To All UAE Nationl Haters

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May 12, 2006
yo fire fingers
Come here to britain , you f***ing arrogant PR**k!!!!!!
You arse banger!!!!!!!!
Made a bit of money,Off the back of others, Who CHARGE you !!!
what if you jump a queue of indians , and one slaps you, what would you do?????
They don't have a mcd's ??!!! Have you ever travelled anywhere you illiterate bedouin!!!!!!!!!
Do you take it up your bottom like many of your fellow countrymen??

Ah welcome back Mr & Mrs Inquirer - again NOT

:lol: :lol:

note already sent to admin, you may as well re-register another name you fukwit.

another post like that and i will delete them without warning !!!!!

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May 12, 2006
firefingers wrote:thanks every one for replying, thanks alexandra.
and I'm sorry about my post I guess I just couldn't conrole my self.
I hope we'll discuess more useful topics in the future .

no need for thanks, firefingers! and it's like guru arnie saied: the most important is the way we talk not the topic! :)
and i have been in a situation that made me loose control after getting an insult, so i know how it feels like!
and for sure there will be more interesting topics debated! :wink:
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Re: im a brit May 12, 2006
money123 wrote:yo fire fingers
Come here to britain , you f***ing arrogant PR**k!!!!!!
You arse banger!!!!!!!!
Made a bit of money,Off the back of others, Who CHARGE you !!!
what if you jump a queue of indians , and one slaps you, what would you do?????
They don't have a mcd's ??!!! Have you ever travelled anywhere you illiterate bedouin!!!!!!!!!
Do you take it up your bottom like many of your fellow countrymen??

yo, this kind of gangsta' smart as$ attitude is the best u can do? than go and bang ur head in a wall money123, or better don't do it! and i didn't change my mind cause i care about ur empty head just it will be a pity to ruin a wall! :evil:
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May 12, 2006
no I am a well to do barrister not snoop dogg!!!!
Had to be said!!!!!
srry if i offended anyone!
One usually talks whats in the heart when he/she is angry as did fire finger!
Racist, as are a a lot of his kind!!!!
Not trying to generalise! But that sadly, is usually the case!!!!!!!!!! :D :) :( :o :shock: :? 8) :lol: :x :P :oops: :cry: :evil: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :!: :?: :idea: :arrow:
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May 12, 2006
You have received your first and final warning

end of ...........

( that was for you K :wink: )
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Re: To all UAE nationl haters May 13, 2006
firefingers wrote:This goes to the people who hates uae nationals :
I was browsing some of the masseges and some of them got m attentions talking dirty about UAE national and in different aspects ,jobs behavior ect…
The way I see it is that no one pushed your sorry as* parents to come work here! Right? They probably sold one family member just to collect the money to get a visa to this country .  sorry if I'm being to honest foreigners !
And whats with you people trying to act all cool, pleasssssssse we all know what counties you came from, we all know how you people lives back there, living in wooden houses working in farms or running away from you shi#y governments, we all know you even the ones with degrees worked selling milk bottles or in a laundry , my god ,and you still write these things, you guys are something.
Ask you parents if with out this county you will live this life style or go to these privet schools or even get the chance to live in such a country.
Trying to ac all civilized ? please , we taught your sorry as*es civilization LOOOL I saw your kind in mall dressing in cheap jeans and nokia in your hand (( it's a mobile phone for you foreigners who don't know it ), please get a life, go do something productive in your lives better than hanging out, walking among us smelling like shi*
And yes we'll cut in line where ever and when ever we want LIVE WITH IT , hellllooo wake up people with out us there will be no you daaaa

I'll tell you what, for those guys who posted it those massages give me the name of your county and we'll put it in public here how you use to live there and how much you or your family would earn and so on >>> well see if your country even opened a McDonald restaurant yet .I DARE YOU .

This county and it's people gave you the chance of your live to live.

Excuse my broken English, I'm not civilized like you.

Obviously your not civilized my dear. That was one ignorant post! I think Dubai is a great place to live in but sure anyone would, & should complain if things are unfair, unless how can you correct them and make it a better place to live in?
Thankfully, I have never come across a local -Arab with such attitude as yours or I’d hated whole of Arab civilization. Yes I am Indian & you can go on bull shitting about Indians or India after reading this post. I don’t give a damn cause all we expatriates earn the living & don’t survive on Locals charity or mercy. We live here, by paying the fee and we can afford to do so. Your such a shame on your countrymen.
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May 13, 2006

where ya been?

even HP has pm'd me asking where you were :?
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May 13, 2006

where ya been?

even HP has pm'd me asking where you were :?

wow, i m eastern "JEWEL into 30 (times!)" :D
I got busy with assignments/presentation/& now finals - all last min work it is.. so hadnt been able to catch up.... Missed ya not-so-intellectual post on df hehe how was ur dubai trip?
& wht bout HP? I thot he left for good?!! I must say your one resposible dad :lol:
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May 13, 2006
Yer my trip was cool, met up with some of the gang, you will obviously find out who from someone in particular :wink:

HP - EJ you know he goes and always comes back, i think he's just a lurker at the moment.

