheel...its a still image, so you go to court and say "77 yer Honour? Nah, not me...I was parked up reading!!"

Nice Kubelwagen! No swastikas on the side though!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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May 28, 2006
Dude! Now everyone knows not only your age but where you live!
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May 28, 2006
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Who's a naughty boy then?
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May 28, 2006
You have a 7 series and all you managed to do was 70 mph... Hand me over your keys, I'll get that car into the 120mph range it deserves to be in 8)
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May 28, 2006
Concord wrote:Dude! Now everyone knows not only your age but where you live!

Conc i have seven address's in the UK :lol: :lol: :lol:
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May 28, 2006
Seven addresses and seven wives?? :lol:
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May 28, 2006
7 houses, one wife, and thats for me to know and you too find out regarding the rest

:wink: :wink: :wink:
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May 28, 2006
Liban wrote:You have a 7 series and all you managed to do was 70 mph... Hand me over your keys, I'll get that car into the 120mph range it deserves to be in 8)


We use MPH here bud, so i was in fact doing 130 Kph on the very very tight corner as you can see from Mr Plods' other pic.

:D :D :D :D

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May 28, 2006
u guys lol
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May 28, 2006
I know you use MPH dude, my initial reply to this thread even said that :)

I also said that the BMW should not be tortured doing 70mph on that curve but that it should be allowed to "breath" doing the 120mph it was built for :)
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May 28, 2006
See, if you were driving yer tracteeeerrrrr this would NEVER have happened!! :lol:
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May 28, 2006
Liban wrote:I know you use MPH dude, my initial reply to this thread even said that :)

I also said that the BMW should not be tortured doing 70mph on that curve but that it should be allowed to "breath" doing the 120mph it was built for :)

ooops my mistake you did indeed put mph.

You gotta be joking buddy, ma motor is limited to 155 mph, if i had it chipped it would do 185

:D :D :D
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May 28, 2006
GAB wrote:See, if you were driving yer tracteeeerrrrr this would NEVER have happened!! :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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May 28, 2006
tryna get gals lol -giggles-
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May 28, 2006
arniegang wrote:
Liban wrote:I know you use MPH dude, my initial reply to this thread even said that :)

I also said that the BMW should not be tortured doing 70mph on that curve but that it should be allowed to "breath" doing the 120mph it was built for :)

ooops my mistake you did indeed put mph.

You gotta be joking buddy, ma motor is limited to 155 mph, if i had it chipped it would do 185

:D :D :D


:iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc: :iroc:
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May 28, 2006
your licence plate says MIB = Men in black... :lol: ...and was the avatar you too?...just saw it for a min or so...easlier to recognise ya when we meet up for drinks...and where's HP and his responses to this?...
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May 28, 2006
Yea i am MIB Men in Black.

and yes that was me in my avatar in my silly ski hat, i goto New Hampshire Skiing every year.

So you were lurking eeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhh Cons last night, you scamper.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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May 28, 2006
i thought MIB knew what the illegal night crawler mutant beings like us did...guess not :lol: :lol:
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