the children starting their day going to school to be faced with a checkpoint:

the message board for Dubai English speaking community
MS wrote:I thought the lesson is that occupation is bad. Is it that difficult? Or do you need London to be occupied and tanks roaming freely in its streets and meeting your kids on their way to school to really understand it?
Chocoholic wrote:Actually Alexandra, quite a lot if they've been brainwashed into strapping a bomb to themselves and walking it upto the check point!
But you're right this doesn't make much sense, but I don't get the point Bsorc is trying to make.
MS wrote:It is mere arrogance not to apologize because the Roman's didn't.
The way you look at the conflict is skewed. You blame the boy and not the tank. This tank is not here to protect the boy. The tank is here to reinforce an illegal occupation. This illegal occupation is the source of the problem.
MS wrote:Regarding people, not a single generation is to blame. Politicians, however, need to apologize for the bad things that happened in the past. At least condemn them.
Dubai Knight wrote:However, are they listening to you or I?
Dubai Knight wrote:MS wrote:Regarding people, not a single generation is to blame. Politicians, however, need to apologize for the bad things that happened in the past. At least condemn them.
Correct. We do. Often and very loudly in this forum. However, are they listening to you or I?
kanelli wrote: because they have the money, power and influence.
alexandra wrote:how dangereous can a bunch of kids be, and how much harm they can do to an armed soldier?
arniegang wrote:Intimacy
Lets just put things in perspective with regard to the child in front the tank picture
1/, where is his parents?
2/ why is a child stood in the road in front of a tank?
3/ why is a child throwing a stone at the tank?
4/ what lesson and who did he learn the lesson from, to make him want to throw a stone at the tank?
5/ why isnt he at school?
6/ what is the point of throwing a stone at a tank?
7/ is it courage? or was it stupidity?
8/ Shouldnt children be encourgaged to do things that children do ,like play games or sports
The list is endless Yshimy.
I would put it to you, this was not the act of a child, it was the act of someone or sombody or a group that encourged young children to act in such a way.
Do you really think that is the right thing to do, whislt chidren are fed with adult propoganda. What hope has anyone or any nation got to make this world a better and more peaceful place to live in, if we involve innocent children.
Lionheart wrote:Chocoholic wrote:Actually Alexandra, quite a lot if they've been brainwashed into strapping a bomb to themselves and walking it upto the check point!
But you're right this doesn't make much sense, but I don't get the point Bsorc is trying to make.
Choco... And you have been brainwashed to believe the crap the Zoinist media tell you is the truth... so please if you are going to justify the action of maggot Zoinist, than be prepared to justify the actions of suicide bombers...
Lets just put things in perspective with regard to the child in front the tank picture
1/, where is his parents?
2/ why is a child stood in the road in front of a tank?
3/ why is a child throwing a stone at the tank?
4/ what lesson and who did he learn the lesson from, to make him want to throw a stone at the tank?
5/ why isnt he at school?
6/ what is the point of throwing a stone at a tank?
7/ is it courage? or was it stupidity?
8/ Shouldnt children be encourgaged to do things that children do ,like play games or sports
The list is endless Yshimy.
I would put it to you, this was not the act of a child, it was the act of someone or sombody or a group that encourged young children to act in such a way.
Do you really think that is the right thing to do, whislt chidren are fed with adult propoganda. What hope has anyone or any nation got to make this world a better and more peaceful place to live in, if we involve innocent children.
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