1. Will buy 20 Tonnes of Chips, Juice, pepsi, chocolates from STAR MART, EMARAT or others.
2. It is very important to keep your kids happy but buying them a motorbike at age 7. Children should always be happy. Future Generation gifts may include an apartment at Sheikh Zayed Road.
3. Before watching a movie, it is important not to know th ename of the movie or what its about but buying nachos and 20 inch coke and large popcorn to give a gesture. "I'm going to watch a movie

4. Owning a car lower than 2005 model is a disgrace.
5. the words TRANSPORT, ECONOMICS, PARENTING doesnt mean anything or unidentified words.
6.What is up with banks & nationals.
7. MUSt have a two storey house and If I'm national its a must I talk about shares. By the way dont know how to play the market. Just know 3 words. SHARES, EMAAR and NAKHEEL
What I have posted is only after seeing not just blindly.
8. If Im national I can build a tent for the wedding anywhere...I own this nation (true story from 2002, Wedding Tent on a road in the side of Jumierah)
9. If I see a two mobiles one fake and one real. I will buy the fake if it costs more.
10. National workers need Labour unions. Any National Labourers?
11. When we eat out of the poor, we ignore and eat KFC/MCDONALDS but when we see somebody do wrong...HARAM HARAM HARAM
All information posted above is by experience, not just posted blindly.