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Pundit Vedaprakash Upadhyay, a Hindu professor, in his stunning book claims that the description of the" Avatar" found in the Holy books of the Hindu religion, matches the Holy Prophet Mohammed (PUBH). Recently in India, a fact-revealing book has been published. The Book has been the topic of discussion and gossip all over the country.The author of this book, Pundit Vedaprakash Upadhyay, is a learned and famous Hindu professor. The book is Kalki Avatar. Pundit Vedaprakash Upadhyay is a Hindu Brahmin of Bengali origin. He is a research scholar at Allahabad University. After years of research, he published this book, and no less than eight pundits have endorsed and certified his points of argument as authentic. According to Hindu belief, the Hindu world awaits "the guide and leader", named Kalki Avatar. However, the description as given in the holy scriptures of the Hindu points only to the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) of Arabia.Therefore, the Hindus of the whole world should not wait any longer for the arrival of Kalki Avatar (the spirit) and should readily accept Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) as Kalki Avatar. These are the FACTS verified and supported by eight other eminent pundits. What the author says is that Hindus, who are still anxiously awaiting the arrival of Kalki Avatar, are simply subjecting themselves to never ending pain. Because, such a great messenger has already arrived and departed from this world fourteen centuries ago.

The author produces the following sound evidences from the Vedas and other holy books of the Hindu religion in support of his claim:

1. In the Puranas (Hindu scriptures), it is stated that Kalki Avatar would be the last messenger of God in this world. He would be for guidance of the whole world and all human beings.

2. According to a Hindu religion prediction the birth of Kalki Avatar would take place in an isle, which again according to Hindu religion is Arab Region.

3. In books of Hindus, the names of the father and the mother of Kalki Avatar are given as VISHNUBHAGAT and SUMAANI respectively. If we examine the meaning of these names we shall come to some very interesting conclusion. VISHNU (meaning God) + BHAGAT (meaning Slave). Slave of God = ABDULLAH (in Arabic) is the name of Prophet's (PBUH) Father.
SUMAANI (meaning peace or calmness).Aamenah (in Arabic means peace) is the name of Prophet's (PBUH) Mother.

4. In the religious books of Hindus, it is mentioned that the staple food of Kalki Avatar would be dates and olives and he would be the most honest and truthful person in the region. Without any doubt the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) is acclaimed to possess these qualities.

5. It is stated in Vedas (holy book of Hindu Religion) that the birth of Kalki Avatar would take place in an honorable clan. This perfectly fits the Quraysh where Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) belonged to.

6. God would teach Kalki Avatar through His messenger (angel) in a cave. Allah taught Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) through His messenger Jibraeel (Gabriel), in a cave known as Ghaar-e-Hira.

7. God would provide Kalki Avatar with a very speedy horse to ride and travel the whole world and the seven skies. Indication of burraq (Horse) and Me'raaj (the night when Prophet [PBUH] travelled the seven skies).

8. God would provide Kalki Avatar with divine help. This was particularly proved in the Battle of Uhud.

9. Another dazzling account given about Kalki Avatar was that he would be born on the 12th of a month. Whereas the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) was born on the 12th of Rabbi ul Awwal (Hijra Calendar).

10. Kalki Avatar would be an excellent horse rider and a swordsman.
The author here draws the attention of Hindus that the real days of horses and swords have gone and the present time of guns and missiles. So it would be foolish on the part of those who still expect Kalki Avatar, who should be an excellent rider and swordsman to come. In fact, the divine book, the Holy Qur'an, contains qualities and signs attributed to Kalki Avatar reflecting on the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH

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May 16, 2006
An interesting post emadullah - thanks for posting. I was not aware of these references.

It raises a couple of questions and an observation:

1. Has the pundit become a mulsim as a result of these findings?
2. How have Hindu scholars reacted to these observations - do they agree or have they a different interpretation?

And the observation:
These prophecies show that the Puranas containg prophecies which have come true. This means that God revealed these prophecies and they were recorded.. and therefore by definition, true prophets of God were sent to the Indians. This means that Krishna must have been a prophet of God!
Dubai Shadow Wolf
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May 16, 2006
shafique wrote:These prophecies show that the Puranas containg prophecies which have come true. This means that God revealed these prophecies and they were recorded.. and therefore by definition, true prophets of God were sent to the Indians. This means that Krishna must have been a prophet of God!

You must be kidding me.... :shock:
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May 16, 2006
Liban - the Quran clearly states that only God can reveal predictions of the future prophets/religions. So therefore, if the above is true (and I have to say that the above post is the first I have heard of this particular detail), then the conclusion that must be derived is that Hinduism must have been a revealed religion at source.

