Plastic Scouring Pads?

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May 22, 2006
I wonder what the record is for that?? :lol:

So are you still without plastic scouring pads then Fayz?? Have you come up with a strategy of how you can avoid this potentially dangerous situation from happening again??

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May 22, 2006
This serious situation must be resolved asap.
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May 22, 2006
Most definately.

I'm just wondering how we can do this. I wonder if Bob Geldof is aware of Fayz's plight? Maybe he could organise some fundraising, along the lines of Live8.
Then, with the monies raised, we could purchase hundred of packets of scouring pads (plastic of course), and have them airlifted to Dubai.
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May 22, 2006
Oooh - we could ask the manufacturers to organise us a discount for this worthy cause. They would be contributing to the betterment of life in Dubai and the Middle East in general.
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May 22, 2006
This idea has been raised. Also i will do an emergency mission next month.
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May 22, 2006
arniegang wrote:This idea has been raised. Also i will do an emergency mission next month.

Thank goodness

But this doesn't solve Fayz's long term problem - a lack of life-saving plastic scouring pads! Your airlift will only paper over the cracks - we need to come up with a long term solution that is both sustainable and economic.
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May 22, 2006
Fayz....don't you like the sponge get the green scouring pads seperately also in all supermarkets...They work very well with liquid dishwashing liquid. Even better, i.e. what I find best to do dishes a brush with a long is less yucky.

No one uses the ones you are looking for these days - I think they are available in that shop in Lamcy where everything is for 5 dirhams.

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May 22, 2006
Noooooooooooooooooooooooo Audrey Nooooooooooooooooooooooo

It MUST be those

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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May 23, 2006
Audrey, you've just obviously not read the whole thread! It has to be that exact item (made in China) - everything else are just expensive fakes!

We really need to find a way to solve this long term problem. Arnie, do you think that there could be a market in Dubai for these pads?? Afterall, surely Fayz isn't the only one desperate to get his hands on them??

Perhaps we could open a shop that only sells plastic scouring pads - I think we'd make millions. What do you say??
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May 23, 2006
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Zoots

I was thinking the same thing myself. But we need to discuss this business proposal in private or others may try to scupper our business plan

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

I think i may have sourced the exact chinese sourers in the same Pastel colours
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May 23, 2006
Ok, here is my (brief) market research.

It is based on Fayz being a "normal" Dubai resident.
And I believe there are about a million people living in Dubai (for the sake of arguments, we'll say there are!!).
Now, Fayz is so far the only member of this forum to admit to having a plastic scouring pad addiction. There are currently 5324 members - so he is one in 5324.
If we assume this is an accurate sample, this means that there are 188 people in Dubai desperate to get their hands on some plastic scouring pads! There has to be enough demand there surely? Especially as we'd be a monopolistic supplier?!?! :roll:
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May 23, 2006
can we quickly copyright our idea?? So that nobody else can get in there before us??
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May 23, 2006
OK, its all quiet now, we can talk.

Zoots, my market research tells me there is a huge untapped market in Dubai for Chinese Pastel Scourers ( 5 pack).

Fayz is obviously a very astute bloke and he has obviously shown us the need and demand for such rare items.

I am thinking a name "Scourers R' US"

What do you think buddy. Obviiously you can sort the books, i can finance, we need someone on board who specializes in marketing.
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May 23, 2006
the_zooter wrote:Ok, here is my (brief) market research.

It is based on Fayz being a "normal" Dubai resident.
And I believe there are about a million people living in Dubai (for the sake of arguments, we'll say there are!!).
Now, Fayz is so far the only member of this forum to admit to having a plastic scouring pad addiction. There are currently 5324 members - so he is one in 5324.
If we assume this is an accurate sample, this means that there are 188 people in Dubai desperate to get their hands on some plastic scouring pads! There has to be enough demand there surely? Especially as we'd be a monopolistic supplier?!?! :roll:

Cool buddy. Could you recalculate figures based on need in a XL doc, projecting supply based on your figures to include the population of Dubai and the other Emirates, then maybe we lcould ook at Franchising this throughout the Middle East.
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May 23, 2006
sounds good to me buddy. Are you sure nobody is listening into this??

Scourers 'r us - very catchy!!

Do we know any marketing experts??

I strongly suspect that despite some of the banter, their are people both inside and outside of the forum secretly cheering that Fayz has brought this to the world's attention.
I can picture the scene. GABS is faced with a mountain of washing up, only to find she's got an old brush with most of the bristles missing. What she wouldn't give for a plastic scouring pad in luminous pink.
And Chocs, as she breaks another nail desperately trying to scrape that burnt chocolate from the bottom of her saucepan, thinking to herself "I really wish I had a plastic scouring pad, in a cool lime green colour".

And surely they aren't the only ones?
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May 23, 2006
arniegang wrote:Cool buddy. Could you recalculate figures based on need in a XL doc, projecting supply based on your figures to include the population of Dubai and the other Emirates, then maybe we lcould ook at Franchising this throughout the Middle East.

Sure I can partner. You want me to produce some nice graphs too - maybe in the same 5 colours the pads come in?
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May 23, 2006
Yes its ok, they are all in bed now in DXB land.

