Bad Day!

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bad day! May 11, 2006
9 am in the morning. parking my car in front of the college. nice black bmw parking right side of mine. rich college boy , busy talking on his mobile, opens his door like crazy and making a small scratch to my car. i mimediatelly went to him and i saied: hey, what's wrong with u? can't u look before opening the door, r u blind? he was like: cant u see that i am talking on my mobile now? ok, i waited untill he ended his cal and we started to get a fight. he annoyed me so much with his richie rich,daddy's boy attitude! in one moment he started to call me names and i could not control myself, i raised my voice and when he saied to be shut up u bitc# i will pay for the damage, i saw black in front of me and i snaped his face with all the strenght i had...i went so crazy. the guard inn the college entrance called the police and they gave us both a ticket, me for snaping his sh!t face and him for making a quarell. what annoyed me more is that now i have to paint my car on my money and the police officer defended on him...what da hell is going on with this world? for me it was wrong to snap his face , and he was not wrong to insult me!!!!!!!!! :evil:

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May 11, 2006
Good on you girl, i bet that shut his big mouth up. The pleasure of smacking a ignorant tosser in the gob should more than make up for a bit of car damage.
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May 11, 2006
Good for you,

I'm sure we can start a collection here to pay for the damage. Worth every penny!
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Re: bad day! May 11, 2006
alexandra wrote:9 am in the morning. parking my car in front of the college. nice black bmw parking right side of mine. rich college boy , busy talking on his mobile, opens his door like crazy and making a small scratch to my car. i mimediatelly went to him and i saied: hey, what's wrong with u? can't u look before opening the door, r u blind? he was like: cant u see that i am talking on my mobile now? ok, i waited untill he ended his cal and we started to get a fight. he annoyed me so much with his richie rich,daddy's boy attitude! in one moment he started to call me names and i could not control myself, i raised my voice and when he saied to be shut up u bitc# i will pay for the damage, i saw black in front of me and i snaped his face with all the strenght i had...i went so crazy. the guard inn the college entrance called the police and they gave us both a ticket, me for snaping his sh!t face and him for making a quarell. what annoyed me more is that now i have to paint my car on my money and the police officer defended on him...what da hell is going on with this world? for me it was wrong to snap his face , and he was not wrong to insult me!!!!!!!!! :evil:

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May 11, 2006
Verbal attiacks are to be answered with verbal attacks and not physical violence. While it was a shitty situation with that guy and he was being a loser with his attitude, you certainly have no right to slap him across his face...

Sorry but I had to play the devil's advocate here.
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May 11, 2006
i don't understand..

did you SNAP his face as in a quick clicking of the fingers accompanied by pursed lips and a "no you didn't!" verbal statement.. similar to what queen latifah would do..

or did you SLAP his sh!tface as in a toight 5 fingered backhand across the face.

ps. i wonder what the people saying "good job" would have said if the genders had been reversed.
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May 11, 2006
Well, i dunno why i feel that the guy didn't mean it & he was willing to appologise if you didn't ask him if he was blind at the beginning :D

Girls ;)
Mel Marie
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May 11, 2006
Sounds to me like the twat probably deserved a good slapping and it probably made you feel pretty good doing it, however the police here are somewhat intolerant of physical aggression (provoked or unprovoked) and it is not surprising they gave you a ticket.

Violence is the last resort of the unintelligent, so a verbal rebuke might have sufficed and the police would have been chewing on his arse, not yours.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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May 11, 2006
What happens when "they give you a tickect" is it just a fine or do you have to appear in court ??
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May 11, 2006
Its just a fine, normally Dhs.150. Goes against your registration number and you can pay it online, at the fine payment machines all around town, or at one of the several police pay stations. When you get your registration renewed each year, they make you pay all the fines anyway.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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May 11, 2006
So why would the cop have given her a motoring tickect for slappin him in the face DK?
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May 11, 2006
Sort of weird that!

Just checked with a mate of mine and apparently it classifies as a 'motoring offence' as the initial call out was to a traffic related incident. Some things here are a little upside down!

:shock: :shock: :shock:

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May 12, 2006
Dubai Knight wrote:Sort of weird that!

Just checked with a mate of mine and apparently it classifies as a 'motoring offence' as the initial call out was to a traffic related incident. Some things here are a little upside down!