Anyways glad to see you back and p.s. dont like yer avatar, bring back the old one

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May 13, 2006
Nice to hear that Arnie :)
& well erm.......ya ur assumptions are right, I do know who but where do you get your idea's from?? & you know what exactly I m talking bout lol :lol:
If you talk to HP, say i dun miss him :lol:
& urgh! I thot my avtar was adooorable!? okay leme undergo an avatar search & get back to u on this ;)
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May 13, 2006
I know that you know that i know but i knew you would know

:wink: :wink:
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May 13, 2006
Who knows what again? Eh?
Dubai forums GURU
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May 13, 2006
how would you know that I know and actually know the unknown :roll:
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May 13, 2006
come again??
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May 13, 2006
easternjewel wrote:how would you know that I know and actually know the unknown :roll:

:shock: :shock: :shock: :lol:
ok guys u got me a little dizzy with this unknown that u know, so how can i possibly know???? :(
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May 13, 2006
lol, u sound so cute zooter!
its like ur a lil infant lost in the crowd :D

never mind bout the "know know's" I do not know it myself :D
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May 13, 2006
:shock: I'm lost!! :shock:
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May 13, 2006
easternjewel wrote:lol, u sound so cute zooter!
its like ur a lil infant lost in the crowd :D

never mind bout the "know know's" I do not know it myself :D

Not been described as cute for a long time!!
But I definately feel lost in the crowd!! :(
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May 13, 2006
Hey, hey hey,

Looks like I've got a bit of catching up to do, been too busy this weekend.

FF, I get what you're saying, but the way you say it my friend isn't necessarily the right way to put it for people to sympathise.

Certainly the many UAE nationals and Arabs I do know are polite and very nice people. But as has been said previously there are some that really beat down on the the foreigners who live in this country. Sadly your comment about pushing into queues is one major gripe that some people have, just because you are a local does not give you the right to treat others badly. You also have to remember that there are lots of expats, who now consider the UAE their home and they contribute just as much and maybe more, to it than some (not all) locals. And don't forget that many people were brought up here, they've never lived anywhere else, you seem to forget that fact.

Also your comment about some nationalities virtually sellin a member of their family to come here might actually not be that far from the truth for some! Because you see for many of the low end workers here, to come and work in the UAE is better than being in their own country as there is no work. But sadly because of this fact some unscrupulous employers here take advantage of that fact, promise these people things to get them here them treat them as sub-human beings - fair? I think not.

You are right in saying that some (not all) foreigners have a bad attitude against locals, but maybe you should take a step back and see why this is. Have they been treated badly? Had a bad experience? If this is the case then sadly some people will tar and entire nationality with the same brush because of one experience. Others just have a bad attitude. But as has been said there are always bad apples in every nation and certainly yours is no exeption.

FF, in short maybe you have to look at the bigger picture in your own back yard and consider the reasons why these things happen, but certainly some of the things you've said in your post would give people enough reason to get their back up and view you in a bad light, so maybe start with yourself first.
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May 13, 2006
money123 wrote:no I am a well to do barrister not snoop dogg!!!!

Really! Could have fooled me!
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May 13, 2006
well written Choco, The truth is the UAE is what it is today because Expats and Nationals are working together.
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May 13, 2006
I totally agree Fayz. At the end of the day, working together to better the country is always better than bickering over who is better or worse for that matter. It really shouldn't matter where you live, or if you're local to that country or not. If you live somewhere and are actively contributing to it, then everyone deserves to be treated equally, local or not.
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May 13, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:I totally agree Fayz. At the end of the day, working together to better the country is always better than bickering over who is better or worse for that matter. It really shouldn't matter where you live, or if you're local to that country or not. If you live somewhere and are actively contributing to it, then everyone deserves to be treated equally, local or not.

I agree! :)
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May 13, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:I totally agree Fayz. At the end of the day, working together to better the country is always better than bickering over who is better or worse for that matter. It really shouldn't matter where you live, or if you're local to that country or not. If you live somewhere and are actively contributing to it, then everyone deserves to be treated equally, local or not.

I totally agree !
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May 13, 2006
Everyone is equal here...however some are more equal than others!

:shock: :shock: :shock:

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May 13, 2006
people I guess this matter went out of hand abet !

it's not an issue of locals and foreigners , it's an issue of being polite in public.. and not generalizing ? .

I have nothing against anyone, and why do some mention INDIANS
my a uncle is married to one, and my other one is married to an britsh oman o is no a muslim y the way , I have nothing but respect for all nations.

And for you gangster guy , yes I have traveled to other counties and I got my university degree from L.A California USA my friend .

Lets just close the subject and my thanks goes to all of you 

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May 13, 2006
FF, the thread went on because in your original post you made some quite provocative comments, which obviously were going to get people talking.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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May 13, 2006
firefingers wrote:people I guess this matter went out of hand abet !

it's not an issue of locals and foreigners , it's an issue of being polite in public.. and not generalizing ? .

I have nothing against anyone, and why do some mention INDIANS
my a uncle is married to one, and my other one is married to an britsh oman o is no a muslim y the way , I have nothing but respect for all nations.

And for you gangster guy , yes I have traveled to other counties and I got my university degree from L.A California USA my friend .

Lets just close the subject and my thanks goes to all of you 

firefingers dont let the gangster get to u, even if we r not in public it wont hurt him getting some nettiquete lessons! :wink:
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May 13, 2006
[quote="Dubai Knight"]Everyone is equal here...however some are more equal than others!

[quote] and Big Brother is watching!
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Re: im a brit May 13, 2006
money123 wrote:yo fire fingers
Come here to britain , you f***ing arrogant PR**k!!!!!!
You arse banger!!!!!!!!
Made a bit of money,Off the back of others, Who CHARGE you !!!
what if you jump a queue of indians , and one slaps you, what would you do?????
They don't have a mcd's ??!!! Have you ever travelled anywhere you illiterate bedouin!!!!!!!!!
Do you take it up your bottom like many of your fellow countrymen??

This is unnecessary and not needed right now.
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