Good thinking Zoots, i think there are many " closet scourers" out there. We need to do some research on this. We need to make some discreet enquiries to headhunting a Marketing Exec.
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May 23, 2006
the_zooter wrote:
arniegang wrote:Cool buddy. Could you recalculate figures based on need in a XL doc, projecting supply based on your figures to include the population of Dubai and the other Emirates, then maybe we lcould ook at Franchising this throughout the Middle East.

Sure I can partner. You want me to produce some nice graphs too - maybe in the same 5 colours the pads come in?

That would be brill if you could Zoots. I was thinking of booking the presentation night for "Scourers R' Us" at the Burj Al Arab". If we had the Spread Sheets and Graphs done in the same pastel colours, we could extend it to our corporate image.

And heres the really cool bit. We could ask the management at the Burj to display the outside lighting to match the same colours also.
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May 23, 2006
I wonder if we could entice people on the forum to tell us there dish washing horror stories, then try to show how much easier they would find life if they had some quality, chinese made, plastic scouring pads.
I swear by them.
Hey, we could get Fayz to endorse them. We could get his avatar on the front of the pack with a little "as used by Fayz" underneath - bound to help sales.
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May 23, 2006
arniegang wrote:That would be brill if you could Zoots. I was thinking of booking the presentation night for "Scourers R' Us" at the Burj Al Arab". If we had the Spread Sheets and Graphs done in the same pastel colours, we could extend it to our corporate image.

And heres the really cool bit. We could ask the management at the Burj to display the outside lighting to match the same colours also.

That is a fantastic idea. I mean, at the end of the day, its the colours that will sell the pads as much as anything else - definately its whats seperates them from everything else on the market
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May 23, 2006
Got it!!!

DK is into events, we could see if he could set up matching pastel lazers. Also if his set up was in the Jumeira Beach Hotel, we could hire some seriously heavy duty projection gear and project moving images of "scourers" all over the Burj
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May 23, 2006
arniegang wrote:Got it!!!

DK is into events, we could see if he could set up matching pastel lazers. Also if his set up was in the Jumeira Beach Hotel, we could hire some seriously heavy duty projection gear and project moving images of "scourers" all over the Burj

I'm loving that idea! WOW!
Do you think DK would want to get on board with this idea?
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May 23, 2006
Yes deffo Zoots. If we bring him on board i reckon we could clear a million each in the first year no probs
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May 23, 2006
arniegang wrote:Yes deffo Zoots. If we bring him on board i reckon we could clear a million each in the first year no probs

Thats like music to my ears. And its all thanks to Fayz, for bringing this problem to our attention. Hopefully soon, he and others like him, will once again start to enjoy the washing-up once again.
Its more than making money, its the fact that we are providing a valuable service to the Dubai (and possibly the rest of the UAE and beyond) community.
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May 23, 2006
Dirty Dishes ?? No more as endorsed by Fayz the rare miricle Scouring Pads that will change your life forever"

What you think Zoots for the TV Commercial??
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May 23, 2006
arniegang wrote:Dirty Dishes ?? No more as endorsed by Fayz the rare miricle Scouring Pads that will change your life forever"

What you think Zoots for the TV Commercial??

Thats spot on!!
Who could we get to appear in the commercial. Erm, we might have to hold casting sessions. Fayz could star and would obviously have to have an on-screen wife - which we'd cast for.
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May 23, 2006
I was thinking of casting someone like Catherine Zeta Jones to Support Fayz.
And we can get her to wear rubber gloves oooooohhhhhhhh errrrrrr

Cue CZJ at sink with rubber gloves on, Fayz comes into shot and says.

"darling these dishes are sooooooooo clean"

CZJ replies

"ohhhhhhhhh my darling these are the ultimate Scourers, you are the perfect husband"

Cue Fayz - picks up plate with a exagerated sparkle from studio lights.

"i just wanted us to have the cleanest pots, pans and dishes in the middle East darling, there is nothing i wont do for you"

cue CZJ

"awwwwwwwwwwww Fayzy baby, i am so lucky to have you, i love you so much"

What you reckon Zoots
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May 23, 2006
arniegang wrote:I was thinking of casting someone like Catherine Zeta Jones to Support Fayz.
And we can get her to wear rubber gloves oooooohhhhhhhh errrrrrr

Cue CZJ at sink with rubber gloves on, Fayz comes into shot and says.

"darling these dishes are sooooooooo clean"

CZJ replies

"ohhhhhhhhh my darling these are the ultimate Scourers, you are the perfect husband"

Cue Fayz - picks up plate with a exagerated sparkle from studio lights.

"i just wanted us to have the cleanest pots, pans and dishes in the middle East darling, there is nothing i wont do for you"

cue CZJ

"awwwwwwwwwwww Fayzy baby, i am so lucky to have you, i love you so much"

What you reckon Zoots

Wow - amazing!
But, I'm a little concerned about casting CZJ in the role. I think we need someone a little younger and down to earth. I was thinking more Jessica Simpson maybe??
We should just hold an open casting session, and you, DK and myself could pick the best from there?
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May 23, 2006
agreed Zoots some babe that wont want to be a slave to the sink - what about victoria beckham or geri halliwell?
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May 23, 2006
hmmmm - geri halliwell!! How did you know!! She was definately my favourite Spice Girl!!
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