:shock: :shock: :shock:


just to make everything clear: i do not live in dubai, and here in my city we have something i might translate as a comunity police! they had nothing to do with the car incident but with the fight in the street! the college guard saw the fight and he called them. after they showed up they asked what happened and they gave us, me and the fancy arogant a ticket but writing the same reason, disturbing the the order( bad translated, sorry). he has the right to take me to court in a civil cause, for agression, and i have the same right, but it take s a lot and it's a hell birocracy that will never end!
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May 12, 2006
Mel Marie wrote:Well, i dunno why i feel that the guy didn't mean it & he was willing to appologise if you didn't ask him if he was blind at the beginning :D

Girls ;)

i agree with u , maybe he did not mean to scratch my car, and if he would have had another attitude everything would have been ok, everybody can make a mistake! but the fact that he insulted me, that for sure he ment every word, he started and no way in hell i will accept anybody to call me a bitc#, no matter how much money he has, and no matter who;s kid he is .
and one more thig: that is not the kind of vocabulary u use when talking to a woman, for sure his mother forgot to teach him that!
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May 12, 2006
Liban wrote:Verbal attiacks are to be answered with verbal attacks and not physical violence. While it was a shitty situation with that guy and he was being a loser with his attitude, you certainly have no right to slap him across his face...

Sorry but I had to play the devil's advocate here.

i know Liban, u allways play that part so good :lol:
but also think on something: he had no right to insult me, for i did not insult him, i just asked him if he is blind, that was the insult if u can concider it so! put urself in my shoes for a second and tell me if u wouldn't have had any reaction to it!
p.s do u make a lot of money with this lawyer job? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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May 12, 2006
arniegang wrote:Good on you girl, i bet that shut his big mouth up. The pleasure of smacking a ignorant tosser in the gob should more than make up for a bit of car damage.

thanks, lol!
i must confess that i felt good, after all it's about my dignity, and hell for rich boy who thinks money can buy everything, guess he is not having enough to buy a Good manners book!
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May 12, 2006
Dear Alexandra,

Liban is right, & well... I can Imagine, anyone can loose temper in that sorta situation! so well its cool you slapped him :D & i hope it was good one!!
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May 12, 2006
what a great start of a realtionship between alexandra and that spoilt bmw owner. hateness and fighting is the first step to love... good luck
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May 12, 2006
just to make everything clear: i do not live in dubai,[/quote]

I thought all that had happened in Dubai! What happens in Romania, Rome, Rowanda, Reikevik, Raleigh, Rotterdam, etc. has no application to Dubai. I don't know what would happen in Dubain with the same situation.

In any event good for you (maybe you should have kicked his balls as well).
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May 12, 2006
alina_4u wrote:what a great start of a realtionship between alexandra and that spoilt bmw owner. hateness and fighting is the first step to love... good luck

no way ever in my life i will start a relationship with a spoilt baby-boy who has that kind of attitude, who obviousely can't show the basic manners and respect and for sure i could not respect him. loveee :evil: never ever!
p.s that was a good joke, alina! :lol:
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May 12, 2006
easternjewel wrote:Dear Alexandra,

Liban is right, & well... I can Imagine, anyone can loose temper in that sorta situation! so well its cool you slapped him :D & i hope it was good one!!

it really was a good one since i was so angry! but i found my colleagues (men) making jokes and laughing a lot, in the end it turned to be fun! and for sure richie rich wil think twice when he will wanna insult a woman in the future :lol: :twisted:
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To punch or not to punch May 12, 2006
It's really tough to take a side here. On the one hand, I realize there is very high chance I would have flown off the handle in a similar situation too. On the other hand, impartially speaking, you really had no right to punch a person who merely verbally insulted you. Moreover, there was indeed some chance that the guy would have apologized and offered a compensation had you not patronized him. Your sarcastic question, however, might have sounded more of an insult to a high-class person used to have people lick his boots than a punch would have been to a street-smart punk. The "richie rich" might have taken it just as bitterly as when you did when he called you names. After all, why do you think you had the right to punch him when he called you names and he had no right to toss some expletives when you patronized him?

Judging the situation from the legal point of view, the car scratch, which the guy inflicted, and the breach of peace, which you stirred up, are two separate cases. He was normally supposed to win the latter, while you could have won the former had you wanted.

Now discussing the case from the moral point of view, I have to mention I was raised and educated in a country where men are taught to treat ladies with every courtesy and chivalry. So, damn, I'd have probably punched the guy myself if I were there witnessing your fight! Although I doubt your punch caused him too much physical damage, I'm sure it was a hard blow to his ego, as I can barely think of a more embarrassing situation for a guy than being hit by a lady (unless she's obviously out of this world). :)

