Would This Go Against Me Getting A Job?....

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would this go against me getting a job?.... May 09, 2006
i was wondering if anyone could help me out with this. i am hoping to obtain a graphic design position in dubai or qatar and have a website which is my on-line design and illustration folios. my website is www.tickledpig.com and i am concerned that the reference and image of a pig will go against me for any positions i apply for
thanks and hope you can give me so feedback on this

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Re: would this go against me getting a job?.... May 09, 2006
kazzan wrote:hi
i was wondering if anyone could help me out with this. i am hoping to obtain a graphic design position in dubai or qatar and have a website which is my on-line design and illustration folios. my website is www.tickledpig.com and i am concerned that the reference and image of a pig will go against me for any positions i apply for
thanks and hope you can give me so feedback on this

Probably, especially if you're dealing with Arabs and/or Muslims. Most people who are not native English speakers may not get the pun anyway.

Dubai is not Saudi but for a quirky example of things to do with bacon producers, apparently a shipment of paint was denied entry to Saudi a few years ago because somewhere on the box or manifest the word 'pigment' was written.
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May 09, 2006
But Sharewadi, he's not dealing with Saudi.

I'd have to say for someone to hold that against you, they'd have to be pretty small minded.

Plus very few of the big agencies here are run by locals, and employ people from all over the world. They should judge you on your work and merit, not a website icon.

They show movies and TV shows with pigs in, so things are different here.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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May 09, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:But Sharewadi, he's not dealing with Saudi.

I'd have to say for someone to hold that against you, they'd have to be pretty small minded.

Plus very few of the big agencies here are run by locals, and employ people from all over the world. They should judge you on your work and merit, not a website icon.

They show movies and TV shows with pigs in, so things are different here.

I do agree with you...
sharewadi wrote:Dubai is not Saudi but

... but what should happen and what does happen are two different things. I'd prefer to start off with a different domain name rather than spend a week at Etisalat trying to get it unblocked because someone got offended and managed to get it blocked. The Gulf News is full of letters from people who get wound up at the most inane things. Look at the recent ones complaining about the Tabloid section for example.
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May 09, 2006
Fair point.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: would this go against me getting a job?.... May 09, 2006
kazzan wrote:hi
i was wondering if anyone could help me out with this. i am hoping to obtain a graphic design position in dubai or qatar and have a website which is my on-line design and illustration folios. my website is www.tickledpig.com and i am concerned that the reference and image of a pig will go against me for any positions i apply for
thanks and hope you can give me so feedback on this

In Muslim culture it would be found as lacking taste... Offensive maybe...
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May 09, 2006
why dont you run the swf on the folio page as an object on another web site. Register a new domain name and insert the object on a clean web page that has no reference to your "pig".

I'm not an Arab or a Muslim, nor do I want to be and pride myself on coming from a western society filled with plutocratic members of parliament. The thieving mongrels! Shame some backward walking fscktard might be upset at the mention of the word pig on a web page or domain name. What's next? Female circumcision? I may have to talk to extremeist George in Washington...

Remember - "2005 Karen Nettelfield ...stealing gives you bad karma"
I Agree to these terms
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May 10, 2006
Is that you Mr. and Mrs. Inquiry? :roll:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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May 10, 2006
Well spotted K

:wink: :wink:
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May 10, 2006
kazzan, how about changing the domain and modifying your graphic to a possum or porcupine or something like that. (If you want to keep the "p".)
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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May 10, 2006
I Agree to these terms wrote:I'm not an Arab or a Muslim, nor do I want to be and pride myself on coming from a western society filled with plutocratic members of parliament. The thieving mongrels! Shame some backward walking fscktard might be upset at the mention of the word pig on a web page or domain name. What's next? Female circumcision? I may have to talk to extremeist George in Washington...

Mr. and Mrs. Inquierer, you are back.... *sigh*....
Dubai Forums Zealot
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May 10, 2006
thanks everyone for your advice
seems best to be safe and create another website...
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May 12, 2006
I can't see it being an issue. The kind of people who will be viewing the site and recruiting you are 99% likely to be expats, and even if they are local muslims, they're likely to have open minds and be less shockable anyway if they are working in design/advertising/media.
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May 12, 2006
i thought that might be the scenario (99% expats) but i didn't think my website was 'shocking' :D
.....just a little on the pink side
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May 12, 2006
I saw it - I thought it was really cute - and your stuff looks great.
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May 14, 2006
secretdubai wrote:I can't see it being an issue. The kind of people who will be viewing the site and recruiting you are 99% likely to be expats, and even if they are local muslims, they're likely to have open minds and be less shockable anyway if they are working in design/advertising/media.

But one Muslim says...
Liban wrote:In Muslim culture it would be found as lacking taste... Offensive maybe...

Non-Muslims often don't realise how offensive something insignificant (to them) can be to Muslims.

I agree with your generalisation but that 1% who are not expat and/or so "open-minded" might include the one who makes a complaint that has consequences out of proportion to what might be expected.
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May 15, 2006
SD, I just remembered something. Wasn't your blog blocked last year for a week or two (glad it didn't stay like that BTW 8) )?
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