Quite a nice place to work if you ask me.

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Andyba wrote:This is the Dubai Media City stage 1. It's not allowed to take photos in DMC so I took this one from inside the car. There is a beautiful lake near those buildings, with fountains and nice wooden bridge crossing it in the middle. It's not visible on the photo.
Quite a nice place to work if you ask me.Especially if you have a car or live somewhere close, like Jebel Ali The Gardens or The Greens.
LookingLondonTalkingTokyo wrote:Andyba wrote:This is the Dubai Media City stage 1. It's not allowed to take photos in DMC so I took this one from inside the car. There is a beautiful lake near those buildings, with fountains and nice wooden bridge crossing it in the middle. It's not visible on the photo.
Quite a nice place to work if you ask me.Especially if you have a car or live somewhere close, like Jebel Ali The Gardens or The Greens.
Its amazing to know that in 2004 you were not allowed to take photos in DMC..I've been working here the past year and a half, and well, never experienced such restrictions..I love this place, INCLUDING the uncensored internet access we get, which is not from Etis@lat!
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