Speaking about your future relationship with the guy... Never say "never"! Although I don't remember having started a relationship with any girlfriend on terms of anger or hatred (I presume "teasing" and "mild pranks" don't count as offenses :)), I met all of my buddies except one in some very bizarre ways. I punched my first chum ever in kindergarten so hard that I sent him reeling backwards until he fell and couldn't stand up without help, giving him the largest bump on the forehead I have ever seen in my life. (Don't judge me hard; I had a reason!) Later on we started clicking so well, that he almost worshipped me. The other guy with whom I've done lots of crazy things in childhood used to be one of my worst enemies a long time ago. We used to have the most ruthless fist fights ever, and parted with our faces covered in bruises and blood. I used to disdain another one of my pals in high school because he seemed very envious (envy is the vice I hate the most!), only to start having the most phylosophical talks with him a couple years later. I met one guy in a summer camp and played some really bad pranks on him, again to end up sharing life plans with him later on. So, you can never know how things turn out to be! Life's so damn ironical!!! :D

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May 12, 2006
ShamanWhisper wrote:It's really tough to take a side here. On the one hand, I realize there is very high chance I would have flown off the handle in a similar situation too. On the other hand, impartially speaking, you really had no right to punch a person who merely verbally insulted you. Moreover, there was indeed some chance that the guy would have apologized and offered a compensation had you not patronized him. Your sarcastic question, however, might have sounded more of an insult to a high-class person used to have people lick his boots than a punch would have been to a street-smart punk. The "richie rich" might have taken it just as bitterly as when you did when he called you names. After all, why do you think you had the right to punch him when he called you names and he had no right to toss some expletives when you patronized him?

Judging the situation from the legal point of view, the car scratch, which the guy inflicted, and the breach of peace, which you stirred up, are two separate cases. He was normally supposed to win the latter, while you could have won the former had you wanted.

Now discussing the case from the moral point of view, I have to mention I was raised and educated in a country where men are taught to treat ladies with every courtesy and chivalry. So, damn, I'd have probably punched the guy myself if I were there witnessing your fight! Although I doubt your punch caused him too much physical damage, I'm sure it was a hard blow to his ego, as I can barely think of a more embarrassing situation for a guy than being hit by a lady (unless she's obviously out of this world). :)

Speaking about your future relationship with the guy... Never say "never"! Although I don't remember having started a relationship with any girlfriend on terms of anger or hatred (I presume "teasing" and "mild pranks" don't count as offenses :)), I met all of my buddies except one in some very bizarre ways. I punched my first chum ever in kindergarten so hard that I sent him reeling backwards until he fell and couldn't stand up without help, giving him the largest bump on the forehead I have ever seen in my life. (Don't judge me hard; I had a reason!) Later on we started clicking so well, that he almost worshipped me. The other guy with whom I've done lots of crazy things in childhood used to be one of my worst enemies a long time ago. We used to have the most ruthless fist fights ever, and parted with our faces covered in bruises and blood. I used to disdain another one of my pals in high school because he seemed very envious (envy is the vice I hate the most!), only to start having the most phylosophical talks with him a couple years later. I met one guy in a summer camp and played some really bad pranks on him, again to end up sharing life plans with him later on. So, you can never know how things turn out to be! Life's so damn ironical!!! :D begin with i did not call him richie rich in his face, i called him like that only in the post cause i was so pissed off. legally i did not have the right to slap his babyface, but i think morals were more powerfull reasons. as u were raised with good manners, i learned that i should not allow anyone to step on me, no matter who he is! i am well aware of the fact that dimplomacy is better way to solve things , but after an insult like that i was out of my mind( blame it on my latin blood, lol). and still i dont feel sorry for snaping him, not a punch like u saied, cause his insult was more than i could take, i know him from college, seen him arround and his attitude goes like: all women r prostitutes (hope his mother is not aware of the golden kid's opinion :twisted:), daddy who bought me the bmw, will bribe the profs so i will pass the xams..he is pissing me off and his bad luck was that he did it in a when i was not feeling good and i was having a lot on my mind.
but u r right, i should let one of my friends kick his smart $ as#.....i am still angry with that, i need to chill, i know!
p.s moldovaaaaa, ahhhh we r practically neighbours 8)
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May 12, 2006
Alexandra, you don`t realize it but your anger & aggression will work against of you in 99%. Some time ago I`d say what you`ve done was cool. But it`s not a way… Your reaction is not more than an inability to control an anger. Don`t make it your problem.
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May 12, 2006
alexandra wrote:p.s moldovaaaaa, ahhhh we r practically neighbours 8)

Yes, we do live in neighboring countries that share a language and have a significant part of history in common...

alexandra wrote:legally i did not have the right to slap his babyface, but i think morals were more powerfull reasons.

What you call "morals" here, I call "temper". LOL!

alexandra wrote:i am well aware of the fact that dimplomacy is better way to solve things , but after an insult like that i was out of my mind( blame it on my latin blood, lol).

It was apparently a matter of "legal justice vs. assertive self-esteem". You've made your choice!

alexandra wrote:but u r right, i should let one of my friends kick his smart $ as#....

I don't remember having suggested that! Actually I believe you've already got back at him with vengeance!

alexandra wrote:i need to chill, i know!