I'm not sure that emadullah realised that this was the logical conclusion of the information from the Pundit! But lets see if there is more information to come.
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May 16, 2006
The Quran has no reference to any religion other than Judaism and Christianity and since God said that the Prophet Mohammad was the last of His Messangers then by direct result, the Quran would discredit Hinduism.
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May 17, 2006
Liban, Allah says in the Quran:

Chapter : 16 (Al-Nahl) Verse : 36
And We did raise among every people a Messenger with the teaching, 'Worship Allah and shun the Evil one.' Then among them were some whom Allah guided and among them were some who became deserving of ruin. So travel through the earth and see what was the end of those who treated the prophets as liars!

Chapter : 10 (Yunus) Verse : 47
And for every people there is a Messenger. So when their Messenger comes, it is judged between them with equity, and they are not wronged.

Chapter : 14 (Ibrahim) Verse : 4
And We have not sent any Messenger except with revelation in the language of his people in order that he might make things clear to them. Then Allah leaves to go astray whom He wills and guides whom He wills. And He is the Mighty, the Wise.
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May 17, 2006
My friend,

The Quran makes rereferences to all the prophets from Abraham to Mohammad (PBUH). There is no reference to Krishna. The people of the book (Ahl Al Ktab) are no other than the Jews and Christians.

I maintain that the quotations from our Noble and Sacred Quran refer to the prophets I previously mentionned and noone else.
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May 17, 2006

I don't think that the Quran says anywhere that it contains an exhaustive list of all prophets.

The Quran lists prophets from the time of Adam, but not necessarily all the prophets between Abraham and Muhammad, pbuh.

For example, Lot and Saleh were contemporaries of Abraham, but not descendants of him.

Interestingly, no one is sure who the Prophet Luqman is and which territory was his (he is not a Biblical prophet). Chapter 31 is named after this unknown prophet.

In the absence of a contrary verse, I believe the Quran when it says that all people were sent messengers/prophets. I've met Imams that reel at the thought that Krishna may have been a true prophet of God, but I don't see why not - Jesus has been elevated to a God and yet we believe he is true..

"There is not a people but a Warner has gone among them" (35:24)
"For every nation there is a Messenger" (10:47)

Anyway, I'm still waiting to hear from emadullah - hopefully he can tell us where he copied the information from if he doesn't have any answers to my queries.. I am genuinely interested in finding out more about this information in the Puranas.

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May 17, 2006
Sorry, I forgot about the clearest verse on the subject:

* "And certainly We sent messengers before you: there are some of them that We have mentioned to you and there are others whom We have not mentioned to you..." [40:78]

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May 17, 2006
shafique wrote:Liban,

I don't think that the Quran says anywhere that it contains an exhaustive list of all prophets.

The Quran lists prophets from the time of Adam, but not necessarily all the prophets between Abraham and Muhammad, pbuh.

In the absence of a contrary verse, I believe the Quran when it says that all people were sent messengers/prophets. I've met Imams that reel at the thought that Krishna may have been a true prophet of God, but I don't see why not - Jesus has been elevated to a God and yet we believe he is true..

"There is not a people but a Warner has gone among them" (35:24)
"For every nation there is a Messenger" (10:47)

If Hinduism was based on the teachings of God then tenants such as sacred cows, reincarnation, cremation, etc... would not exist. But they do, thats why Krishna is no prophet of God.

Also, Jesus elevated to God? Maybe for Christians, they think he is that, but truth be told the Quran douses that notion. So why do you say that we beleive it is true? We Muslims do not beleive that at all.

Every nation has a warner / messanger. Messangers were sent out from Mecca to far away lands to spread the word of Islam, that is correct.

Lastly, you say the Quran doesn't have a complete list of all Prophets. I say to you that it does. Those it mentionned as Prophets are the only ones. If there was anothe prophet, the Quran would have mentionned it. Entertaining your notion, with all due respect Shafique, is like saying "well the Quran didn't say that Jesus was married or not to Rabe3a so maybe there is truth to the Da Vinci Code", which would be blasphemous in Islam.
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May 17, 2006
I'm lost here.

Am i correct in saying that Shaf posted an "extract from the quoran" regarding prophets?.

If so, and it is clear to me then it does state that there are "other unknowns".

If Liban therefore disputes this, does that mean that the Quoran can be open to interpretation ??

Ohhh another point i'm lost on. I thought in previous discussions, Islam accepts Jesus as a prophet. From reading Libans post, is this correct or not?
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May 17, 2006
There are other unknowns. But like I said, I true messanger of God would not be one that sends a message making cows sacred, or condoning reincarnation or allowing cremation. Thats all I said. The Quran has one meaning and only politically driven agendas twist it and try to "interprete" a book that only has ONE interpretation, the truth.

