terranova wrote:is this new or what? i was relatively surprised a few weeks back when an arab lady stopped me as I came out of al-ain centre and asked me for money.
but total shocker today when a black maxima with tinted windows pulls up next to me as i walk to lunch. there is a fairly well dressed arab family inside including kids in dresses. the driver goes to me, "salam sir, we're visiting dubai from oman and I've lost my wallet and don't have money for gas. can you loan me some money."
now we've all heard of this technique in many other cities, and i just wasn't expecting it here. is it common?
It is a scam !!
don't give any of those people money !!!
why !! I will tell u why !!
Story # 1:
2 months back I was walking from my house to a near by Cafe to meet some of my friends. I was only 30 meters away from my house when a maxima with Oman plates on it stopped and asked me for help ! He was a Pakistani guy with his wife, who covered her face and 2 kids sleeping in the back ! He said that his wallet was stolen and that the police could do nothing to him (lie # 1, if such a thing happened the police wouldn't leave u like this) and that he wanted money for gas for his car or at least for his kids to have milk and food !! I only had like 20Dhs in my pocket that day "i dunni why" yet I told him, that my house is only a couple of meters ahead and I will be more than happy to let them come over to have food and rest and give them money. He paused for a second and talked to his wife in Urdu, then he said: so u don't have cash (ahha ), I said no, so he like was feeling upset that he was unable to get something from me. Later on I found out that this is a way that some are following to get money from us !! how, they usually work in a hotel or have people working in a hotel, they use their customer's cars to go around for a couple of hours when the car ihas stoped for some time and not being used . In other words it like a Mafia thing !!!
Story #2:
a friend of mine who works in Eppco told me that one day a friend oh his and him were leaving work around 4 when a Nissan Patrol tinted window stopped by and asked for some money to go back home to Al-Ain. That guy was smart enough to know if he was truly in need for the money or not, and told him, I am sorry all I have is a 500 Dhs bill, I don't have change, the driver Immediately responded, but I do !!!

!! so when he found out that his made up story is uncovered, he fled the place at once !!! what a stuiped guy !!!
Story #3:
2 years back, some one was at the door, I went to see who is it to see a good lokking young female dressed up in Abayya and a mobile in here hand !! so i thought maybe it is one of my mother's friends or her acquaintances so i asked here to see who is it !! and guess what, she was begging !!!

, my mother kicked her off and called up the security guy in the building to escort here out !! my mother told me that the Abbaya she was wearing was like 500+ Dhs and that she had the latest mobile in her hand !!! with a black leather purse !! Well i guess those people do follow the latest style !!!

!! and she came asking for money !?!? for what to buy the latest set from Vectoria's Secrets ?!?!?
Story #4:
I read this in AL-Khaleej paper, a Dr. running an institute wrote about this thing and gave a couple of stories, she said that once in a super market a man was paying for his Groceries when a woman approached him saying that she forgot her wallet and she wants him to pay also for her groceries!!

well simply go home lady and grab ur wallet or call up someone to come with some cash !! another story was that one day a women came crying to her in the office and she was emanding to see the manage, so the Dr. agreed to see her !! and guess what, she was saying that she has a rent to pay of 4000Dhs this month and she has a daughter in a hospital being treated for cancer, the smart doctor told her I will give u a check of the total expenses for a year if u could just get me medical reports and the a copy of the leasing contrcat, the women being upset started claming that there is not time for such things and she doesn't know how to do this , the manager said again that she will pay for a year if she can get proof !! well the lady left with a red face !! the Dr. said that there are around 40 offices in the building so imagine if she was able to collect 400Dhs from each office !! she will end up scoring 16,000 in a day !!
It is diificult nowadays to know who is really in need from those who are not, but what I know for sure that the people who are really in need have their own self-esteem that they don't even go out asking people for money . Those are the ones that worth every dirham we pay !!