Great idea! :P

alexandra wrote:i know him from college, seen him arround and his attitude goes like: all women r prostitutes (hope his mother is not aware of the golden kid's opinion :twisted:), daddy who bought me the bmw, will bribe the profs so i will pass the xams..he is pissing me off and his bad luck was that he did it in a when i was not feeling good and i was having a lot on my mind.

One more question... Setting all your anger aside, do you find the guy handsome? :P

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May 12, 2006
Douce`Amere wrote:Alexandra, you don`t realize it but your anger & aggression will work against of you in 99%. Some time ago I`d say what you`ve done was cool. But it`s not a way… Your reaction is not more than an inability to control an anger. Don`t make it your problem.

i do realise it Amere and it's not like i go arround snaping people and giving punches! it was a moment that i could not control it because i was allready nervouse about something else but also i can't see that he was a victim in all this. guess this is the 1% of the cases that u mentioned! thanks for the advice although! :)
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May 12, 2006
ShamanWhisper wrote:
alexandra wrote:p.s moldovaaaaa, ahhhh we r practically neighbours 8)

Yes, we do live in neighboring countries that share a language and have a significant part of history in common...

alexandra wrote:legally i did not have the right to slap his babyface, but i think morals were more powerfull reasons.

What you call "morals" here, I call "temper". LOL!

alexandra wrote:i am well aware of the fact that dimplomacy is better way to solve things , but after an insult like that i was out of my mind( blame it on my latin blood, lol).

It was apparently a matter of "legal justice vs. assertive self-esteem". You've made your choice!

alexandra wrote:but u r right, i should let one of my friends kick his smart $ as#....

I don't remember having suggested that! Actually I believe you've already got back at him with vengeance!

alexandra wrote:i need to chill, i know!

Great idea! :P

alexandra wrote:i know him from college, seen him arround and his attitude goes like: all women r prostitutes (hope his mother is not aware of the golden kid's opinion :twisted:), daddy who bought me the bmw, will bribe the profs so i will pass the xams..he is pissing me off and his bad luck was that he did it in a when i was not feeling good and i was having a lot on my mind.

One more question... Setting all your anger aside, do you find the guy handsome? :P

i dont find him handsome, blond hair and shiny white face not my type, and it's not about his look, it's about his atitude that makes him impossible to stand. i am head over heels with the man i have in my life right now, he is all i care about and for sure he can give the richie smart as$ some manners lessons.
about my temper it's like i saied before in my post reply to u: blame it on my latin blood! when it comes to defend myself i am not easy to be k.o.
u saied also something about make him pay: if i wanted to get against him in a personal vendetta he will be now a dead fried chicken, but i dont wanna use my energy and my time in a useless thing like him! :twisted:
p.s what city r u located in moldova?
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May 12, 2006
alexandra wrote:guess this is the 1% of the cases that u mentioned! thanks for the advice although! :)

There is also persentage about how wrong we are when we think we are right. lol
I gave you an advise cuz I faced the problem an uncontroled anger in 1 period of my life. It comes together with the point of own rightness.
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May 12, 2006
Douce`Amere wrote:
alexandra wrote:guess this is the 1% of the cases that u mentioned! thanks for the advice although! :)

There is also persentage about how wrong we are when we think we are right. lol
I gave you an advise cuz I faced the problem an uncontroled anger in 1 period of my life. It comes together with the point of own rightness.

as i saied i do appreciate the advice and i will try to follow it because i think it will be good for me in the first place, as for daddy's boy whom i snaped i dont feel sorry for it, just i regret that i didn't give him a proper lesson in a legal and moral way!
so if u wanna make ur advice complete pls tel me how u managed ur anger when u were in a similar situation( i forgot to mention that these days i am havind a hard time not to smoke, and like any addiction when u try to quit it it's so hard and making u so iritated, if i had one smoke in that moment of anger i would have manage it differentely...but bad luck for him----damn cigaretes) :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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May 12, 2006
alexandra wrote:p.s what city r u located in moldova?

alexandra wrote:i dont find him handsome, blond hair and shiny white face...

This sounds like Barbie's cover boyfriend stereotype...

alexandra wrote:i dont find him handsome, blond hair and shiny white face not my type

Not my type either. LOL!!!

alexandra wrote:for sure he can give the richie smart as$ some manners lessons.
about my temper it's like i saied before in my post reply to u: blame it on my latin blood! when it comes to defend myself i am not easy to be k.o.
u saied also something about make him pay: if i wanted to get against him in a personal vendetta he will be now a dead fried chicken, but i dont wanna use my energy and my time in a useless thing like him!

I guess I had better drag my butt out of this thread before I get a chance to step out of line and become a "dead fried chicken" too. :lol:

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