Also, Islam does accept Jesus as a prophet. Not as a God. That is what my post said also.
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May 17, 2006
Liban, with all due respect, there is no such thing as the "truth" when it comes to holy books. Look at all the different sects of Islam and all the other major faiths in the world. When people read the religious texts they perceive the meaning in different ways. As well, the world we live in today is different than 1500 years ago - so people may interpret meaning within the context they live in, not when the Quran was written. I hope this makes sense as I have explained it. Look at what you and Shaf are discussing now - perhaps the Quran is not explicit enough to rule out the notion that Krishna may also have been a prophet. There is scripture supporting each of your claims, correct?
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May 17, 2006
Sorry Liban, I must not have explained myself well enough.

40.78 says that not all prophets are named - i.e that there were prophets that were sent, but not named in the Quran. (There are hadith that number the prophets sent at 120,000 - but we do not need to reference hadith on this point as I think the Quran is clear).

Secondly, accepting that Krishna is a prophet of God is not the same as accepting that the current practices/dogma of Hinduism are the teachings of Krishna himself. I completely agree with you that the current teachings could not have come from a Prophet of God.

I was making this point, in a roundabout way, when referring to Jesus. We agree Jesus was a true prophet of God DESPITE being an object of idol worship and a being elevated to a partner of God.. both of which we, as muslims, believe that Jesus did not teach (incidentally, both aren't teachings of Jesus according to the Bible).

We accept that a Prophet of God can have their teachings distorted to the point that people view them as a god, even though they didn't teach this.

My reasoning in this thread is that God has said that all people have been sent messengers/prophets. God says that not all are named in the Quran.

Therefore, a logical person may well ask, who was the prophet sent to the Indian continent? Is there any person in history that can fit this bill?

Is there a person that preached the unity of God, basically taught the 10 commandments?

The more I investigate these questions, the more Krishna fits the bill. Do not judge Krishna by current day Hinduism - any more than you should judge Jesus by current day Christianity.

I am surprised though that you believe that ALL prophets are named in the Quran.. 40.78 is clear to me. I make no distinction between a Messenger (Rasul) and a Prophet (Nabi).. perhaps that is where we differ?

"Prophets were raised and sent to the whole of mankind in different lands and at different times. One version of a hadith puts the number of prophets sent to mankind as 124,000 (Ibn Hanbal, Musnad, 5, 169); another puts the number at 224,000. Both of these versions, however, should be critically evaluated according to the science of Hadith. Besides, whether the number was 124 or 224 thousand is not important. What is essential is that no land, people or period was neglected; prophets were sent to all. "


You can see from the above quote that I am not alone in believing in a large number of un-named prophets (less than 30 are named in the Quran!).

Arnie - the Quran has many ambiguous verses that are open to interpretation. These are distinct from the clear verses that are unequivocal.. the great thing about the Quran is that it is readily accessible and there is only one version.

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May 17, 2006
I agree with you Shafique.

It was just hard for me to reconcile Hinduism with God's teachings through the Quran or Torah or the Bible (touched at it may be).

The Quran is but one version and is unchanged. As I see it, the Quran is clear cut. The hadith's of the Ashab al Nabi cleared the items that can be open to interpretation. At least thats my understanding :)

It is awesome how accessible the Quran is :)
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This is truly a very interesting topic. A quick question before I say what I want to:

What is Islam's view/history on resurrection? Have there been any prophets that have been resurrected?
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^Islam is pretty categoric - there is no ressurection. Allah says in the Quran that no one can/will return after dying.

According to Islam, no prophet (or person) has been resurrected. I do consider that accounts of people being prounounced dead and then being revived are just episodes where people have been revived and were not completely dead to begin with.

There are prophecies in previous scriptures about Prophets coming back to earth - such as the prophecy of the return of Elijah before the Messiah for the Jews arrives. Elijah in the Bible is described a prophet who lived in the wilderness and wore animal skins (IIRC) and who went up into heaven in a 'fiery chariot'. The Bible says he will return before the Messiah of the Jews is sent.

Christians and Muslims believe that Yahya (John the Baptist) fulfilled this prophecy - and yet he did not physcially descend from heaven in a chariot. The descriptions of Yahya - living in the desert and wearing animal skins - gives us a clue why the prophecy talks about a 'second coming' of Elijah, and gives us a clue how these types of prophecies are to be fulfilled.

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Well thanks for clearing that up to me Shaf, much obliged :)

What I wanted to say was that in religious history, many prophets have a similar (if not the same) story.
Refer to the following link for details.


I would love to know all your opinions on this video, so please watch it :) It's a 3-parter about the origins and commonalities in religions (excluding Islam)
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